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Friday 26 August 2011



Cheshire East Councillor Brian Silvester has welcomed the resurfacing of the west bound lane of the A500 Shavington By Pass that runs through his Willaston and Rope Ward. ( See below) It is anticipated that the works will be carried out on:Thursday 8th Friday 9th September 2011 between 19.00 – 0.500 hours and Saturday 10th September 2011 between 06.00 – 20.00 hours.

He said, " I am very pleased that the Cheshire East Council is to resurface part of the A500. This is a very heavily used dual carriageway that leads to and from the motorway and some drive far too fast along it. Llke other roads in the area the by pass has suffered badly from some very severe weather in recent times. We have had two very cold winters and they have taken their toll on our local roads. The work will certainly make the road safer to use and the journey will be smoother."

Cllr. Brian Silvester
Willaston and Rope Ward Councillor

Tel/fax 01270 567757






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cheshire East Borough Council, in exercise of its powers under Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of all other enabling powers, issues this notice temporarily to prohibit traffic in the following length of road:- 


Between Meremore Roundabout and Cheerbrook Roundabout

The alternative route during the closure will be via; A531 Newcastle Road and C481 Newcastle Road and vice versa

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Vehicular access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and residents.

The closure is necessary to enable Cheshire East Highways to carry out carriageway resurfacing works

It is anticipated that the works will be carried out on:

Thursday 8th Friday 9th September 2011 between 19.00 – 0.500 hours

Saturday 10th September 2011 between 06.00 – 20.00 hours

This notice will become operative on Thursday 8th September 2011 for a period of 5 days or for such less time as is necessary to enable the works to be completed.

If you have any enquiries relating to the works please contact Mark Swindells at Cheshire East Highways on telephone number 0300 123 5020

Sporting heroes….. Cheshire East needs YOU !


Nominations are now open for the 2011 Cheshire East Sports Awards and organisers want to hear about the Borough’s unsung sporting heroes.

The event aims to recognise the time and dedication put in by athletes, volunteers, coaches, clubs and schools to develop sport in Cheshire East.

Last year’s event, the first ever combined awards in Cheshire East, was a big success with 83 nominations. The nine award winners were involved with sports including hockey, badminton, tennis and a form of Thai boxing called Chongi.

Categories for this year’s awards are:

  • Club of the Year;
  • Coach of the Year;
  • Disability Sports Achiever;
  • Inspire Play Award;
  • London 2012;
  • Special Recognition;
  • Volunteer of the Year;
  • Young Sports Achiever; and
  • Young Volunteer of the Year.

More information on the categories and nomination forms are all available online. Go to and click on the sports award link.  The deadline for applications is Friday, September 16.

The finalists will be asked to attend an event at Congleton Town Hall on Monday, October 17, where they will be presented with their award and certificates by Cheshire East Mayor, Councillor Roger West.

The event also recognises the efforts of the Cheshire East leisure and play development volunteers. Volunteers who have clocked up more than 50 hours of volunteering will receive a certificate.

Councillor Rod Menlove, Cabinet member with responsibility for environmental services, said: “Cheshire East can proudly boast a wide range of sporting activity and it is only right that the quality and commitment of our athletes, coaches, clubs and volunteers are recognised.

“If you know someone who is committed to sport then I would ask you to go to our website and fill in the simple form to nominate them.”

Cheshire East’s recycling rate on course to rise again


A call is going out to all residents in the former Macclesfield Borough to help further boost Cheshire East Council’s prolific recycling rate when their new silver bins are delivered next month.

Since the Council introduced its Think Silver, Think Recycling scheme in the south of Cheshire East in May, the area’s ‘dry recycling’ rate has increased by an impressive 400 tonnes a month.

If this is repeated in the north, Cheshire East’s 50 per cent total recycling rate will increase by five per cent by 2012.

Dry recyclables are the materials which are currently being put into separate bags and boxes, including paper, glass and plastics, which will soon be placed in the new silver bin.

These bins, one for each household, will be delivered to homes in Macclesfield, Knutsford, Wilmslow, Poynton, Alderley Edge and surrounding areas from September 12 and the scheme begins on October 3.

Councillor Rod Menlove, Cabinet member with responsibility for environmental services, said: “We achieved a prolific recycling rate of just short of 50 per cent in 2009/2010 – the highest in the North West and way ahead of the 40 per cent national average. But we don’t simply want to stop there.

“It is very important that we build on this success and continue to be socially responsible and recycle. Our residents in the south have taken to the new scheme very positively and I must applaud them for helping us generate such a big increase in dry recycling.

“Now, if people in the north can repeat that feat, we could stop around 8,000 tonnes of waste going to landfill in the first year of this scheme and continue to set a shining example to all other local authorities.”

The scheme means no more juggling around with bags and boxes – recycling is all sorted in one. All dry recyclable materials will go into one bin, with only one collection day to remember and residents will be able to recycle mixed plastics, cartons and foil for the first time.

Recycling and garden bins will be emptied one week and the other, non-recyclable waste on the alternate week.

Further details will be delivered by post to residents all over the northern area of Cheshire East over the coming weeks.

A string of roadshow events, giving people the opportunity to raise any issues, ask questions or seek advice, are being held at the end of September and in October. Dates and times are yet to be confirmed.

Crewe governance review begins


The people of Crewe will be given a say on their town’s future governance arrangements next month.

Two public meetings are to be staged on September 15 and 16 as the review enters its first stage of consultation.

Views are being sought on the public’s preferred options, which could result in the establishment of one or more town/parish councils; area committees; neighbourhood management; residents associations or community forums.

It is the second time Cheshire East Council has canvassed residents’ views after the idea of a town council was rejected following a ballot of the people of the town in January last year.

Councillor David Marren, Chairman of the sub-committee, which is conducting the review, said: “It is very important that the residents of Crewe come forward and give us their feedback, as this will ensure that the decision we take reflects their wishes.

“These first two consultation events will provide the perfect opportunity for interested parties to make their views known.

“Cheshire East Council is committed to giving its people more choice and control over services and resources.”

The sub-committee is tasked with looking at the best way to secure the views of local people. The review will seek to ensure that future arrangements for Crewe reflect the interests and identities of the community.

The meetings will take the form of a public forum, followed by an opportunity to ask questions. They take place on Thursday, September 15, from 7-9pm in the Long Gallery at the Victoria Centre and Friday, September 16, between 2-4pm in Crewe Library.

The Crewe review is expected to be completed within 12 months. The Council also agreed to review governance arrangements in Macclesfield once the review for Crewe is complete.

Record-breaking GCSE pupils celebrate success

Pupils in Cheshire East have once again broken their own records with an impressive set of GCSE results.

Provisional figures show that a record 65 per cent of pupils achieved five or more A*- C grades, including English and maths, which is a two per cent improvement on last year.

The proportion of pupils gaining five A*- C grades in any subject is also up, from 80 per cent last year, to 83 per cent this year.

Councillor Rhoda Bailey, Cabinet support member with responsibility for children and family services, said: “Once again, our pupils have excelled and I congratulate them on some impressive results.

“The figure that is most important is the five A*- C grades, including English and maths, and to have built upon the significant improvements seen last year is excellent news.

“I am sure that many of our young people were very nervous as they made their way into schools this morning but I do hope they are all pleased with their results.

