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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Green waste disposal well down after winter collection pause


Cheshire East residents are being thanked for making a dramatic impact on the volume of green waste accumulated over the winter period during the annual suspension of garden waste collections.

Collections resumed from February 16 when 540 tonnes of green waste was collected, followed by 492 tonnes the following week and 383 tonnes in the week of March 2.

In March, 2014 after a 17-week halt to collections, over 3,000 tonnes of green waste was collected by the Council’s household collection service.

And in 2012-13 when collections were only suspended for six weeks over 1,500 tonnes of green waste was collected on the resumption of services in March 2013.

By comparison, over 5,000 tonnes of green waste was collected in the month of May last year, the busiest month of the year for gardeners and householders.

Kevin Melling, head of ANSA, the Council’s waste collection service, said: “We would like to express our thanks to Cheshire East residents for their understanding during the period of suspension and for playing their part in minimising the volume of garden waste to be collected by our teams when collections resumed.”

The Council expects to save over £1m over a four-year period by suspending winter collections of garden refuse.

A consultation exercise was carried out to find out the public’s views and suggestions for a longer suspension period of green waste collections in the winter months.

Council pledges commitment to new bypass in Middlewich


Cheshire East Council remains committed to the construction of the Midpoint 18 eastern bypass in Middlewich.

Funding has already been agreed through the Regional Growth Fund initiative and the authority continues to work hard to secure additional funding for the bypass.

There will also be a host of new improvements to the town in 2015, including fresh branding and better road and pedestrian signage, improvements to Fountain Field Park, workshop space at Saltscape for arts and crafts activities and improved access to the lagoons for local people and visitors.

Caroline Simpson, executive director of economic growth and prosperity, said: “Cheshire East Council remains committed to seeing the Midpoint 18 eastern bypass happen – it is a key project in our highways programme.

“The authority is working in partnership with Middlewich Town Council and the local MP on a wide range of initiatives with some very specific goals.

“The Council is also focused on delivering some key projects this year as part of an ongoing phased programme of investment in the town.”

The Council and its partners will work towards:

· Enhancing the town centre, with vistas and links to the canal, ensuring that Middlewich is at the heart of Cheshire boating;

· Removing through traffic from the town by linking the main routes from Crewe and Sandbach and completing the Midpoint 18 eastern bypass; and

· Committing to work closely with residents, developers and stakeholders and to plan and deliver new jobs, homes, schools, open spaces, car parking and enhanced leisure facilities, for example.

In addition, work is progressing on other initiatives which are being considered for early delivery, including:

· Planning for improvements to local bus services;

· Phased investment into the town wharf development area;

· Improved facilities for boaters;

· Sites for improved pedestrian crossings on busy roads; and

· Increasing car parking spaces.

Mrs Simpson added: “All these projects will underpin the work currently taking place on the Neighbourhood Plans – where local people can help decide where development should go and what it will look like.

“The authority continues to bring forward significant projects, such as the eastern bypass, the railway station, a new marina development and a solution to Tesco’s withdrawal from development in Middlewich. The Council will also be looking to work in partnership with the town council to enhance new community facilities where it can.”

‘Cat & Fiddle road’ drops out of top 10 high risk roads


Safety measures on a road once dubbed one of the most dangerous in the country have proved so effective that it has dropped out of the Road Safety Foundation’s top 10 ‘persistently higher risk roads’ for the first time.

The A537 Macclesfield to Buxton road, known locally as the ‘Cat & Fiddle road’, no longer features in the top 10 of ‘Britain’s persistently higher risk roads’ (2007/09 – 2010/12).

Investment from Cheshire East Council and its partners, as well as Derbyshire County Council, has led to a number of road safety improvements and the number of accidents have dropped significantly.

There were 44 collisions between 2009 and 2011, 19 of which were serious, including one fatality. Latest figures show there were 34 collisions between 2011 and 2013, seven being serious and no fatalities.

Safety measures include improved road barriers, some that are ‘motorcycle friendly’, a 50mph speed limit and the installation of average speed cameras. Regular road maintenance, including resurfacing and renewed road markings, have also kept the route in good condition.

Lorraine Butcher, executive director of strategic commissioning at Cheshire East Council, said: “It is really very good news that this route, used by a large number of Cheshire East residents, is no longer amongst the top 10 persistently higher risk roads.

“However, the Council recognises the route is still a high risk road and, in conjunction with its partners in the Cheshire Road Safety Group (CRSG) and neighbouring authorities, it will build on the good work done to date.”

Cheshire East Council has agreed a new five-year calibration and maintenance contract for the average speed camera system through to summer 2019.

The Cat & Fiddle road is very popular with motorcyclists and lies within the Peak District National Park which is a popular tourist destination.

With the Easter holidays approaching, Cheshire East Council and its partners in the CRSG remain committed to promoting the safe use of the route by all road users and to encouraging riders to use it responsibly.

Vigorous campaign to save late night weekend bus service succeeds


Willaston and Rope Ward Councillor Brian Silvester is pleased that his campaign to save late night weekend bus service between Nantwich and Willaston has been successful

He said, “Arriva have bowed to public pressure and they have successfully applied to the Traffic Commissioners to continue the late night service at weekends for three months.(See below)

I would urge residents to use the service so that it can be made permanent. The old adage of ‘Use it or Lose it’ is very true in relation to this issue.

Also I am amazed that Arriva could have suggested scrapping an important service like this without any consultation with the public or the Council at all. We would not have known about it if the drivers had not told the passengers. I hope in future that Arriva will  consult before they cut services.”

