Subject: Keep your home secure during the holiday season
This is a message sent via Neighbourhood Watch. This information has been sent on behalf of Cheshire Constabulary

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Message sent by
Lisa Cooper (Police, Police Staff, Cheshire)
We’re already more than halfway through the summer break and over the coming week’s thousands of families will be off on holiday
With this in mind Cheshire Police is keen to remind people about the importance of home security.
Inspector Angela Marinari said: “The summer holidays are often a popular time families to take their annual holiday, whether that’s driving down to the coast or flying off to an exotic islands.
“With so many things to organise in preparation for your holiday, it’s easy to forget about your home security whilst you’re away – however it can be a very expensive item to forget.
“That’s why we’re keen to remind everyone of the steps they can take to help improve home security.”
There are a number of simple steps that everyone can take to make sure your home is secure whilst you’re away. These include:
Home Security:
Make sure you close and lock all of your windows and doors before you go leave the house.
Consider using a timer to set your lights and radio to come on while you’re away.
Don’t leave valuables including purses, handbags and car keys on display or near external doors
Consider security marking valuable items with your house number and postcode with a UV pen, or mark it using property marking kits which consist of a traceable liquid.
Ensure that garages and sheds are locked with strong padlocks and, ideally, fitted with an alarm
Consider installing outside lights - dusk till dawn lights with a low wattage bulb will give a constant light when needed. They switch on as it gets dark and turn off when it gets lighter.
Vehicle Security:
If you’re leaving your car at home make sure it’s secure and ensure that your keys are kept out of sight away from any windows and doors.
If you’re using airport parking make sure you don’t leave any personal items or letters within your vehicle.
If you ever use ‘Meet and Greet’ services make sure you keep hold of your house keys whilst you’re away.
If you have a garage, use it. Always lock your car and your garage door. If you don’t have a garage, park on your drive or on a well-lit street.
Never leave anything on display in your vehicle - a bag on the back seat is enough to tempt a thief
Always remove your portable Sat Nav system including any support cradles and suctions pads that are fitted to the windscreen
Inspector Marinari added: “We can’t stress enough how important it is for people to be security conscious – especially during the summer months and whilst you’re on holiday.
“We are committed to tackling this type of crime but we need the continued support of members of the public.
“We would urge you to remain vigilant, report any suspicious activity in your area immediately and to address your own home security measures to make life even more difficult for opportunistic thieves.”
Anyone with any information is asked to call Cheshire Police on 101.