“GCSE results, combined with the excellent results seen from early years, primary schools, through to A-levels, mean that this has been a very successful summer for Cheshire East learners.

“I want to thank the school staff and teachers who worked very hard to support our pupils and also the young people themselves, who are maintaining a high success rate in Cheshire East.”

Monday 22 August 2011

Councillor celebrates 35 years of service with fundraising event

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An evening of entertainment organised by Cllr Brian Silvester at Willaston Social Club to celebrate his 35 years of service as a Councillor raised more than £1,500 for local good causes in memory of former Parish Council Chairman Mike Heywood. The first donation from the fund has been made to Willaston Scouts. A cheque for £575 was presented at the Willaston Fete on the village playing fields.

Cllr Silvester said," Willaston Scouts do excellent work with local young people and I salute the local volunteers who give so freely of their time to enable the scouts to operate. I am very pleased that I have been able to help in this way. The money is to be used to provide a drying area at the Scout Hut in Park Road, Willaston. I would like to thank all those who supported the fundraising at the celebration evening."

Cllr Silvester went on to say, "Thirty five years service is a remarkable milestone in my life. There have been numerous highlights and successes and I will always treasure those. I greatly enjoy serving as a councillor. I would like to thank all those residents who have voted for me to be their Councillor over the last 35 years. It is an honour to serve them. I now look forward to the next 35 years!!!"

Friday 19 August 2011

Cheshire East is picture perfect


Budding amateur snappers are proving that Cheshire East really is pretty as a picture.

Local people have been putting their photographic talents firmly into focus in a newly-launched competition that aims to highlight the very best parts of Cheshire East.

The winning images will be used to promote tourism and illustrate the Council’s vision for the future shape and development of communities for the next 20 years.

We want to inspire more people to take part – so here (see photos) are just some of the scores of striking images submitted so far.

Snap-happy entrants can submit up to two photographs across six inspirational categories, which include:

●          Art and architecture;

●          People and places (please don’t include faces if you don’t have permission);

●          Hidden gems;

●          A taste of (restaurants, bars, cafes, culture);

●          My Cheshire East;

●          Walkabout.

The deadline for entries is September 30 and the winner will be announced in October.

There are two age categories – under 18s and 18 and over (entrants under 12 must have the permission of parents). Prizes include a spa day for two adults, photography equipment and vouchers to local attractions.

Judges will be looking for composition, originality, visual beauty, creativity and relevance. Photographs must have a minimum file size of 500KB and a maximum of 3MB.

Councillor David Brown, Cabinet member with responsibility for performance and capacity, said: “The quality of the entries is fantastic and a real credit to local talent and the stunning beauty of Cheshire East. But we want even more of you to get involved and contribute entries.

“We want to see what you like about your town, village or local area and if you think you’ve got that picture perfect shot – then send it in to us.

“The winning entries will also beautifully illustrate one of the most important documents that the Council produces, called The Local Development Framework, which I would urge people to help shape via the current public consultation.”

This document will set out the plan for the borough over the next 20 years with the LDF Place Shaping consultation running until September 30. 

The Council is encouraging people of all ages – young and old – to share their views on the issues facing their town or village via a short online questionnaire. You can complete the questionnaire online at

You can also email the team at:

The winning photos will also play a very important part in helping the Council attract visitors to the area by appearing on the website,

Photographs can be submitted electronically by uploading them to the Cheshire East Flickr account,

The entries must include the photographer’s name, age category and contact details as well as a short description of the photograph and the location.

For more information about the photography competition visit:  or email: or ring Cheshire East visitor economy officer Nancy Hopkins on: 01625 378063.

Cheshire East joins the fun of Bearmania

Bear 1

The bears are out in force in Congleton and now the Council’s own Explorer Bear is getting ready to tour Cheshire East.

Congleton’s Bearmania Festival (May-September 2011) is well under way and Cheshire East has purchased its own bear, which is encouraging people to get out and about to take in the sights and sounds of the region.

The Council’s communications team worked with Congleton artist Allie Pottinger to create the bear and it now has pride of place in Crewe swimming baths before touring the rest of the Borough.

It will also form part of the Bearmania trail, which begins at Congleton Town Hall, then leads through nearby villages and finally ends at the town’s Mossley C of E Primary School.

Councillor David Brown, Cabinet member with responsibility for performance and capacity, said: “We are keen to support the Bearmania Festival and encourage residents to get out and about and explore what Cheshire East has to offer.”

Meanwhile, local schoolchildren have been encouraged to use the fibre-glass model bears as a blank canvas to try out their creative skills – with impressive results.

The campaign, which runs until September, was made possible after businesses, Cheshire East Council, schools and other organisations agreed to individually sponsor the bears in a bid to create a similar success to the rhinos in Chester and the cows in Manchester.

The town’s link with bears is buried in myth around 400 years ago, when residents were said to have sold their own bible to buy a bear – a story vigorously denied by locals.

On helping to design the Cheshire East bear, Allie Pottinger said: “I thoroughly enjoyed painting Explorer Bear and being able to highlight some of my favourite places to visit in this part of Cheshire.

“We are so lucky to live in an area with a wealth of hills to climb, winding canals and river walks, interesting historic towns and great halls, parks and the ever-fascinating Jodrell Bank telescope.

“We regularly take our children up Shutlingsloe, near Macclesfield – the ‘Matterhorn’ of Cheshire – and hope Explorer Bear encourages you to experience parts of this fantastic county you’ve not visited before.”

Explorer bear will visit the following locations on the dates specified:

Crewe swimming pool, Flag Lane (August 15-22); Nantwich Library, Beam Street (August 22-29); Middlewich Leisure Centre, St Ann’s Walk (August 29-September 5); Alsager Library, Sandbach Road North (September 5-12); Congleton Leisure Centre, Worrall Street (September 12-19); Macclesfield Library, Jordangate (September 19-26); Poynton Leisure Centre, Yew Tree Lane (September 26-October 3); Wilmslow Library, South Drive (October 3-10); Knutsford Leisure Centre, Westfield Drive (October 10-17).

From October 17, he will remain at Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach.

For more information, visit or

Free training to boost businesses who want to join forces to win deals


Cheshire East Council is to hold free workshops to help business people learn how to join forces to win public sector contracts.

The Council-organised procurement training events are targeted at local businesses, charities and social enterprises. The aim is to show them how to collaborate with other organisations – to increase scale and expertise – to form ‘consortia’ to tender for local and central government work.  

An introductory workshop on tendering for public sector contracts, held earlier this year, was hailed a success and oversubscribed – which encouraged Cheshire East Council to arrange further workshops.

The latest free workshops, entitled Setting up a Consortium, are being conducted by award-winning Melanie Bryan, from WhyNotChange ( – an organisation which helps businesses tender for public sector contracts.

Melanie recently won the best social enterprise partnership award in the Prime Minister’s Big Society Awards 2011.

Areas the ‘consortium’ workshops will cover include:

● How to go about selecting your consortia partners;

● How to work together before bidding for a contract; and

● Understanding the different types of consortia which can be created.

Cheshire East Councillor Jamie Macrae, Cabinet member with responsibility for prosperity, said: “Tendering for a public sector contract can be a daunting prospect and sometimes it makes more sense to team up with other organisations to develop a bid.