Cllr Brian Silvester BA (Hons)

Leader of the UK Independence Party Group

Willaston and Rope Ward Councillor

Cheshire East Council

11 Rimsdale Close



Tel/fax 01270 567757

Text     07760147609


Saturday 28 March 2015

Cheshire East enlists brain power to boost geothermal energy plans


The search is on for a talented graduate who can analyse the potential for Cheshire East to generate geothermal energy.

Cheshire East Council is contributing to a Natural Environmental Research Council-funded PhD studentship at Keele University. The student will work out the best way to release energy from deep beneath the earth’s surface to heat homes and businesses.

The £88,000 project is the latest funding success for Cheshire East. In two earlier rounds of investment, the Department for Energy and Climate Change contributed £250,000 towards feasibility studies into plans for a heat network in Crewe and in rural areas of Cheshire East.

As one of only six areas in the UK with deep geothermal potential, Cheshire East Council is at the forefront of geothermal development and is in discussions with potential partners to develop a geothermal heat to provide long-term, renewable energy.

It is estimated that geothermal reserves in the Cheshire Basin hold around 4.6M GWh of zero-carbon, low-cost energy, more than six times the national heat demand of Britain.

The first phase of the geothermal project will require a £37m investment to drill down 4.5km to bring hot water to the surface and serve customers in Leighton West, Crewe.

The collaboration between Keele and Cheshire East Council recognises the value of knowledge transfer opportunities to give students the opportunity to contribute solutions and learn from real world examples.

The Council is keen to encourage appropriately qualified residents and those working in the geothermal industry to consider the opportunity the PhD provides. 

Caroline Simpson, Cheshire East Council’s Executive Director of  Economic Growth and Prosperity, said: “This is an exciting opportunity for a talented graduate to make their mark on a project which could transform the economy of Cheshire East.

“We hope the studentship will be very attractive to researchers with expertise in this area.”

The successful applicant should have, or expect to have, an honours degree at 2.1 or above (or equivalent) in geology, geophysics, reservoir engineering or an aligned subject. 

A master’s degree in geoscience, geophysics or geotechnical engineering is highly desirable.

Formal applications can be completed online at: where further information can be found. The project reference number (FNS GS 2015-02) and supervisor (Dr Nigel Cassidy) must be quoted on the application form.

Informal enquiries can be made to the project supervisor, Dr Nigel Cassidy ( with a CV and cover letter. All general enquiries should be directed to Professor Trevor Greenhough (Director of Postgraduate Research), Faculty of Natural Science, by emailing

Suspended jail term for benefit fraudster


A 59-year-old woman who cheated the benefits system out of more than £38,000 has received a suspended jail term after her fraud was uncovered by Cheshire East Council.

Patricia Gregory, of Hough Close, Rainow, Macclesfield was sentenced to 30 weeks imprisonment, suspended for 12 months with 12 months’ supervision, by a judge at Chester Crown Court on Friday, March 20.

She had already pleaded guilty to three counts of dishonestly failing to report a change in her circumstances that she knew would affect her entitlement to Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit and Income Support.

The court heard that Gregory had claimed all three benefits since October 2007 on the basis that she was a single person on a low income.

However, investigators from Cheshire East Council and the Department for Work and Pensions discovered that Gregory’s husband been living with her since summer 2009 and had been supporting her financially.

Gregory cheated the system to the tune of more than £38,000 by failing to declare that her husband was sharing the family home and by actively maintaining the fraudulent claim for more than four years.

The prosecution was brought by Cheshire East Council’s legal team.

Steph Cordon, Cheshire East Council’s Head of Communities, said: “It is a big mistake for fraudsters to think they can get away with claiming benefits they are not entitled to.

“They risk being prosecuted and ending up with a criminal conviction for a serious offence of dishonesty.

“We have a zero-tolerance policy towards benefit fraud because we are determined to ensure that the benefits system works for people who really need help.”

Residents can report people they suspect of benefit fraud by calling free on the confidential fraud hotline number 0800 389 2787. There is no need to give a name and calls are treated in the strictest confidence.

Alternatively, suspected fraud can be reported through the Council’s website at


Following a number of thefts of catalytic converters across East Cheshire in recent weeks, police are warning car and van owners to be vigilant.
Since the beginning of February, there have been ten reports of catalytic converter thefts in Crewe.
Thieves have struck across the town, including the Morton Road, Milton Road and Wistaston Road areas. On each occasion, Mercedes Sprinter or Veto vans have been targeted.
Detective Inspector Glyn Leech said: “Several vehicles in the Crewe area, all of which were parked on the roadside overnight, appear to have been targeted by thieves intent on stealing the devices, we presume to sell on as scrap metal. While we are investigating the pattern of these thefts we would urge car & van owners to take some simple steps to protect their vehicles.”

DI Leech continued “Catalytic converter theft can go unnoticed until the vehicle makes a louder noise than usual, so regular checks should be made and anything suspicious reported to police. There are several devices available on the market that can be affixed to the converter/exhaust itself to prevent it being removed. Similarly, catalytic converters can be etched with a serial number or a UV pen and vehicle owners or businesses can apply some form of sign or sticker on the vehicle to show that the property has been marked.  If the catalytic converter is etched it is identifiable, this makes it more difficult for the thief to sell the item on, and also make it easier for us to trace it. We would also ask scrap metal dealers to be mindful if they are offered a catalytic converter or exhaust system, and if in doubt, contact police.”

Similarly, police urge members of the community to report to Police anyone seen behaving suspiciously around vans or cars, particularly during the night.
PC Shelley Wood
Crewe Police Station
Crewe Neigbourhood Policing Team
T: 01606 365334



It is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer claiming 16,000 lives a year, yet, figures released by Cancer Research UK show that, if spotted at its earliest stage, bowel cancer can be treated successfully, with nine out of ten people surviving for more than five years1.

