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Tatton Park is ready for One Snowy Night
Tatton Park teams are busy setting up their festive Garden event, One Snowy Night, to make sure it’s a magical experience for visitors when it opens this Saturday 27th November.
One Snowy Night: a Christmas Garden Tale
Tatton Park’s winter gardens host a magical event for families and friends which starts on Saturday. But before visitors start arriving, Tatton Park staff are working hard to make sure the Gardens bring Nick Butterworth’s ‘One Snowy Night’ story, and much-loved Percy the Park Keeper character, to life this Christmas.
Turning Tatton Park Gardens into Percy’s Christmas home
Preparation of the trail started in earnest last week with the delivery of three Christmas trees. Iconic illustrations from the story are being put in place to decorate the garden route for families to follow fun activities along the way. Fairy lights are being added to the Orchard area and Tower Garden, the iconic African hut is being transformed into Percy’s festive hut for Christmas, a Wish Tree is going up in Charlotte’s Gazebo and the fire pit at Percy’s Potting shed is being stocked ready for children to warm up by the fire and toast marshmallows. The gardeners are also preparing spring bulbs so that children can help with planting while they’re here. Vicky Rowbotham, one of the Tatton Park Managers involved in the Christmas Garden event, says
“Bringing One Snowy Night to life in Tatton’s magical winter Garden is a real team effort and brilliant fun. The installation comes after weeks in the planning and working with different teams at Tatton and our talented suppliers. In the days leading up to the event, it’s ‘all hands on deck’ and a real test of everyone’s imagination, creativity, and stamina! Especially when it comes to the best places for photo opportunities with Percy cut-outs, which we think people will love. We can’t wait to welcome visitors to enjoy the festivities with Percy and friends!”
To book tickets in advance of your visit, go to
Northern Chamber Orchestra Concerts on 10th December
The Northern Chamber Orchestra is performing a traditional festive concert in the Tenants’ Hall at Tatton Park. Due to popular demand, they’ve added a matinee concert this year at 3.30pm as well as the 7pm performance. Expect performances by the Northern Chamber Orchestra, festive songs sung by the Choir of St Nicholas Catholic High School, Northwich, and much-loved carols for all to sing. The concert tickets include a glass of winter punch and a concert of classical masterpieces, carols and songs.
Christmas Carols in the Stableyard on 19th December
Why not come along to Tatton Park’s Christmas Carols in the Stableyard on Sunday 19th December at 3pm? You’re invited to belt out some of your all-time-favourite carols with friends and family, accompanied by the King Edward Musical Society Band and Choir.
Pop into the Stableyard shops for last minute gifts and bespoke Christmas hampers, warm up with takeaway food and drink from the Stables Restaurant or book Festive Afternoon Tea in the Gardener’s Cottage.
For more details of Christmas events at Tatton Park and to book tickets, visit
About Tatton Park
Tatton Park is managed and financed by Cheshire East Council on behalf of the National Trust. This impressive heritage visitor attraction receives in the region of 800,000 visitors every year, all of whom come to enjoy its picturesque Parkland, 18th century Mansion, medieval Old Hall, award-winning Gardens and rare breed Farm. For further information, images or interviews:, 07912 294445, 07879 014648
The Best Way To Keep Hackers Out of Your Online Accounts
The Best Way To Keep Hackers Out of Your Online Accounts
Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) is the single most important thing you can do to improve the security of your online accounts.
What is 2FA?
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a way of strengthening the login security of your online accounts. It's similar to how an ATM works. You need both your debit card (first factor) and your PIN (second factor) to get access your account and withdraw cash. The main objective is better security. If your card is stolen, they still need your PIN. If your PIN is stolen, they still need your card.
Enabling 2FA will help to stop hackers from getting into your accounts, even if they have your password.
How do I enable 2FA on my accounts?