“We want traders and charities to know that we are always interested in receiving tenders from local businesses and organisations.

“These workshops can significantly help to simplify and demystify the process. We want to encourage even more local businesses to get involved in working with Cheshire East Council and other public sector bodies.”

Councillor Peter Mason, Cabinet member with responsibility for procurement and shared services, added: “It really is crucially important that we do all we can to ensure the procurement process is competitive and accessible.

“We put a lot of emphasis on supporting local firms and businesses and ensuring as many services as possible are provided locally. We are committed to working with others to deliver quality services and value for money for the people of Cheshire East.”

The Setting up Consortium workshops will be held on Wednesday, August 31 and Monday, September 5, between 7.30am and 11am each day, at Riverside, Mountbatten Way, in Congleton.

To book a place, contact Jacqueline Wilson, business engagement co-ordinator at Cheshire East Council, on 01270 685911 or email:

Councils welcome £3.24m superfast broadband boost


Three councils have welcomed a £3.24m boost to help deliver superfast broadband across Cheshire and Warrington.

Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Chester and Warrington Borough councils’ share of the £362m pot to improve internet connections in rural parts of England and Scotland was announced on Tuesday by Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

However, the three councils’ Cheshire & Warrington Superfast Broadband Project needs to raise up to £40m through additional public sector funding and investment to make the whole of Cheshire completely superfast broadband-enabled by 2015.

Councillor David Brown, Cabinet member with responsibility for performance and capacity at Cheshire East Council, said: “We very much welcome the announcement, although £3.24m is not as high as we had anticipated.

“The team will continue to pursue other sources of funding to complement this sum with the aim of achieving £40m in total.

“We urge the public to help us connect Cheshire and Warrington by registering their demand for superfast broadband on the Connecting Cheshire website.”

Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Executive Member for Prosperity, Councillor Herbert Manley, added: “This announcement is fantastic news, particularly for our rural communities who may currently be disadvantaged by a lack of broadband provision.

“Securing this funding is the first step towards the delivery of superfast broadband but we cannot rest on our laurels, we now need to secure further funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

“The Rural Agenda and Market Towns team at Cheshire West and Chester Council played a major role in the delivery of this priority project but we are now calling on communities to throw their support behind the campaign. To do this they should visit and register their interest.”

Councillor Hitesh Patel, executive board member for communications and personnel at Warrington Borough Council, said: “High-quality broadband is essential to thriving communities. Our aim is to ensure that all residents and businesses in the borough have access to a fast broadband connection and this funding will help us to achieve this goal.”

The benefits from the provision of superfast broadband across the region has been estimated to support the creation of 5,500 jobs in Cheshire and Warrington and add £197m in growth to the local economy year on year.

Improved digital connectivity is a catalyst for innovation and the creation of wealth, particularly in Cheshire and Warrington, where the digital and creative industries are strong.

Residents would benefit from superfast broadband by being able to access Council, banking and shopping services online, reducing the need for journeys and saving time and money.

A more efficient way of delivering services for the Council would also result in cost savings for the taxpayer. It would also increase the possibility of remote and flexible working for staff, resulting in further savings. 

To register support for superfast broadband in Cheshire and Warrington, visit or email

Media Invitation – Hairdressing recruitment day


Who? New Crewe hair salon Headquarters and Cheshire East Council’s economic development team.

What? Launch of Headquarters Training Academy and salon, Nantwich Road, Crewe. For budding stylists to come along and get advice on a potential career in hairdressing.

Why? To boost the economy and support opportunities for employment.

When? Monday, August 22, 2011, from 10am-4pm

Where? Market Square, Crewe.

Monday 15 August 2011


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The Willaston Fete on Sunday the 14th August 2011 was a great success with several hundred local people attending. 
The attractions included Road Train Rides, Cheshire Creative Children's Entertainment will Face Paint, Funky Hair Styles, Temporary Tattoos, Balloon Modelling and Party Bags. Ray & Chris Hulme provide Music and the PA, Mick the Chip provided food, Shelly the Ice Cream, Richard (Jack Frost) with his Bouncing Castle and St John's Methodist Chapel put on Tea, Coffee and Cakes. Chris Grimes played his guitar to entertain and the side stalls included Willaston History Group, the Community Opportunities Group and the Clean Team, also Cheshire East Recycling, British Legion, Guide Dogs, Cheshire Police, Children's Book Stall, Coconut Shy & Skittles and the 26th SWC Scouts staged a Camping Exhibition.

Also, there was a fine display of Racing and Sports Cars from Simon and Tom Chadwick (the local garage) together with Vintage and Classic Bikes and Cars. In the Arena there was a kids Fancy Dress, the best wagging dogs tail and a display from Willaston's own dance troop plus Crewe's Matrix Troup Dancers.

The procession started at 1.45pm from Moorfields Corner (The Village Green) with the New Rose Queen 2011, Ellie Mae Pointon travelling in a 1930's Ford Model AA with her five attendants, Bethan Goodwin, Olivia Lord, Gladys Llewellyn, Charlotte Caldwell and Ffion Owen. Going up Wistaston Road into Wybunbury Road and finally going onto the Letty Spencer Playing Fields they were met be met by last year's Rose Queen Emily Bennett and her attendants. Local Cheshire East Councillors Brian Silvester and Margaret Simon and Parish Councillor John Flackett opened the event and Mrs Judy Heywood crowned the new Rose Queen.

Cllr Brian Silvester said, "The village fete was revived last year by Mike Heywood and it was a great success. Everyone had a lovely time this year soaking up the village fete atmosphere and a lot of money was raised for local good causes.
I congratulate Parish Councillor John Flackett and his organising team on their great effort to put on such a popular and worthwhile event. I would also like to thank the Willaston Parish Council, Cheshire East Council and all the local groups involved, for the support they have given to make the Fete possible."

BBC Riots

  I was shocked to learn that the BBC will not give the Police unbroadcast footage of the riots unless the Police obtain a court order. Such footage of the riots could be used to identify the culprits responsible for the looting, burning and destruction and lead to their prosecution. If they have footage of looters taking  goods from  the shops they have wrecked or footage of the young thugs setting fire to or damaging shops, flats  and cars then surely they should hand it over immediately? Why should they expect the Police to use their valuable time to get a court order and pay the  cost of obtaining a court order? Also  how are the police to know what unbroadcast footage exists and therefore apply to the court for? Why do the BBC feel entitled to impose this cost and delay?

The BBC should decide if they are on the side of the law abiding British public, who pay the licence fee to maintain the BBC or is the BBC on the side of the  looters and those  who seem hell bent on destroying their own communities and local businesses.? Local authorities across the country freely hand over CCTV footage to the Police so criminals can be identified. The BBC should follow the lead of local Councils and not obstruct the identification of mindless thugs who loot, destroy and create havoc."

Yours faithfully,

Brian Silvester

Cllr Brian Silvester BA (Hons)

Willaston and Rope Ward

Cheshire East Council

Tel/fax 01270 567757

MP’s 92 Bulletin

Saturday 13, August 2011

Welcome ...

Welcome to this my 92nd electronic news bulletin.