Now in support of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month running throughout April, medical experts are calling on people to recognise the symptoms so they are able to act quickly if they spot anything out of the ordinary.

At BMI South Cheshire Private Hospital, in Leighton, Crewe, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon Mr Arif Khan urged people to: “be aware of what is normal for you, so that you recognise any changes”.

The disease was particularly in the public eye throughout the last year following the death of teenager Stephen Sutton and television favourite Lynda Bellingham.

Another leading campaigning charity - Bowel Cancer UK - is also using April to call for extra research into diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Nick Bason, Head of Communications at Bowel Cancer UK, said: “While major advances have been made in recent years in improving survival rates for bowel cancer, there are still huge research gaps which need to be addressed urgently to improve diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Bowel cancer is both treatable and curable if diagnosed sufficiently early.”

Meanwhile Mr Khan added: “A change in your bowel habit that lasts for three weeks or more, blood in your poo are warning signs that need acting upon as soon as possible. Other signs include unexplained weight loss, feeling tired without reason, stomach pains or a lump in the stomach.”

He also explained that although there was not a clear cut reason why some people develop bowel cancer people can reduce their risk by making some simple lifestyle choices.


Stop smoking: Long-term smokers are more likely than non-smokers to develop bowel cancer.

Watch your weight: After not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight is the most important thing you can do for cancer prevention.

Cut down on alcohol: Bowel cancer has been linked to a heavy intake of alcohol. The more you cut down, the more you reduce your risk.

Exercise regularly: Besides using up extra calories and helping you avoid gaining weight, being physically active also helps food to move through your digestive system more quickly.

Eat healthily: Make sure you eat plenty of dietary fibre from whole grains, seeds, fruit and vegetables. This helps to move waste quickly through your digestive system. Also drink plenty of water.


Welcome to the MP,s 161st news bulletin


This week, we've seen the 'prorogation' of Parliament - the formal conclusion of the work of the House of Commons and the Lords in advance of the General Election, which will be held on Thursday 7 May.
Parliament might be closed now, but I will be continuing to work hard for Crewe and Nantwich constituents throughout the election period.  It's still business as usual at my constituency office in Crewe, which will continue to be open five days a week. So if you would like to drop in for advice or information, you can do so on Mondays 10am to 12noon, and Tuesdays to Fridays 10am to 4pm.

As ever, you can also drop me a line if there is anything that I can do to support you, or any issue or concern that you'd like to raise with me. I will be happy to help in any way I can.

Edward Timpson MP
Member of Parliament for Crewe and Nantwich
Please remember, you can always contact me directly if you have any questions for me, or if there is anything I can do to assist you.

Photo: Nantwich South plans refused by Secretary of State
I met up with local campaigners, including Pat Cullen of Protect Stapeley, and Stapeley councillors to welcome the news that Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has refused the 'Nantwich South' planning applications.
The decision has been a long time coming but it's been well worth the wait and I want to pay tribute to Pat and the Protect Stapeley campaign. Without the involvement of the local residents that supported that campaign – together with the local councillors and myself – we wouldn’t have been able to push a very clear message right through the planning system all the way to the top that this was the wrong development in the wrong location and would directly affect quality of life for many local residents.
Read more: Nantwich Chronicle.

Since my last e-mail, I have...

  • Hosted the second of my two successful Seniors' Health and Information Fairs, at the Victoria Community Centre.
  • Joined the fantastic construction apprentices at Reaseheath College as part of National Apprenticeships Week, which highlights the benefits that skilled apprentices bring to businesses and to the national economy.
  • Met local parents of disabled children at an event at Crewe Alex, organised by Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum as part of Mencap's 'Hear my Voice' campaign.
  • Cut the ribbon at the official re-opening of Wybunbury Village Hall, which has been refurbished with the help of a community grant from WREN.
  • Celebrated with local business PANAD Site Services, as they expand and move to new premises at Macon Court Business Park.
  • Spoken to the BBC with the other parliamentarians who will be running this year's London Marathon, in aid of a range of good causes. I will be running to support the Leighton Hospital MRI Scanner Appeal.
  • Visited the kitchen at Mrs Darlington's Jams in Crewe: a truly local family business, which is going from strength to strength.

Photos: Grand opening, Wybunbury Village Hall
It was great to see first hand the improvements that have been made to the Village Hall in Wybunbury, thanks in part to funding from WREN, the not-for-profit company that turns landfill taxes into community grants.  The hall has been given a new lease of life.
I was also delighted to hear afterwards from the Secretary, to let me know that I'd won a prize in the raffle! A book about Wybunbury, compiled by the local people who know the village best.

London Marathon 2015
I’m looking forward to competing in the London Marathon this year for the eleventh time, and I’m especially delighted to be taking to the streets in aid of the Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity MRI Scanner Appeal. I hope that local people will continue supporting the appeal, and help them raise their £1m target.
You can support my marathon run and the MRI Scanner Appeal through my JustGiving fundraising page.

MP's Seniors Fair was 'a success'
Crewe Chronicle: Crewe’s older generation were able to come together to find out and share a wide range of information. Dario Gradi, Crewe Alexandra’s director of football opened the event at Victoria Community Centre which followed on from a similar event, held in Nantwich and was deemed a ‘big hit.’