Here are links you can use to enable 2FA on some of the most popular online services and apps:
For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website:
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Op Shield Going County Wide
Op Shield Going County Wide
As part of our ongoing work to deter people from committing crime in Cheshire, we are investing in forensic property marking to identify those responsible for theft. The work we are doing in this area of prevention is branded Operation Shield.
What is Operation Shield?
Operation Shield is Cheshire Constabulary’s unique DNA marking system that protects homes and businesses by reducing burglary opportunities, deterring offenders, and identifying and recovering stolen property.
Whilst Operation Shield is already present in parts of Cheshire, Neighbourhood Policing Teams are visiting households and business premises throughout the county to introduce the forensic property marking. They will be offering free SelectaDNA kits which are made by the UK company Selectamark Security Systems plc.
What is SelectaDNA?
It is a cutting-edge way of protecting your property from theft. Each bottle within the kit contains thousands of tiny microdots, each with a unique DNA code, which, when applied, will identify it as being registered to you.
SelectaDNA is unique, in the same way as human DNA, but is manufactured artificially. There are billions of different combinations so no two bottles are the same.
The solution is hypoallergenic and harmless to animals; when dried it is almost invisible so it is difficult for offenders to see. It will not damage the property in any way and remains traceable for years after application, even when exposed to the elements.
Why use SelectaDNA?
Over 90% of UK police forces now use SelectaDNA in crime prevention schemes. It is a proven deterrent against theft and burglary because criminals fear the power of DNA technology. By discreetly marking your items with the solution, registering your kit on the secure database and displaying warning stickers on your property, you will make your home a less desirable target for thieves.
The DNA coding in the liquid is registered solely to your address and added to the SelectaDNA Secure Asset Register, meaning that any stolen items can be traced back to you. No data is held by Cheshire Police.
Many insurance companies actively recommend forensic property marking to their policy holders.
Taking action against theft
Officers in Cheshire are equipped with UV torches that can identify the forensic property marking on stolen items and offenders. This instantly links criminals to crime scenes and increases the chance of convicting thieves.
All people suspected of planning or committing crime in Cheshire are scanned by officers to check for traces of the DNA.
All property recovered by Cheshire Police is scanned. If any evidence of the liquid is detected, the information is uploaded to the database of registered addresses and items can then be traced back to the owner.
With our deployment of Operation Shield, we are sending a clear message that anyone considering committing a theft or burglary in Cheshire will run the very serious risk of facing criminal conviction.
Special offer
As well as the free kits that officers will be distributing, Cheshire residents can purchase additional kits, using a unique code, for £27 inc. VAT and postage (RRP £59.50). Go to and enter the unique code: NHWSHIELD
Council launches ‘Wish for you the world’ fostering recruitment campaign
Cheshire East Council has launched a heart-warming winter campaign to help recruit much needed foster carers.
With more than 520 children and young people in the care of the local authority, the council is reaching out to residents asking if they will consider becoming Cheshire East Council foster carers.
Councillor Kathryn Flavell, lead member for children and families, said: “Children and young people spend time with foster families for different reasons, and many children who need fostering have sadly been through some very traumatic experiences.
“We want the very best for all of our cared for children and young people. Along with our one hundred and twenty fantastic foster carer households who give them so much support, we really do wish for them the world.
“If you have the time, patience and understanding to safely care for a child or young person and can work alongside other people in the child’s life, then please do take the next step and find out more. Our fostering service are waiting to hear from you and will happily answer any questions you might have.”
Permission to use ‘I Wish for You the World’ music track for the fostering video campaign was kindly given by singer-songwriter and musician Alistair Griffin and publisher Sentric Music. His songs have been used to montage some great British sporting events including Wimbledon, the Olympics, FA Cup, and the British Open golf.
To view the short fostering film, go to the council’s YouTube channel at:
Cheshire East Council welcomes enquiries and applications from people from all walks of life irrespective of marital status, sexuality, religion, ethnic background, whether you have your own children or not, or if you own or rent your home as long as you have a stable tenancy.