The whole country has been shocked by the most appalling scenes of people looting, violence, vandalising and thieving. It is criminality pure and simple and there is absolutely no excuse for it. We will not put up with this in our country. We will not allow a culture of fear to exist on our streets. That's why anyone charged with violent disorder and other serious offences should expect to be remanded in custody and anyone convicted should expect to go to jail.

We, in Crewe and Nantwich where no rioting took place, can be proud of our Cheshire Police who went to the aid of other forces in Manchester and even London. In the House of Commons on Thursday I asked the Prime Minister to “take this opportunity to thank Cheshire police for their role in related arrests, and to reassure my law-abiding constituents that they will not pay the price for the wanton criminality of others?” to which he responded “Cheshire police gave help to Greater Manchester police and, I think, to other areas as well. I want to reassure his constituents and people throughout the country that this Government, this House, this Parliament are on the side of the law-abiding. What needs to happen is a process of taking back the streets on behalf of the law-abiding, and of demonstrating to the whole country that the guilty will be punished.”

To this end Magistrates’ courts have proved effective in ensuring swift justice. The Crown courts are now starting to deal with the most serious cases. We are keeping under constant review whether the courts have the sentencing powers they need and we'll act if necessary.

As a result of the robust and uncompromising measures we have taken, good progress is being made in restoring order to the streets of London and other cities across our country.
As we have made clear, nothing is off the table. Every contingency is being looked at. The police are already authorised to use baton rounds, and, while they would not be appropriate now, we do have in place contingency plans for water cannon to be available at 24 hours notice.

We have also asked the police if they need any other new powers. And we can announce today that we are going to give the police the discretion to remove face coverings under any circumstances where there is reasonable suspicion that they are related to criminal activity. When it comes to dealing with crowds, we are also looking at the use of existing dispersal powers and whether any wider power of curfew is necessary.
To the law abiding people who play by the rules, and who are the overwhelming majority in this country, we say the fightback has begun. We will protect you. If you've had your livelihood and property damaged, we will compensate you. We are on your side.

And to the lawless minority - the criminals who've taken what they can get. We will track you down, we will find you, we will charge you, and we will punish you. You will pay for what you have done.

We need to show the world, which has looked on appalled, that the perpetrators of the violence we have seen on our streets are not in any way representative of our country - nor of our young people.

We need to show them that we will address our broken society and restore a sense of stronger sense of morality and responsibility - in every town, in every street and in every estate.

Please remember, you can always contact me directly if you have any questions for me.

You can forward the bulletin on to your friends and family, who can sign up themselves by clicking here for my website.

Best wishes 

Edward Timpson
Member of Parliament for Crewe & Nantwich

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I have recently ...

  • Been recalled to Parliament to debate the recent riots where I asked the Prime Minsiter "Many Crewe and Nantwich residents have told me of how appalled they have been by the despicable scenes that have been played out on our streets, and by the

    potential cost to them as taxpayers. Will my right hon. Friend take this opportunity to thank Cheshire police for their role in related arrests, and to reassure my law-abiding constituents that they will not pay the price for the wanton criminality of others?"

To which the PM replied "My hon. Friend makes a good point. Cheshire police gave help to Greater Manchester police and, I think, to other areas as well. I want to reassure his constituents and people throughout the country that this Government, this House, this Parliament are on the side of the law-abiding. What needs to happen is a process of taking back the streets on behalf of the law-abiding, and of demonstrating to the whole country that the guilty will be punished."

  • Met with residents at Wright Court
  • Held a surgery in my constituency office in Crewe

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Photos & Video ...

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Edward presenting the much coveted Champion in Show prize to Blitz Fireworks, based in Crewe, at the Nantwich Show

You can view all my photos and video at

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To sign Edward's Welfare Petition click here

To Sign Edward's Immigration Petition click here

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Community News

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Greenspaces South Cheshire CIC

On Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th June, over 25 volunteers got stuck in to maintain and improve the Riverside in Nantwich. As with the Civic Society’s Big spring Clean in April, local volunteers were assisted by 15 staff from Barclays HQ at Knutsford and some local branches, like Middlewich and Nantwich. The first day saw the willow feature area pruned, weeded and re-woven, together with some vital balsam pulling – to prevent it’s spread after flowering.... Read the full story here

Do you have community news to share? Email me and it could be here too!

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Virgin London Marathon 2011

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Raising money for Parkinson's UK in Crewe & Nantwich

In April I completed my 9th marathon, raising money for Parkinson's UK Crewe Branch.  There's still time to sponsor me on my webpage and help support a great organisation!

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MP Edward Timpson Hosts Fostering Reception

Crewe & Nantwich Guardian
CREWE and Nantwich MP Edward Timpson has hosted a joint reception of the All Party Parliamentary Groups for Adoption and Fostering and Looked After Children and Care Leavers.

More than 120 guests attended the reception including representatives of adoption and care groups as well as workers from the sector and children who have either left care or been fostered.

Mr Timpson said: “It is not often that I get to bring two causes that I care so passionately about together in one room and to see and meet so many people that share my enthusiasm.

“The people who work in this area, and those who support them, really make a difference to many young people who start life in a position of need, their work is invaluable.”

Prizes and certificates were presented by MP Edward Timpson, Nantwich mayor Arthur Moran and club president Richard Morgan-Wynne.

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Edward Timpson MP Welcomes Business Rates Plan

Crewe & Nantwich Guardian
CREWE and Nantwich MP Edward Timpson has welcomed the Government’s plan to localise business rates.

Authorities will get to keep their own business rates under new local government financing proposals.

Local Government secretary Eric Pickles presented the findings of a six-month review into council finance that sought to repatriate rates, create a financial incentive for councils to promote local growth, reduce dependency upon central Government grants and maintain protections for business and vulnerable areas.

Ministers believe a new system is needed to end a long-standing problem where councils have no direct growth incentive, to build stronger relationships with business and to put councils in charge of their own financial circumstances.

National discounts and rate relief will also continue to be supported, meaning no change to such groups as charities, amateur sports clubs, voluntary groups, those in hardship, and eligible rural or small firms.

Mr Timpson said: “The current system of local government funding inherited from Labour is broken. It is confusing, arbitrary, complex and widely seen as unfair.

“Our plans to allow councils to retain their locally-raised business rates will free councils from dependence upon central Government grant and give them a strong financial incentive to drive local economic growth.

“No longer will local areas’ money be snatched away by Whitehall.

“This is localism in action and exactly what councils want.

“It will be much more straightforward.

“By letting councils keep the products of enterprise we will end their disparaging dependence on government handouts, finally start rewarding economic growth and support local firms and new jobs.”

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Energy Minister Invited To Bentley In Crewe

Crewe & Nantwich Guardian

CREWE and Nantwich MP Edward Timpson has invited energy minister Charles Hendry to visit Bentley Motors.

Speaking in the House of Commons last week, Mr Timpson said: “By 2012, Bentley Motors in Crewe will have made 100% of its range compatible with renewable fuels, reducing its CO2 emissions by at least 15%.

“Will my honorable friend visit the Bentley site to see how that and other investment is helping to reduce the impact on the environment, and to discuss what further support his department may be able to offer?”

Mr Hendry MP replied: “I was very pleased to have the chance earlier this week to talk about those issues with Bentley, which is of course a world-class engineering company based in my honorable friend’s constituency.