Terraced houses, Copyright 'Espresso Addict'

MP builds on skills during Apprenticeship Week
Crewe and Nantwich MP Edward Timpson joined construction apprentices during lessons at Reaseheath College last week.
He visited the Nantwich college as part of National Apprenticeships Week, a celebration of the benefits that skilled apprentices bring to businesses and to the national economy

All Change for Crewe Plan is 'on track'
Crewe Chronicle: Millions of pounds have been invested in the project – but what exactly has the money been spent on, where has it come from and what progress has been made? Belinda Ryan attended a briefing meeting given to councillors by the council's regeneration programme manager for Crewe.

Copyright © 2015 Edward Timpson MP. Promoted by D Potter on behalf of E Timpson both at Churchyardside, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 5DE
You have signed up to Edward Timpson's regular email bulletin.
Contact Edward Timpson MP:

Edward Timpson MP

30 Victoria Street

Crewe, Cheshire CW1 2JE

United Kingdom

Monday 23 March 2015

Illegal Guard Dogs at Allotments

A witness walking near the allotments that go from Ford Lane Crewe to Underwood Lane. A  loose guard dog came rushing at the fence snapping and snarling at them trying to find a way  to get out and attack them. This went on for a full 8 mins. They made a noise to see if there was anyone with it and a man came and said it was a guard dog he had no control over the dog it ignored anything he said.
This is an offense under the guard dog act as the dog must be under control at ALL times if a child or an allotment holder had enter the premise which they could legally do they could have been killed in the 8 mins before the handler came this is why the act was set up in the first place.
The allotments are CEC allotments run by Crewe Town Council and they are also responsible to ensure the handler is  licensed under the act section 3.
I need urgent action to be taken on this matter before innocent people are injured or worse the man with the dog didnt wear a uniform and refused to produce any ID. The main points of the act are below and I would like to know how many other sites controlled by CEC are using these dogs out of control and not complying with the act
Below a reply from the allotments most of which is disputed
Please find attached a CCTV file that covers the main gate at the Ford Lane entrance (you will need software that plays .H264 files) it shows the full incident. It lasted approximately 2 minutes, certainly not the 8 minutes stated in the email . The man walked up to the gate and kicked it, causing the guard dog to run to the gate barking. When the dog handler walked up to the gate he advised the man that he was on CCTV, to which he replied "that’s fucking bollocks, they're fake". The handler pointed to the signs that are clearly displayed on the gate, the first advising that CCTV is in operation and recording 24 hours a day. Then the second larger sign that advises we have dog patrols on site. Both gates are covered by these signs.
Taking their points the cctv which hasn’t been decode yet may show 2 mins from the gate camera but we want them to provide the video from the other cameras which will show the dog was loose for well over 8 mins.
It doesn’t matter if its 2 mins or 10 mins the law states it must be under control at ALL TIMES and they have admitted breaking the law a dog can kill a child in 2 mins this was why the act was setup after a lots of innocent children were hurt What are the council going to do about this breach?
The law states warning must be on every entrance they are on both gates but there are in fact over 100 entrances to the allotments as the houses in Badger ave back onto them and many have access from their gardens as they in the past had a allotment. Speaking to people in the area they are out raged that this dog is loose and could enter their gardens unsupervised and endanger them they were not aware of the dog being loose.
The act says the dog used as a guard dog were ever its kept is classed as a kennel and therefore a licence under section 3 of this Act in respect of the kennels. Can the council confirm it has issued a licence for this dog?
This new law suggest this dog will be illegal next week unless they have the required licence to operate have they got this? Has the handler got a SIA certificate?
How many other allotments are using illegal guard dogs if you know of any please let us know?

New Law

From April 2015 it will become law that all security companies will need a licence to operate. A lot of companies currently trading will simply not be granted a licence as they do not have the correct qualifications in place. If this affects your current supplier, they could disappear overnight, leaving your security compromised. Have they informed you about the new law? Do you know if they will continue to trade with a licence after April 2015? And what if they continue to trade illegally, without a licence? You need to start asking questions.
The licence is being introduced as yet another way of ensuring that customers receive a superior product and service. Unlike the Approved Contractors Scheme (ACS) for service and quality, this new licence is a mandatory certification which should finally see an end to rogue security companies. It’s a positive step forward for the security industry and gives you, the customer, more peace of mind and a better standard of service.
More information about the new licence and what it means for you the customer and the industry can be found at
If you take a Police dog it is always on a lead and under control of the handler the only time it would be loose is if a suspect runs and after a warning it may then be released and is trained to hold not to savage. Can this handler demonstrate his dog will not savage and will respond to normal obedience commands ie sit, stay walk to heel, lie down release a suspect when told?
Control of guard dogs 1975 act.
(1)A person shall not use or permit the use of a guard dog at any premises unless a person (“the handler”) who is capable of controlling the dog is present on the premises and the dog is under the control of the handler at all times while it is being so used except while it is secured so that it is not at liberty to go freely about the premises.
(2)The handler of a guard dog shall keep the dog under his control at all times while it is being used as a guard dog at any premises
(3)A person shall not use or permit the use of a guard dog at any premises unless a notice containing a warning that a guard dog is present is clearly exhibited at each entrance to the premises.
(1)A person shall not keep a dog at guard dog kennels unless he holds a licence under section 3 of this Act in respect of the kennels.
(2)A person shall not use or permit the use at any premises of a guard dog if he knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that the dog (when not being used as a guard dog) is normally kept at guard dog kennels in breach of subsection (1) of this section.


Thing have got a lot more serious after the article on  a  reporter has advised how serious this is.

The Security guard must hold a SIA licence and so must the people who operate the CCTV at the allotments  on the night the guard refused to show his id.

