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Wednesday 18 March 2015

Hungary makes pitch for business in Cheshire East


The Hungarian ambassador and the country’s energy minister will be joined by former Chancellor Ken Clarke when they come to Cheshire East to make a pitch for more trade with Britain.

North West businesses are being invited to sign up for the Doing Business in Hungary event at Alderley Park on March 25, 2015.

It has been organised by the Enterprise Europe Network North West in cooperation with the Embassy of Hungary, the Hungarian Honorary Consul in Manchester, Cheshire East Council, Manchester Airport and Maltacourt, a Runcorn-based logistics company already trading successfully in Hungary.

The aim is to raise awareness about business opportunities in Hungary and central Europe, with the help of testimonials from British companies which have already been successful there.

The focus will be on energy, logistics, advanced engineering and healthcare and the organisers hope to foster more trade through matchmaking and with the help of the Hungarian embassy or British and Hungarian intermediaries.

The speakers and main guests will include: His Excellency Péter Szabadhegy, Hungary’s Ambassador to the UK; Dr Andrew Aradszki, Minister of State for Energy Affairs; Councillor Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council; Mr Bob Neill MP, vice-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Hungary Group; Mr Brendan Beech, Business Development Director at Maltacourt; and the Rt. Hon Ken Clarke MP, former Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Councillor Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “Businesses in the Borough are always looking for new markets and suppliers and so we are very pleased to support this event, which will enable them to find out more about the opportunities in Hungary and central Europe.”

This event, the first of its kind in Cheshire, is open to all companies with an interest in international trade with Hungary. It starts at 10.00am and runs until 12.30pm after which there will be exhibition stalls and a networking lunch. To register, businesses should email: or contact Cheshire East Council’s business relations team on or 0300 123 5001. There is no charge to attend.

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