“I shall be in touch with his office later today to fix a visit in the coming weeks.”

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5 ways to contact Edward Timpson

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Friday 12 August 2011

No More Park Wardens



Note the Queens Park will be closed from the 15th to the 19th  while a new path is laid

Park Wardens are to be a thing of the past as you can read below a reply to Brian Silvester. What this means is there will be no one to stop the vandals wrecking the park, no one to pick up rubbish and if someone has an accident the ambulance cant get into the park as the gates are locked.

Let us have your comments at the bottom of this post  

From: WHEELTON, Mark
Sent: 03 August 2011 17:14
To: SILVESTER, Brian (Councillor)
Subject: queens park

Good Afternoon Councillor Sylvester,

Apologies for the slow response. As Phil has alluded to in his e-mail, with the reduction in the Council’s overall budget, changes to operations have been required of many services and this has meant that difficult decisions have had to be made. Along with grounds maintenance the  Greenspaces service has  also had to achieve significant savings  and unfortunately the loss of the park wardens along with a number of rangers through a staff restructure has been necessary . In  normal circumstances this is clearly not something we would have done. As part of the ongoing redevelopment within Queen’s Park we had planned to review the way that the park wardens worked,  we were considering making changes by converting the Wardens to Park Rangers and making their role far more positive and community focused. The objective being to help further stimulate the community activity in the park and thus displace the anti social, vandalism and misuse that are perpetrated by a minority of the local community. However as outlined above the need to make significant reductions to our expenditure prevents this at the present time.

As you know through the project work and support to the development of the Friends of Queen’s Park we are all committed to making this a success and our staff input is therefore still very significant. It is staffed at present with a Park Manager and four full time gardeners with an input from the Streetscape Area and Technical Teams to support the maintenance activities. The Park Manager has direct support from her team of 3 park management officers in the new structure and will receive support from the Council’s Countryside Ranger and Play teams to help with the delivery of activity programmes. The park buildings will be maintained by the Council’s Asset Management team. At the present time it is also our intention to retain the existing security company who I understand have been involved over a number of years in Queens Park including out of hours call outs, special events and other times as required.

The problems of misuse and abuse of the park are not new and have been continuous despite the presence of the Park Wardens. Cheshire East Council are committed to trying to resolve these issues  and are, despite the challenges, looking to find different approaches to do this. The Park Manager is engaged in forming a broad based partnership of organisations and the community that will join together with this as its core objective. It may take time to resolve what has become an entrenched problem but we believe that this is the only way forward. It has worked in other parks. To date we have met with the Police and other Partnership organisations twice and will continue to focus on this issue looking to make progress. In addition, with the appointment of operators of the café and the imminent reopening of the offices in the West Lodge there will be a regular presence in the park to further deter nuisance behaviour.

I understand that clearly there continues to be concern about this issue particularly given the current investment and positive work that is being done by the Friends of the Park but hopefully the above has explained that despite the budget challenges we fully intend to ensure that the benefit of this investment is realized for the local community of Crewe.



Place Shaping Consultation Market Events – Cheshire East Council


Cheshire East Council is holding the latest phase of public engagement on the Local Development Framework, called the ‘Place Shaping’ consultation.

Officers from the local authority’s spatial planning team are working closely with the people of Cheshire East to look at the issues and challenges facing town and village communities.

The latest phase will see officers taking consultation on to the streets of our town centres, where members of the public can talk to the Council about the future planning of their town or village.

The aim is to find out how people think the towns and villages should look in the future – including identifying sites for housing, employment development, shops and recreation facilities. This is your chance to have your say.

Cheshire East Council has been holding a host of consultation events over the summer that members of the public can get involved in. The latest market events have already been held this week in Congleton and Alsager. Further ones taking place this week and next week are at:

Sandbach Market, Thursday, August 11, The Commons, next to Market Hall, 10am- 


Crewe Market, Friday, August 12, Lyceum Square, 10am-2pm;

Macclesfield Market, Tuesday, August 16, Outside the Grosvenor Shopping Centre,


Nantwich Market, Thursday, August 18, outside Nantwich Market Hall, 10am-2pm;

Knutsford Market, Friday, August 19, 10am-2pm;

Middlewich Market, Tuesday, August 23, Southway Car Park, 10am-2pm.

These events are open to all members of the public.

There will also be a short questionnaire to ask for people’s views on the issues facing their town or village. Cheshire East would be really interested to hear people’s opinions, and is encouraging everyone to take the time to complete the questionnaire – even if you can’t attend the exhibitions. Complete the questionnaire online at

You can also email the team at:

Further exhibitions will be held, in September, in Poynton, Wilmslow, Knutsford, Macclesfield, Nantwich, Handforth, Crewe and Shavington.

Councillor David Brown, Cabinet member with responsibility for performance and capacity said: “This is an excellent opportunity for people to have a say on shaping the future of their local communities. We would encourage people of all ages – and especially younger people – and as many people as possible to make time to get involved in this process and fill in the questionnaire.

“This plan will determine our development over the next 20 years, so it is vitally important that we have as much public input as possible.”

Sunday 7 August 2011

Crime News

We have seen a dramatic drop in sneak in/distraction burglaries, but we still need reports of any suspicious activity that you may be seeing in your areas. Thank you for any information that you have already passed onto us.
On another note we have had numerous reports of members of the public having bogus phone calls off unknown people stating that there is a fault with their home computer. The conversation then goes on to try and get the person on the other end of the phone to try and turn their computer on etc. Please do not disclose any of your passwords etc as calls of this nature are not always genuine.
If you have any doubts about the company that may contact you then please contact the Trading Standards. I have also attached some information about trying to reduce the number of nuisance phone calls.
How to Stop Unwanted Telephone Calls
1.) Register with TPS
Under government regulation it is illegal for UK companies to call any individual who has indicated that they don't want the calls.  To do this you need to join the telephone preference service register.  It takes about 28 days after registering to start working.
Telephone: 0800 398 893
2.) Randomly Generated Calls
Unfortunately, this is unlikely to stop all phone calls.  Some calls can be the product of random number generators where companies call lots of numbers and hope to get through.  If you are experiencing issues with this the best advice is to record the telephone number of the company down and report them to the regulator - Phone Pay Plus to get the number blocked.
3.) Third Party Contacts
Our phone number can also get out into the wider world via whilst registering for websites, doing surveys, filling in competitions etc.  Most companies will have a standard - if you do/don't want your information to be shared with carefully selected third parties please tick/untick this box added to anywhere that you provide your personal details.  The majority ask that you tick if you want to have your details shared but some will have the opposite.  As such out of habit if you only take a cursory glance you can fall foul of this and actually be giving them permission to circulate your information.  It is important to carefully read these every time to ensure that you are keeping your details private.
If you are persistently receiving calls from a particular company it is perfectly acceptable to ask that they remove your contact details from their database. 
4.) Silent Phone Calls
Silent calls are usually generated by automatic calling equipment in call centres.  To reduce the number of silent calls received can register with the Silent Callguard Service, but you need to re-register with them every 12 months.
If calls continue you can complain via Ofcom taking the following steps:
1.) After the call use '1471' to see if a number is provided
2.) If the number is withheld note the time and date and contact your telephone providers 'nuisance call department'
3.) Complain to Ofcom.  Website:

Golden salute to local firm’s excellence


Cheshire East Council has saluted the excellence of a local firm.