Holders of front line licences must:

Wear the licence where it can be seen at all times when engaging in designated licensable
activity (unless you have reported it lost or stolen, or it is in our possession

As a matter of great urgency I must request the licence numbers of all the people responsible for the cctv which covers public land the licence for the person who employed the guard and the guard himself. Anyone operating viewing the CCTV may need a licence

I believe it will not be possible to provide this as they are all unlicensed  

Penalties for operating without a licence
For those working in a licensable security role or supplying unlicensed security staff, without an SIA
licence the penalties are:
summary conviction at a Magistrate’s Court, Sheriff Court or District Court: a maximum
penalty of six months imprisonment and/or a fine of up to the statutory maximum, or
trial on indictment at Crown Court, High Court of Justiciary or Sheriff and jury trial (for
supplying unlicensed staff only), an unlimited fine and/or up to five years imprisonment.
Interested parties should seek their own independent legal advice on this matter if they are concerned

The question is who is responsible for this is it Crewetown Council , CEC or the allotment association because someone may be liable to up to 5 years imprisonment or unlimited fines?

Infected Emails

Current spam email campaigns are trying to infiltrate or infect email accounts by pretending to come from either Adobe or LinkedIn Support. The emails from LinkedIn claim ‘irregular activities have prompted a compulsory security update’. With the Adobe emails attempt to direct the user to the latest updates
Phishing is an attempt by a fraudster to steal valuable information by pretending to be a company that you know and use. It relies on people to think the message is genuine. Victims are initially sent an email that will have either a link to a website, or contain an attachment. What the fraudsters want you to do is click on the link or attachment so that they can steal valuable information from your computer, like your bank account or credit card details
Protect yourself:

  • Look at who the email is addressed to – many will say “Dear user” or “Dear valued customer” and will not be addressed directly to you.
  • If there are images included in the email they may be of a poor quality but will try to look like the company they are trying to represent.
  • The message may have a few spelling mistakes.
  • Do not click on the link supplied. Instead, go to the relevant website and log in from there.

Sandbach Golf Club have raised £2,020.70 for Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research

Reporter J White

Sandbach Golf Club have raised £2,020.70 for Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research - . Their fund-raising included a Lady Captain’s drive-in, a Ladies winter 9-hole competition, a coffee morning and an afternoon tea. Money raised by the afternoon tea was match-funded by Barclays.

For further information relating to the South Cheshire branch of Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research please ‘phone 01948 871250, or email:

Joyce Griffith presents the cheque to Liz and Mike  Boffey

Council urges residents to make sure they are registered to vote


Cheshire East Council is urging people who rent their homes to make sure they are eligible to vote in the elections.

With only 44 days to go until the most eagerly anticipated general election in years, the Council is keen to ensure as many people as possible are eligible to vote on the day.

Recent changes, under the banner of Individual Electoral Registration, mean that you’ll need to register at your new address. You can do this easily by going to

You’ll need to give your National Insurance number as well your date of birth and address. The deadline for registering to vote in time for this year’s elections is 20 April.

If you have registered yourself at your current address since 10 June, 2014, and you have not moved since, you will be registered to vote under the new system. You will be registered to vote if you have received information at your current address telling you that you are registered under the new system.

Be a voter and make sure you are registered to vote without delay.

Catch22 and Cheshire East Council pilot new scheme to support children


The government has awarded £1.4m to Cheshire East Council and charity Catch22 for a project to find new ways of supporting children who need help from social services.

The money, from the Department for Education’s Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme, will be used to develop and test innovative approaches to assisting children in need, who require additional support services for their health and well-being.

Demand for children's services has been rising nationally and the resulting pressure on local authorities’ resources means that prevention works best both in terms of services to families and the public purse, so it is vital to bring in new thinking and skills to improve outcomes for vulnerable children.

Catch22 and Cheshire East Council have a successful 11-year relationship and will test a new approach with innovative staffing and a delivery model that combines the expertise of the social work profession with the experience and creativity of a social business.

Launching this summer, a pilot project in Crewe will tackle underlying problems with tailored and intensive early interventions with children and families. By reducing repeat escalations, the scheme will get families more intensive support at an earlier stage and will reduce the need for more complex interventions later on. This in turn will help with reducing demand on specialist social work services.

Four new children in need teams, split into pods and made up of non-social work qualified family practitioners, will work with families. They will be supported by peer mentors and a qualified social work practitioner will supervise each pod.

Tony Crane, Cheshire East Council’s Director of Children Services said: “The Council’s mantra is early intervention. We believe prevention is better than cure. A core focus of our service is ensuring our children and young people are safe and we want to work innovatively with families to secure this aim. 

“Partnership work is the core of our strategy to prevent such harmful situations. The right services at the right time is our aim and we are delighted to be working with  Catch22 to ensure the most vulnerable in our society receive early help.”

Chris Wright, Chief Executive of Catch22, said: “We are delighted that the DfE has awarded us the opportunity to pilot a new model for delivering services to children in need in Crewe.

“We are keen to build on our experience and to work in partnership with Cheshire East Council.

“We have long held the view that success is determined largely by creating the right kind of environment to deliver services – one where professionals build trusting relationships, help service users themselves identify the value of positive change, and support them to navigate that path.

“I believe we have developed a model with Cheshire East that embodies these principles and which will realise positive outcomes for vulnerable young people.”

Minister’s announcement on HS2 Crewe reinforces Council’s optimism


Cheshire East Council has welcomed the announcement by transport secretary Patrick McLoughlin that a future government will bring forward the construction of high speed rail to Crewe sooner than planned.