For more information about becoming a foster carer in Cheshire East, visit the website at or telephone 0300 123 3223.
Cheshire East Council advises residents to support Christmas events with Covid safety in mind
Cheshire East Council advises residents to support Christmas events with Covid safety in mind
With positive cases of Covid-19 still very high in Cheshire East and surrounding areas, the council is advising residents to not let their guard down when it comes to Covid safety.
Towards the end of this month and into December, there will be many local and well attended light switch-on and Christmas market events.
Dr Matt Tyrer, director of public health at Cheshire East Council, said: “I recognise it’s been a difficult year, and appreciate our residents continuing to keep themselves and others safe in Cheshire East.
“Together, it’s in our hands and we can all continue to look after each other this Christmas by staying safe.
“Covid is not going away and it’s not a big sacrifice to make to wear a face covering in crowded and especially in busy indoor places, to wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitiser, and to keep a safe distance from others, especially those you do not live with.
“I would also ask residents to take a quick lateral flow test before going to any organised event or high-risk place. It takes minutes, and if unfortunately, your result does come back positive or you are displaying symptoms, you will be doing the right thing by immediately self-isolating until you get the result of a confirmatory PCR test.”
For more local information, advice and support, visit the council’s Covid-19 webpages at:
15M Lost To Online Shopping Scams Last Christmas
15M Lost To Online Shopping Scams Last Christmas
Online shopping scams cost shoppers £15.4 million over the Christmas period last year.
New data from Action Fraud, the national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime, reveals that 28,049 shoppers were conned out of their money when shopping online over the Christmas period last year – an increase of almost two thirds (61 per cent) when compared to the same period in the previous year.
Ahead of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Action Fraud is warning the public to take extra care when shopping online as reports of online shopping fraud have continued to surge. Here are some simple tips to help you and your family enjoy a secure online shopping experience this festive season.
Where to shop
Buying from an online store you haven’t used before? Carry out some research first, or ask a friend or family member if they’ve used the site and about their experiences before completing the purchase.
Your information
Only create an account if necessary or to save you effort if you’re going to use that site a lot in the future. Be cautious if the website asks you for details that are not required for your purchase, such as your mother’s maiden name or the name of your primary school.
Payment method
When it's time to pay for your items, check there's a 'closed padlock' icon in the browser's address bar. Use a credit card when shopping online, if you have one. Most major credit card providers protect online purchases.
Some of the messages you receive about amazing offers may contain links to fake websites. If you’re unsure about a link, don’t use the it – go separately to the website. Report suspicious emails you receive by forwarding them to: Report suspicious text messages by forwarding them to: 7726.
Email accounts:
Make sure that your really important accounts (such as your email account or online shopping accounts) are protected by strong passwords that you don't use anywhere else.
Need help changing your email account password? You can use these links to find step by step instructions: Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Outlook, BT, AOL Mail.
If things go wrong
If you've lost money to an online shopping scam, tell your bank and report it as a crime to Action Fraud (for England, Wales and Northern Ireland) or Police Scotland (for Scotland). By doing this, you'll be helping to prevent others becoming victims of cyber crime.
For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website:
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Swansway Group a family owned and operated business with multiple dealerships, accident repair centre and head office functions in Crewe has once again donated to the Weston Lights project for the fifth year in a row, on behalf of all the Crewe based Swansway teams.
For the last eight years at Carters Green Farm in Weston, Graham Witter and his family has put on a spectacular display of Christmas lights to fund-raise for The Donna Louise Children’s hospice. This event began as a way of remembering Graham’s late sister, Jessica, who spent time at the Donna Louise and who loved twinkling lights, bright colours and sounds.
Sadly this year due to operational issues, Graham will not be “lighting up” our local area with his spectacular light show, but this has not prevented Swansway Group from continuing to show their support to this important charity that does so much to help children and families.