Cheshire Autobody, on Fourth Avenue, Weston Road Industrial Estate, Crewe, has become the first bodyshop to become members of the Council’s Golden Spanner garage approval scheme.

Previously, only sales and servicing/repair outlets were eligible for membership.

Councillor Rachel Bailey, Cabinet member with responsibility for safer and stronger communities, praised Cheshire Autobody’s high standards and presented a certificate of membership to firm director Rob Wood.

Cllr Bailey said: “Membership of this scheme is not easy to achieve. Garages have to demonstrate to Trading Standards officers that they observe the highest standards of technical competence and customer service.

“They also have to maintain those standards and be regularly assessed by mystery shoppers. For customers, it means they have peace of mind when dealing with any garages – whether they are sales, repairs or bodyshops – displaying the Golden Spanner symbol.”

Garages can only become holders of a coveted Golden Spanner if they meet the requirements set by Cheshire East Trading Standards. Regular inspections and customer feedback ensure garages maintain the rigorous standards they achieved to become part of the scheme, including a complete compliance with the ‘spirit and letter of the law’.

Councillor Bailey added: “Cheshire East Council is keen to promote a fair deal for consumers and this scheme takes away any concern about dealing with member garages. Customers can be confident of quality workmanship and first-class customer care from the moment they ring up or walk through the door.

“Over the years the Golden Spanner scheme has proved effective in helping to raise standards of workmanship and customer care across the Borough. It is another example of the Council working with others to deliver improvements for the people of Cheshire East.”

Launched in 1998 by the former Cheshire County Council, the Golden Spanner scheme has been raising standards for more than a dozen years.

Current membership stands at 43 garage outlets with a number of other outlets currently being vetted for membership.

Friday 5 August 2011

Welcome to this MP’s 91st electronic news bulletin

Friday 29, July 2011

Welcome ...

Welcome to this my 91st electronic news bulletin.

Public service pensions are recognition of the dedication and hard work of millions of people throughout Britain. That's why the Coalition is determined to make sure they stay among the best available.

I know from speaking to local public sector workers and from letters I receive that they place a high value on their pensions and understandably so. Public service pensions are recognition of the dedication and hard work of millions of people throughout Britain. That's why the Coalition is determined to make sure they stay among the best available.

We are all living longer. That's great news, but it also means that the cost of public service pensions is rising and will keep going up. We now spend more on them than on police, prisons and transport combined. So we need a system that is fair to public sector workers and affordable to taxpayers, and we need something that will last. That's what we're offering. This will mean that public service workers may have to work longer and pay a bit more. This is the only fair way to make sure we get the right balance.

The Cabinet Office, Department for Education and the NHS yesterday published consultations on pension contribution increases for civil servants, teachers and NHS staff for the financial year 2012-13. We are determined to be fair - for example people will not lose the rights they have already built up (accrued rights) and lower paid workers will be protected. Protections for the lowest paid mean those earning less than £15,000 will pay no increase and those earning between £15,000 and £21,000 will have their increase capped to 0.6 per cent (before tax) in 2012-13. But we also have to be fair to all taxpayers, including those who don't have such good pension deals and who can't be expected to keep on working longer and paying more so that public servants don't have to. The proposed increases set out today will deliver over £1 billion of the £1.2 billion savings in 2012-13, as set out in the Spending Review.

We are determined to get this right - with great pensions that last for our nurses, teachers and civil servants. We hope their unions will agree that change is needed and we've got the right balance.

Please remember, you can always contact me directly if you have any questions for me.

You can forward the bulletin on to your friends and family, who can sign up themselves by clicking here for my website.

Best wishes 

Edward Timpson
Member of Parliament for Crewe & Nantwich

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I have recently ...

  • Held an On Your Street session in Crewe bringing my surgery to your doorstep
  • Opened the OCEAN Street Dance Family Fun Day where I also had my hand tattooed with henna by the Shapla Women's Group!
  • Spoke at the Lunch Stop Meeting at the Wells Green Methodist Church
  • Attended the judging of Nantwich in Bloom
  • Appeared on The Cat Radio to with Kevin 'The Legs' Walker where I got to play some of my current favourite tracks
  • Attended the Nantwich & South Cheshire Show and judged the Champion Trade Stand who this year I was delighted to award to Blitz Fireworks based in Crewe. With over 300 entries this was no mean feat. Congratulations to John, Alan and all at Blitz.
  • Visited the Shogun Karate Academy at the Oakley centre in Crewe

...This weekend I will be

  • Attending the High Sheriff of Cheshire's Charity Ball at Dorfold Park, Nantwich
  • Attending the wedding of one of my Crewe team (congratulations Lisa and Steve!)

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Photos & Video ...

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Edward hosting the Parliamenatary Reception for Adoption & Fostering and Looked After Children and Care Leavers with the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP

You can view all my photos and video at

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To sign Edward's Welfare Petition click here

To Sign Edward's Immigration Petition click here

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Community News

Main Content Inline Small

Greenspaces South Cheshire CIC

On Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th June, over 25 volunteers got stuck in to maintain and improve the Riverside in Nantwich. As with the Civic Society’s Big spring Clean in April, local volunteers were assisted by 15 staff from Barclays HQ at Knutsford and some local branches, like Middlewich and Nantwich. The first day saw the willow feature area pruned, weeded and re-woven, together with some vital balsam pulling – to prevent it’s spread after flowering.... Read the full story here

Do you have community news to share? Email me and it could be here too!

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Virgin London Marathon 2011

Main Content Inline Small

Raising money for Parkinson's UK in Crewe & Nantwich

In April I completed my 9th marathon, raising money for Parkinson's UK Crewe Branch.  There's still time to sponsor me on my webpage and help support a great organisation!

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Young Citizens of the Year announced in Nantwich

Rotary International

THE Rotary Club of Nantwich has announced the winners of its Young Citizen of the Year competition.

Four youngsters were commended for their hard work and commitment to the community during the Nantwich Fun Day held on 9 July.

The first place prize was handed to 11-year-old Sam Farr who is a pupil of Brine Leas School.

Club president Richard Morgan-Wynne said: “Sam regularly donates to charity and is conscious of the positive role he can play in helping others. He’s been a close friend and confidante of a fellow pupil who has had to cope with a serious health problem. Without Sam’s help and support his friend would have undoubtedly found school a more difficult place to be.”

Second place was awarded to 12-year-old Joe Young who is also a pupil of Brine Leas School.

Joe has willingly given his time to help the school run several entertainment evenings for the community, staff and his peers by providing his expertise on sound and lighting. He also participated in and helped to run the Tutor Groups Charity Event raising more than £100.

In joint third place were 16-year-olds Holly Arterton and Callum Wilkinson who both attend Malbank School.

Despite having to study for their exams, the duo have presented a radio show on Redshift Radio, highlighting events and organisations to encourage the involvement of youth in the community.

Richard added: “Rotary is proud to have a very active youth programme and to be able to sponsor competitions such as Young Citizen of the Year. Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders and we feel it’s important to invest our time in their development.”

Prizes and certificates were presented by MP Edward Timpson, Nantwich mayor Arthur Moran and club president Richard Morgan-Wynne.