The council acknowledges that the final route has yet to be decided but is pleased that the Secretary of State has indicated that Crewe could become the first northern hub for HS2 before the 200mph service continues to Manchester to form a new super-fast link across the Pennines.

Commenting on the announcement, the Executive Director of Economic Development, Caroline Simpson said: “This Council has put in an enormous amount of work to secure HS2 for Crewe and the prospect of an early hybrid bill in the next Parliament, which could confirm Crewe as the northern hub, is something we look forward to with great anticipation.

“We cannot emphasise strongly enough the economic growth it will bring to south Cheshire and north Staffordshire and, as we have always said, we intend that those economic benefits will be enjoyed across the sub-region, stretching into North Wales and Merseyside as well as North Staffordshire.

“The hub station in Crewe would act as the gateway to the Northern Powerhouse and HS2 promises to bring a second railway revolution to the town and transform its economic prospects.”

In October 2014, Sir David Higgins, Chairman of HS2 Ltd., announced Crewe as the preferred location for a Superhub north of Birmingham. He also indicated it was hoped to deliver the northern section of the project five to six years sooner than the expected date of 2032.

Chancellor George Osborne dropped the hint in his autumn statement that the government wanted to see this happen sooner than initially planned.  He said the government was analysing the possibility of “accelerating” construction from north of Birmingham to Crewe.

Caroline Simpson added: “All the signals appear to be showing green for Crewe.  We remain extremely optimistic that the historic railway town will re-establish its great reputation as an engineering and transport capital for the whole of the north.”

Sixty-four thousand jobs are forecast to be created if the high-speed project arrives at Crewe where there will be a demand for homes and skilled workers.

Because of that the Council is throwing its weight behind plans for a new University Technical College and supporting schools and academies that wish to broaden and raise the academic and vocational skills and achievements of their students.

Many Cheshire East towns including Northwich, Winsford and Middlewich, will see significant economic gains and improved rail and road connectivity. A ‘development corridor’ stretching from Northwich to Stoke-on-Trent will evolve from the scheme.

The entire project is estimated to be worth some £3.5bn a year to the North West economy.

Friday 20 March 2015

Wreath to be laid to remember a war hero on the 100th anniversary of his death


Two Wistaston residents, Joyce and Graham Rawlings, are to lay a wreath for Harry Burnadine Rawlings on the 100th anniversary of his death in the First World War.  Harry was born in Crewe and at one time lived in Rigg Street with his brother Walter.  (See below and attached)

Cllr Brian Silvester will be attending the ceremony. He said, “It is wonderful  that a war hero can be remembered in this way, 100 years after his death. If there are any relatives of Harry in the Crewe area I hope they can attend as well. I would like to thank Joyce and Graham for  arranging this tribute to a war hero  who gave his life, so we could be free to live our lives. The ultimate sacrifice.”

If anyone needs/wants to speak with Joyce, best time is afternoons.  01270 668835

Council and volunteers spearhead spring clean of town


Middlewich is being given a thorough spring clean – thanks to work spearheaded by Cheshire East Council and helped by local volunteers.

A ‘deep clean’ has been taking place in the town to help it sparkle and shine in the March sunshine and beyond.

Council staff have been working alongside volunteers from Middlewich Clean Team to remove graffiti, chewing gum ‘grot spots’ and algae from public buildings – with more work to be done over the coming days and weeks.

Councillor David Topping, Cheshire East Council Cabinet member in charge of service commissioning, said: “Our staff and community volunteers have been doing sterling work to make the town look smarter and cleaner – and it is great to see.

“The Bull Ring looks so smart again and will have more work on it to remove the remaining algae.

“The brick bus stop opposite the church has been power-washed brilliantly and graffiti has been professionally removed from a cottage by the wharf and other work has been done to remove graffiti from other bus shelters by the skate park and at Red Cow Court. The bridge has been given a good wash and clean too.

“This is another good example of the Council working in partnership with residents to improve the community and I would like to extend my thanks to all volunteers involved that have made this project possible.”

Thursday 19 March 2015

New directory helps keep people informed about local care services


Finding information about care services in your local area is being given a boost with the publication of the Cheshire East Care Services Directory 2015/16.

The directory, which is published by Care Choices in association with Cheshire East Council, is packed with useful articles that explain all available care options.

It will be available for FREE from April 1 and includes comprehensive listings of care providers for residential care or care in your own home. There is also guidance on paying for care and what financial assistance is available from the government.

Councillor Janet Clowes, Cheshire East Council Cabinet member in charge of care and health in the community, said: “This is a really useful directory that can help ensure local people are informed about services and will help them make informed choices about getting the right support in the right place and at the right time.”

If you want to speak to someone about care options, funding, accessing services or other care-related questions you may have, call this directory’s free helpline on 0800 3892 077.

The friendly operators can give you more information, talk through any queries and provide you with a shortlist of care homes, in your chosen location, that meet specific care needs.

For your FREE copy of the Cheshire East Care Services Directory 2015/16 please visit your local library or Council customer service centre, or ring the Council, after April 1, on 01270 371315.

It is also available in e-book format with a spoken word option via

Activ8 boosts fitness for adults with disabilities


Activ8 Adults, a new weekly multi-activity session, is giving people with a disability the chance to keep fit.

The number of people taking part has grown since the first session was held at the Barony Sports Complex in Nantwich on Thursday, February 12.

The multi-activity session, organised by Everybody Sport and Recreation in partnership with Cheshire East Council, includes a variety of activities such as cycling, bowling, tennis and boccia using the outdoor facilities as well as the indoor gym.