For the 2021 campaign, Swansway Group has donated £2,500 to the Weston Lights project, for Graham to pass on to the Donna Louise.
Swansway Group Director, David Smyth commented,
“I live locally and visiting the Weston Christmas Light Display with my family has been one of our Christmas highlights for years. Whilst it is disappointing the display will not be going ahead, Graham’s commitment to raising as much money as he can for the Donna Louise hospice is to be admired, so we were very happy to make a contribution to this worthwhile cause.”
Ansa Environmental Services, Cheshire East’s waste and recycling provider, has been named as south Cheshire’s ‘Employer of the Year’ at the prestigious, South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce Awards 2021.
The company, which employs over 400 staff across its Cheshire East sites including Middlewich, Macclesfield and Crewe, was praised by judges for its continued commitment to the support and development of its workforce, as well as, demonstrating commercial success and strategies for growth.
The awards, which were held at Reaseheath College in Nantwich last Friday (19th November), recognise the very best in local businesses that show resilience, generosity to local good causes and nurture local talent. They are also widely regarded as the best in the region.
Kevin Melling, Ansa’s Managing Director said: “We are absolutely thrilled to have won ‘Employer of the Year’ at this year’s South Cheshire Chambers of Commerce Business Awards.
We truly value our team and place them at the heart of everything we do. We have strived from the very beginning to create a culture of support, recognition, and equal opportunities for all our colleagues and to be recognised for that with this award is a very proud moment for us all.
It’s not just our workforce that we want to provide a brighter future for, we are also committed to improving the future of our environment and we have many plans in place such as trialling electric refuse collection vehicles, as well as our collaboration project with Cheshire East Council and Storengy on our new hydrogen fuelled vehicles. Our industry is in the spotlight now, and we aim to lead the way with best practise as well as new innovations.”
Councillor Steve Hogben, Ansa Chair added:” We are thrilled to have won the ‘Employer of the Year. Not only is it a great boost for our business but is testament to the whole team’s dedication in making Ansa a place where people want to come to work.
Everybody in the company, from our apprentices to the Board, we have has put the effort in and worked together to make the business succeed over the last 20 months.”
For more information on Ansa Environmental Services, please visit, Alternatively, to learn more about the South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce Awards, visit
Hundreds Fall Victim To Lottery Scams In Just Seven Months
Hundreds Fall Victim To Lottery Scams In Just Seven Months
What is lottery fraud?
Criminals will contact unsuspecting victims informing them they have won a lottery or prize draw. The victim is then informed that they will need to pay an advance fee in order to receive their winnings. In reality, the winnings are non-existent and it is an attempt to steal the victims money, personal or financial information.
Between April and October 2021, Action Fraud received 629 reports of lottery fraud, with 89 per cent of reports mentioning well-known prize draws. Impersonation of People’s Postcode Lottery accounted for almost half (49 per cent) of all reports. Almost three quarters of victims (70 per cent) were aged over 50, with those aged over 65 accounting for 40 per cent of reports.
Fraudsters use gift cards as a form of payment as they can be easily redeemed and sold on. The criminals don’t need the physical card to redeem the value as they ask the victims to share the serial code on the back of the card with them. In other instances, victims reported being asked for personal and financial information in order to obtain their alleged winnings. Some victims reported providing their bank details thinking they would be sent a small payment to verify the account. In reality, criminals will use these details to steal the victim’s money.
How to protect yourself
Stop: Unsolicited offers of large sums of money in return for a small upfront payment should always raise a red flag. Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.
Challenge: Could it be fake? Remember, you can’t win a prize in a competition you didn’t enter. It’s okay to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.
Protect: If you think you’ve been a victim of fraud, contact your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud online at or by calling 0300 123 2040.
You can find further protection advice around lotteries and competition on the Gambling Commission’s website.