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Energy Minister Invited To Bentley In Crewe

Crewe & Nantwich Guardian

CREWE and Nantwich MP Edward Timpson has invited energy minister Charles Hendry to visit Bentley Motors.

Speaking in the House of Commons last week, Mr Timpson said: “By 2012, Bentley Motors in Crewe will have made 100% of its range compatible with renewable fuels, reducing its CO2 emissions by at least 15%.

“Will my honorable friend visit the Bentley site to see how that and other investment is helping to reduce the impact on the environment, and to discuss what further support his department may be able to offer?”

Mr Hendry MP replied: “I was very pleased to have the chance earlier this week to talk about those issues with Bentley, which is of course a world-class engineering company based in my honorable friend’s constituency.

“I shall be in touch with his office later today to fix a visit in the coming weeks.”

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Crewe Charity Climb Marks Milestone At Parliament

Crewe & Nantwich Guardian

CREWE charity Climb’s 10th anniversary reception was hosted by local MP Edward Timpson in Parliament last week.

Climb is a national organisation based in Crewe working on the behalf of children, young people, adults and families affected by metabolic disease.

Mr Timpson said: “Climb is a local charity that plays a very important role in the lives of affected children at a national level.

“All of us in Crewe and Nantwich can feel proud of their good work.”

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Green Action Day At The Dingle

Crewe & Nantwich Guardian

A GREEN Action Day took place at the Dingle Primary School in Crewe last week.

The day gave local children the opportunity to learn about nature through fun outdoor activities including bee keeping, organic farming, building a greenhouse, building a 'bug hotel' and arts and crafts.

Local MP Edward Timpson, who attended the event, said: “I enjoyed seeing everyone having fun at the Green Action Day whilst, at the same time, learning about biology as well as looking after our environment, ourselves and each other.

“Learning can be fun and I think that we should be offering more of these kinds of experiences to our future generations.”

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MP Timpson launches "On Your Street" campaign in Nantwich

The Nantwichnews Blog

MP for Crewe & Nantwich Edward Timpson has launched a new campaign to get closer to his constituents.

The new “Edward Timpson On Your Street” idea had its first outing on Millstone Lane, in Nantwich.

Mr Timpson believes visiting constituents at their home will offer them a chance to make their thoughts and concerns heard.

The first session on Millstone Lane was hailed a great success.

He said: “The idea is to take preventative action so local issues can be resolved before they get too far advanced and lead to people coming to see me in a surgery.

“This way the surgery comes to your doorstep so that I can deal with the community’s concerns there and then.

“And if there isn’t a specific problem it’s important that people can just have a chat and put a face to a name.”

Flyers will be pushed through letterboxes with future dates of the campaign.

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Children's play area unveiled in Stapeley

Crewe Chronicle

THE grand unveiling of a children’s play area has finally taken place after years of uncertainty surrounding its completion.

The site, on Pear Tree Field in Stapeley, had been in doubt after the Government announced it was axing the Playbuilder Scheme in August 2010.

But a fresh burst of funding saw the project get the go-ahead again three months later.

The first phase of the playground has now been unveiled with the help of Crewe and Nantwich MP Edward Timpson and features zip wires, swings, a spinning dish and a toddler climbing play unit.

The play area was planned and implemented by the Stapeley Parish Action Group, following the publication of the Stapeley Parish Plan, and was funded and supported by Cheshire East Council, the WREN Landfill Communities trust and Stapeley and District Parish Council.

Edward Timpson said: “This project has been in the pipeline for a number of years and it’s taken the whole community, but particular Stapeley Parish Action Group, Stapeley Parish Council and Cheshire East Council all working together with local residents to make this happen.

“I know this is only phase one but it’s certainly a vast improvement on where we were before.

“It’s really going to cause a lot of fun and excitement for children today and the weeks and months to come and we look forward to phase two in the autumn”.

Children from the Stapeley area helped the MP to count down to the official opening and also cut the ribbon.

Spokesman for Stapeley Parish Action Group, Rob Morton, said: “We’re delighted that the children of Stapeley finally have somewhere to play and socialise with their friends.

“We’d like to say a big thank you to our funders and the local community for their valuable support over the last two and a half years.”

Construction of the final phase will commence during the autumn following a successful bid for Community Spaces funding.

This will include two more pieces of play equipment, extra seating, a pathway and some landscaping.

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5 ways to contact Edward Timpson

Recycling Roadshows Give Prize Winner A Wheel Big Boost


One lucky member of the public has won a brand new bicycle – thanks to a Cheshire East Council competition to promote its ‘Think Silver, Think Recycling’ campaign.

The Council hosted a series of roadshow events across the Borough in May. And all those who attended were able to fill in a postcard with their name and contact details to enter a competition to win vouchers for a bike worth up to £350, from Audlem Cycle Sport, donated by recycling firm UPM.

The vouchers were won by Ben Entwistle, from Crewe, who was delighted with his green-themed prize.

The roadshows helped to promote the authority’s recently launched ‘Think Silver, Think Recycling’ campaign, which allows residents to use the silver bin for all of their recycling.  

In Crewe and Nantwich areas, where the silver bin is already in use, additional items such as glass, mixed plastics, foil and cartons can now be recycled.

Congleton, Sandbach and surrounding areas received new silver bins in May, for the start of the improved service. The new scheme will be introduced in Macclesfield in October.

The roadshows allowed residents to get more information about the new system from officers, who provided help and assistance answering residents’ questions.

Visitors to the roadshow were greeted by the ‘Think Silver, Think Recycling’ trailer, containing information on the recycling scheme. A giant wheelie-bin mascot kept children entertained so that parents could chat to officers or look at photos of the materials recovery facility at Shotton, illustrating how recycling is processed.

Councillor Rod Menlove, Cheshire East Cabinet member with responsibility for environmental services, said: “The roadshows proved a great success. I would like to thank all those who attended, for their interest and support.

“The ‘Think Silver, Think Recycling’ campaign is a positive step for Cheshire East. We are continuing to make every effort to enhance the Cheshire East environment and improve our recycling service for the benefit of all residents.”

For more information about recycling visit the council’s website at:


    Cllr Brian Silvester is calling on the ambulance service to take urgent action to improve their response times to emergency 999 calls because local lives are being put at risk by their poor performance in far too many Crewe postcodes. 

He said,"The response target for 999 emergency calls is that 75 percent of these Category A8 calls should be reached within 8 minutes. In 8 of the 10 Crewe (CW) post codes this target is not met and in three CW postcodes the response time is only met in 26% or less of the emergency call outs.( the areas covered by the post codes are listed below.) These are potentially life and death cases and such a poor performance is simply not acceptable.I have been campaigning on this since last year (see below) and will continue to do so until the response times are considerably improved.If local residents call for an ambulance in an emergency then they have a right to expect it to arrive within the response time that is required."

Information on performance figures are attached in the link below.$

Cllr Brian Silvester BA (Hons)
Willaston and Rope Ward Councillor
Tel/fax 01270 567757


  Willaston and Rope Cheshire East Councillor Brian Silvester has welcomed the resurfacing of one of the main connecting roads in his Ward. ( See below)

He said, " I am very pleased that the Cheshire East Council is to resurface and strengthen the edge of the carriageway of most of the length of Eastern Road, a road that runs from Willaston to Rope Lane, Rope. We have had two very severe winters and they have taken their toll on our local roads. I have had many complaints about the dangers of potholes  in the surface of the road and I have been pressing for action to be taken. I am  delighted that this resurfacing and carriageway strengthening is taking place. The work will certainly make the road safer to use and the journey will be smoother."