Andrew Kolker, chairman of Everybody Sport and Recreation said: “Anyone with a disability is welcome to come along and have a go to see if it’s appropriate for them. We have qualified coaches delivering the sports activities and gym instructors to support in the gym.

“The emphasis of the session is on fun, having a go and socialising with other members of the group. Numbers are growing each week.”

Councillor Janet Clowes, Cheshire East’s Cabinet member for care and health in the community, joined a recent Activ8 session to see for herself how it works.

She said: “This is a great way to keep fit with lots of variety and something to suit everyone. I would urge anyone with a disability to give it a try and I am pleased to see that the sessions are gaining in popularity.”

The cost is £3.60 per session or £19 a month when using an Everybody Options Card. For more information about the options card and the Active8 Adult sessions please visit:  or email

Fundraising event for Cardiac Risk in the Young - CRY?

Reporter  Jonathan White, Wistaston

‘The Grand Day Out’ is a fundraising event to celebrate the life of Ceri Palmer Howells, a young lady who was a former Wistaston Rose Queen and active member of the local community.  Ceri died suddenly in March 2014 at the young age of 22 years from sudden arrhythmic death syndrome S.A.D.S. This is a little known condition that causes at least 12 young people to die every week in the UK. Ceri's family are keen to support the work of Cardiac Risk in the Young – CRY , a charity that funds research into the condition and helps support bereaved families.

‘The Grand Day Out’ takes place on Saturday 28th March 2015 between 10.30am and 5pm at St. Mary’s Church Hall, Church Lane, Wistaston, Cheshire CW2 8HA. The day will feature a pamper zone, craft zone, cake paradise, music, stalls, a grand prize draw and a chance to learn more about the vital work of CRY in saving young lives.

Tickets are £5, which includes entrance to the event and a cream tea or savoury option. Tickets are available in advance from St Mary's Church Office, 01270 567119,, Ceri's website:  or direct from Robert and Alison Howells on 01270 569327. Some tickets will also be available on the door on the day of the event.


National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day.

Today (Wednesday 18th March) marks National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day.

Police forces across the county and their partners are joining forces to highlight the issues surrounding CSE - encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero tolerance approach to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children and children forming inappropriate sexual relationships with their peers.

In Cheshire, a case study has been produced to mark the event.  The 5-minute video is a powerful portrait of one girl’s experience of Child Sexual Exploitation – and the impact it had on both her and her family.
Trailer video;
Full video;

Assistance Chief Constable Guy Hindle said:  “The case study features the personal journey of one teenage girl focusing on how she was sexually exploited by a man older than her.  She talks about what happened to her and the impact this had on her and her family – encouraging other young people who may be in a similar situation to come forward and report it.

“This case resulted in a successful prosecution at court and reinforces the message that Child Sexual Exploitation is a crime and will not be tolerated.  It is hoped that the visual account will strike a chord with others – ensuring those who are being sexually exploited report it to the authorities and get all the help and support they need.”

Cheshire Police and its partners are united in the fight against Child Sexual Exploitation – and are committed to tackling this type of crime.

Information packs have been distributed to every secondary school in the county containing key information and advice for teachers and those working with young people.  Awareness packs have been distributed to hotel staff and taxi drivers across the county - accompanied by adverts on buses and taxis on key routes across Cheshire highlighting the campaign.

Cheshire Police’s campaign is supported by a website - - packed with information and advice about the issue.  The case study can be viewed via this website.

ACC Hindle added:  “Child Sexual Exploitation is an issue that Cheshire Police and its partners take extremely seriously.  We all have a duty to protect those who are most vulnerable within our communities and everyone involved continues to work hard to tackle the issue.

“On a day of national awareness raising I would urge everyone to join together and reinforce the message that Child Sexual Exploitation is not acceptable and anyone involved in this type of crime will be identified, prosecuted and punished for their actions.”
More information and useful links can be found on the Cheshire Police website;

Secretary of State backs Cheshire East Council’s bid to stop homes plan


Cheshire East Council is celebrating another significant planning appeal victory after a proposal to build 189 new homes on land adjacent to Stapleley and Nantwich was rejected by the Secretary of State.

This follows victory in the High Court over 170 homes in Willaston, and successful appeal decisions concerning 300 homes in Wistaston and 880 homes in Shavington.

The  Secretary of state expressed concern that the proposals from Muller Property Group – for land between Audlem Road, Broad Lane and Peter de Stapleigh Way – would involve the loss of countryside and the best and most versatile agricultural land.

There should be no assumption that development of this nature should proceed on a piecemeal basis, he added.

Overall, the Secretary of State concluded that the scheme “fails to represent sustainable development in terms of being the most effective way of improving the economic, social and environmental conditions of the wider area”.

Councillor Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “This once again vindicates our approach to the promotion of sustainable development and reinforces the fact that there is no planning ‘free for all’ whilst we finalise our planning frameworks.

“It shows that we are continuing to fight for the interests of Cheshire East’s residents – and winning some hard-earned victories.

“People can be assured that we will make every effort to prevent inappropriate development, to preserve our precious heritage and get the right development in the right location.”

“The message to developers is clear – put an end to sporadic housing in the countryside and work with us through our Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plans to provide the sustainable development that our communities want and need.”

Councillor Don Stockton, Cabinet member in charge of housing and jobs said: “I welcome this latest appeal decision, which demonstrates that Cheshire countryside can be protected from inappropriate development.”

Cheshire East chosen for business rate pilot in Budget 2015


Cheshire East Council and Greater Manchester Combined Authority react to the announcement in the budget that, subject to agreement, Cheshire East Council and Greater Manchester will enter into a pilot for full retention of business rates growth from April 1, 2015.