For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website:
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Message Sent By
Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)
Wednesday, 17 November 2021
Saturday, 13 November 2021
Neuro disease after vaccine with Nikk
We must stop this it takes seconds to asperate why arent we doing this properely
Thursday, 11 November 2021
Commissioner Launches Police and Crime Plan
Commissioner Launches Police and Crime Plan
Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, has launched his Police and Crime Plan for 2021-24, setting out his priorities for policing, crime and community safety in the county for his term in office.
In addition to outlining the Commissioner’s wider vision, the Plan sets out the strategic direction for Cheshire Constabulary and how the Commissioner will hold the Chief Constable to account in delivering on the public’s priorities.
The six key priorities for policing and crime in Cheshire outlined in the Plan are:
- Prevent and tackle crime
- Make Cheshire’s roads safer
- Deliver justice for victims of crime
- Protect vulnerable and at-risk people
- Improve public confidence in policing
- Modernise our police service
“This Plan has been developed via consultation with the public, as well as in conjunction with organisations and agencies that work regularly with the police, so that it truly reflects people’s priorities for their communities.”
The Plan also maintains the Commissioner’s commitment to increasing Cheshire’s police officer numbers to the highest level in modern times – 2,345 officers – in order to ensure police visibility across the county and reassure communities as a result.
John Dwyer added: “Being ambitious with our officer numbers helps towards delivering on each of the public’s priorities set out in the Plan and will improve people’s confidence in our police service.
“I also want to stress that this is a living document. In the Plan I commit to refreshing it each year, so that it continues to address people’s priorities and tackle the challenges we face head on.
To read the Police and Crime Plan 2021-24, go to
To request a hard copy of the Plan, please email
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Tasty together-time treats at Tatton Park
It’s beginning to feel a lot more like Christmas planning, thanks to us being able to arrange together time this year with our nearest and dearest. If you want an al fresco get-together, fancy afternoon tea in a cosy tearoom or want to treat friends and family to foodie gifts this Christmas, Tatton Park’s Stableyard shops and restaurants have it all.
Winter walks and hot picnics
Why not warm yourselves with a Hot Picnic Box after a bracing walk around Tatton’s Parkland or Gardens this winter? The Stables Restaurant Chef, Adam Arundel, has prepared a perfect sharing picnic of tasty bites using Tatton Park’s estate-reared lamb and vegetables grown in the Kitchen Garden. Boxes are available to pre-order and take away from the Stables Restaurant, and include hot drinks, homemade chocolate cookies and mincemeat flapjacks. Adam said
“We are very fortunate to be able to use fresh, quality produce for our menus, grown and sourced right here from Tatton Park. We’re passionate about giving visitors the chance to taste fresh ingredients grown or reared on the estate in our seasonal recipes.”
You can choose from hourly slots to collect your picnic which you can then enjoy in the Stableyard, out in the Parkland or take home with you!
Catch up and celebrate over afternoon tea
Fancy cosying-up in the charm and warmth of the Gardener’s Cottage Tearoom? If you’re wanting to treat someone special or just celebrate catching up this Christmas, you can reserve a Festive Afternoon Tea at Tatton Park’s Catering Team has added a festive twist to their delicious Afternoon Tea menu, served up in the cosy Gardener’s Cottage Tearoom. For those wanting extra fizz, you can add a glass of Prosecco, alongside your Christmas tea or coffee. Mini Festive Lunches are available for little ones.
Great gifts for foodies
If you’re yet to discover the delights of shopping at Tatton Park, make your way to the Housekeeper’s Store on your next visit and peruse their selection of locally sourced artisan food and drink. You can even assemble your own bespoke gift hamper for your favourite foodie this Christmas. The Housekeeper’s Store has a long history of supplying Tatton-grown food to local estates and villages, so this hidden gem prides itself on supporting local producers of chutneys, cheese, beer, gin, wine, chocolates, biscuits, desserts and tea! If you’d rather call and collect, the Store team will be happy to help you with your order on 01625 374424.