Brian Silvester
Willaston and Rope Ward Councillor

Tel/fax 01270 567757






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cheshire East Borough Council, in exercise of its powers under Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of all other enabling powers, issues this notice temporarily to prohibit traffic in the following length of road:- 

1} Eastern Road, Rope from its junction with Rope Hall Lane to its junction with Rope Lane.

The alternative route during the closure will be via; Rope Hall Lane, Rope Lane and vice versa.

The closure is necessary to enable Cheshire East Highways to carry out edge of carriageway strengthening and resurfacing works.

It is anticipated that the works will be carried out on Monday 15th August until Monday 29th August 2011.

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Vehicular access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and residents.

2} Eastern Road, Rope from its junction with Green Lane to its junction with Rope Lane.

The alternative route during the closure will be via; Wybunbury Road, Cheerbrook Road, Shavington Bypass, Rope Lane and vice versa.

It is anticipated that the works will be carried out on Tuesday 30th August until Thursday 1st September 2011.

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Vehicular access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and residents.

This notice will become operative on Monday 15th August 2011 for a period of 21 days or for such less time as is necessary to enable the works to be completed.

If you have any enquiries relating to the works please contact Lynne Nixon at Cheshire East Highways on telephone number 0300 123 5020

Monday 15th August 2011  Caroline Elwood                              

Borough Solicitor


                                                Middlewich Road


                                                CW11 1HZ



Cheshire East Council has welcomed new planning policy guidelines published by the Government

The new draft National Planning Policy Framework replaces more than 1,000 pages of disparate guidance with new simplified advice, succinctly contained in a document of just 65 pages.

The Council will now draw up comments on the framework to help shape the final policy document.

The revised policies will help the Council to determine planning applications and prepare development plans for its area.

Councillor Rachel Bailey, Cabinet member with responsibility for safer and stronger communities, said: “We welcome the publication of the new framework and want to be fully involved in shaping the final document.

“The guidance provides an important boost for business and supports our own aspirations for delivering sustainable economic growth. The brevity of the document is also commendable.

“However, we also want to make sure the final framework document provides sufficient scope for local people to shape the future of their communities – and, alongside the growth that we all need, includes enough safeguards to protect those areas which we cherish.”

Care user praises Council’s revolutionary Empower card

Empower 1000th user

A woman has talked about how the Council’s revolutionary Empower card has helped to give her a better quality of life.

June Haycock, 81, of Meads Road, Alsager, is the 1,000th person to register to use the card – a unique pre-loaded VISA card for individuals across Cheshire East who receive a personal budget for the costs of their social care.

Mrs Haycock’s husband John, 83, was diagnosed with dementia in February and June cares for him around the clock, with support from Council social care workers.

The disease has understandably presented a big challenge to Mrs Haycock – but thanks to assistance from the Council and Empower, she feels she is finding her feet adjusting to a new way of life.

She said: “I do think the Empower card is a wonderful idea and it has given me more flexibility to pay our bills.

“John will sometimes ask if the bills need paying but I find I can reassure him because I now have more peace of mind. I am a very independent person and the card allows me to maintain that.

“I was very surprised when I was told that I could use the card for us to get out of town and stay away somewhere, I can see there are many benefits to using it.”

With the assistance of the Council, Mrs Haycock is able to spend a couple of hours every week at the local supermarket in Kidsgrove, and she has the option of extending her care support.

She added: “John and I have a good relationship with the care team and I would honestly recommend them to anyone.”

Mrs Haycock now does not have to manage as much paperwork as all the card’s transactions are logged via a monthly statement and her care manager is able to oversee her husband’s budget much more efficiently.

Take-up of the Empower is growing rapidly on a daily basis. It is the first of its kind in the country and was developed by Cheshire East to give care users greater independence to make their own choices and decisions.

Councillor Olivia Hunter, Cabinet support member with responsibility for adult services, said: “I am delighted to see that more and more people are turning to the Empower card to assist them with their daily lives.

“And it is heartening to know that care users and their families are finding they can live much more independently than they perhaps could in the past.

“Cheshire East Council strives to improve quality of life for all of our residents by giving them choice, access and control.”

The Empower card has already been recognised in major awards ceremonies and it won the Personalisation and Choice Achievement of the Year title in the MJ Awards in June.

Youngsters wow audience and showcase their talents

CEYT Celebration

Cheshire East youngsters wowed an appreciative crowd when they performed at a celebration to showcase their talents.

The first-ever Cheshire East Youth Theatre (CEYT) ‘Celebration’ saw all three groups that make up CEYT put on a show-stopping performance at Crewe’s Lyceum Theatre.

The event, run by Cheshire East Council was to help celebrate the blossoming talents of the youth theatre.

About 90 youngsters grabbed the memorable opportunity to perform at the Lyceum – and for some it was their first time treading the boards.

Cheshire East Councillor Rod Menlove, Cabinet member with responsibility for environmental services, said: “This is a really talented and vibrant youth theatre group and the celebration at the Lyceum was a great opportunity for its enthusiastic members to show off their talents and celebrate all their hard work.

“Youth theatre is a tremendous opportunity for our young people and an incredible experience for the tutors, performers and audience. I’d urge Cheshire East youngsters to come along and get involved when the new term begins in September.”

The celebration event was attended by several councillors including Cheshire East Deputy Mayor George Walton, Crewe Mayor Councillor Roy Cartlidge, Cabinet member Councillor Hilda Gaddum and local ward Councillor Irene Faseyi.

Councillor Faseyi said of the show: “It is gratifying to see so many talented young people from the Borough getting together to produce such a wealth of performance – and I am so happy to be associated with these brilliant youngsters. Congratulations to them and the indefatigable staff for a well-presented show.”

CEYT will mark the Lyceum Theatre’s centenary with a performance titled ‘Inside Out’ on Friday September 9.

CEYT, which is based at the Lyceum, for young people aged five to 18, recently branched out to create two new youth theatre groups in Alsager and Sandbach. 

The Lyceum Youth Theatre has four age groups, five to seven; eight to 10; 11 to 13; and 14 to 18, based in the theatre’s rehearsal room. Alsager Youth Theatre, based in Alsager Community Church Hall, and Sandbach Youth Theatre, based in Sandbach Town Hall, are both for youngsters aged seven to 11.

The groups help young people build a range of theatre skills including improvisation, voice and speech, characterisation and movement. It also teaches youngsters how to work effectively as a team, develop communication skills and build self confidence.

Members get the chance to attend workshops and tread the boards of Crewe’s Lyceum stage, as well as perform at other local venues and regional festivals.

CEYT is extremely popular and has a reputation for imaginative performance work. No previous experience is necessary and there are no auditions needed. 

Anyone interested in joining Cheshire East Youth Theatre should ring co-ordinator Hayley Lindley on 07709180296 or email her at:

The CEYT autumn term runs from September 5 to December 14 and costs £40 (£20 concessions) per person for the term.