*£8 vehicle Parkland entry applies
For other happenings at Tatton Park:
v – for opening times, tickets and event details
v e-news – sign up on our website and receive email updates from Tatton Park
v Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – find us @TattonPark
v Candide Gardening App - download onto your phone to enhance your visit to our Gardens
Have Your Say on Policing and Crime In Cheshire
Have Your Say on Policing and Crime In Cheshire
Today, Monday 8 November, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, has launched his Autumn Survey. He wants to hear from people across the county about policing and crime in their communities, and over the course of the week surveys will be landing on every doormat in the county.
Following the launch of his Police and Crime Plan last week, the Commissioner is seeking people’s views on more in-depth subjects like their experience with the police, crime in their community, what they think about the police budget, and how they feel about their police service.
John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, said: “Seeking the public’s views on policing and crime is important to me. I can’t do my role effectively without knowing what people are thinking. By sharing your views with me via my survey, I can feed your thoughts and needs into the work the Constabulary does.
“It’s vital that people know about the role that their Commissioner carries out on their behalf, and that I know what they expect me to deliver. This will help me to scrutinise the Chief Constable and deliver on the public’s priorities set out in my Police and Crime Plan.”
Another of the Commissioner’s key responsibilities is to set the police precept, the part of council tax that goes to policing. In the survey he outlines the possibilities for next year’s decision on the police precept and asks residents for their thoughts on what should happen.
John Dwyer added: “A small rise in the police precept will be necessary in order for the police to keep up with inflation. But I want to know what amount, if any, residents would be prepared to pay above this if it meant the Constabulary had more resources to devote to communities.
“Every response I get will feed into my police precept proposal that I will take back to the public early next year. I want every resident to have their say on what matters to their community and how they want their police service to deliver on their priorities.”
To take the Commissioner’s survey online, go to
To request a hard copy of the survey, please email
Message Sent By
Peter Caldwell (Cheshire Police, Digital Media Manager, Corporate Communications)
23M People Used 123456 As A Password
23M People Used 123456 As A Password
Whether it’s your Facebook, Amazon, or Netflix account, the explosion in popularity of online apps and services means more and more of us have to remember an increasingly long list of passwords.
Unfortunately, some of us cope with this challenge by resorting to practices that leave our data, devices and money at risk - by using the same password across multiple accounts, or by creating simple passwords that could easily be guessed by hackers. Bad password practice is more prevalent than you might think - the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre carried out analysis of passwords leaked in data breaches and found that more than 23 million users worldwide used 123456 as a password. You can read more about it here:
Here are some top tips that will make your life easier and your online accounts more secure:
1: Creating memorable passwords
A good way to create strong, memorable passwords is by using 3 random words. But remember, don’t use words that can be guessed (like your pet’s name). You can include numbers and symbols if you need to. For example, “RedPantsTree4!”
2: Saving passwords in your browser
Saving your password in your browser means letting your web browser (such as Chrome, Safari or Edge) remember your password for you.
This can help:
- make sure you do not lose or forget your passwords
- protect you against some cyber crime, such as fake websites
Here are some useful links on how you can start saving passwords in your browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari.
3: Email account passwords
If a hacker gets into your email account, they could:
- reset your other online account passwords
- access personal information you have saved about yourself or your business
Your email password should be strong and different to all your other passwords. This will make it harder to crack or guess.
Need help changing your email account password? You can use these links to find step by step instructions: Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Outlook, BT, AOL Mail.
For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website:
Thanks for reading! If you found this information useful, please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends.

Message Sent By
Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)
Saturday, 6 November 2021
Incorrect vaccination?
Why is no one publishing this if they don’t aspirate when give covid vaccine there is 1 in 3000 chance you could die or suffer heart problems. Its proven with the latest research from Oxford. If your having a booster demand they do it correct this want to be main stream media