Under current arrangements, 50 per cent of business rates growth income is retained locally and 50 per cent returned to central government. But the pilot, which will also be trialled in Cambridge, will test whether full retention of business rates can be rolled out as a national fiscal model.

Reacting to the news, Council Leader Councillor Michael Jones, said: “This is fantastic news and something we have been pressing for, for some time. It means we get to keep more of the business rates that we generate locally. 

“Cheshire East has created the right conditions to attract private sector investment, jobs, growth and confidence. This announcement will helps us to build on this success and invest even more into the local economy and to continue to put our residents first.

“We are delighted to be at the forefront of the Chancellor’s new pilot to encourage and incentivise growth in local businesses and to work alongside Greater Manchester to trial this.

“We embrace innovation and have a strong commitment to economic growth and prosperity for all.

“Cheshire East Council has the largest number of small and medium sized businesses in the North West and contributes significantly as one of the economic powerhouses of the north and for the UK.

“This initiative will help to attract further investment, jobs and opportunities for the people who live and work here.

“This will become all the more important as we move towards more devolved government. Cheshire East is in a strong economic position in the North West.”

Lord Peter Smith, Chair of Greater Manchester Combined Authority, said: “We have long made the case that capturing the benefits of growth is a key part of our ambition to secure fiscal devolution for Greater Manchester.

“Stimulating growth, and helping our residents benefit from it, is already a key priority for GMCA. This announcement means we will be able to keep more of the proceeds of growth within the area - rather than handing them over to central government – and reinvest them in measures designed to encourage further growth here.

“It will be a virtuous circle and we can only gain and not lose funding through this new arrangement.

“This is another significant step in the right direction and is another example of Greater Manchester being at the heart of innovation. It comes on top of November’s ground-breaking devolution deal and last month’s agreement to devolve the health and social care to Greater Manchester.

“We hope this latest announcement will be the first step to full business rates devolution as we continue our journey towards a financially self-sustaining Greater Manchester.”

Cheshire East makes strong showing in Britain’s most inspiring companies list


Cheshire East is punching well above its weight in a new listing of the UK’s most exciting companies.

Fourteen businesses based in the Borough have made it into 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain, a special report published by the London Stock Exchange.

The City of Manchester can only boast 12 companies in the listing, Liverpool has six and Cheshire West and Chester just five.

The report is designed to identify the dynamic small and medium-sized businesses that are the driving force behind the UK economy.

Xavier Rolet, CEO, London Stock Exchange Group, said: “The 1,000 companies highlighted in our report have, on average, more than doubled their revenue in the last four years, and the top 500 have more than tripled theirs.”

Councillor Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “We already knew that we had one of the most vibrant economies in the North West and that the Borough is a great place to build a business.

“But the strength and depth of Cheshire East’s presence in this report from the London Stock Exchange shows that we also have many fast-growing companies which will create more jobs and growth in the years to come.”

The Cheshire East firms named among the 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain are:

  • County Milk Products, founded in 1994 and based in Wilmslow, supplies liquid and powdered dairy products, butter fats, cheese and animal feeds.
  • Based in Knutsford, Crawford Healthcare Holdings supplies dermatology products including patch tests, acne treatments, sun lotion, woundcare and diagnostic products and is expanding internationally.
  • M&S Logistics runs a fleet of 4,000 tank containers for bulk liquid transport and was founded in 1996. Headquartered in Sandbach with offices in the USA, South Africa, Asia and the Netherlands, it operates globally through a network of agents.
  • Massey Feeds is a family business with over 125 years experience of supplying farmers from its mills in Holmes Chapel and Preston. Its products include high-protein feed for lactating cows.
  • Leap29 is a global recruitment firm, based in Wilmslow, which serves the oil and gas, mining, engineering and professional services sectors and has offices in the USA, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Malaysia.
  • Mercian Ltd, based in Macclesfield, was founded in 2005 and within six years had become the largest single supplier of potatoes to the UK’s major crisp manufacturers.
  • Mobica Limited, a software company based in Wilmslow, provides the automotive, mobile, semiconductor, finance, TV and broadcasting, marine and aviation industries with solutions used in smartphones, TVs, cars and intelligent buildings.
  • MPM Products, based in Macclesfield, has seen its sales increase from £2m to more than £27m since 2008 thanks to demand for its Applaws and Encore dog and cat food brands.
  • H J Lea Oakes traces its history as a miller and feed supplier back to 1675 and now supplies some of the UK’s largest agribusinesses from its base in Aston, near Nantwich.
  • From its headquarters on the Parkgate Industrial Estate in Knutsford, Oliver Twinsafe Valves supplies large bore, pipeline valves to oil, gas and petrochemical industries all over the world.
  • Quintessential Finance Group has grown 400% in the past four years. The Macclesfield-based company’s Pingtree technology, which plugs financial businesses and websites into lenders and insurance providers, is a huge success in the US loans market.
  • Sense Network Limited, based in Knutsford, helps independent financial advisers to operate efficiently, profitably and compliantly with a web-based business management system that simplifies time-consuming processes.
  • Tandom Metallurgical Group produces aluminium alloys for the diecasting and steel industries and carries out metal processing at its five-acre Congleton site.
  • Macclesfield-based Pulse Umbrella Group offers accounting services to contractors and freelance professionals.

Emerging Neighbourhood Plans get full commitment of Cheshire East Council


Cheshire East Council aims to become the leading local authority in the promotion of neighbourhood planning and makes the commitment as the emerging Bunbury and Sandbach ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ consultations go live.

As part of its ‘Residents First’ commitment, the Council has pledged to give full support to parishes and towns wishing to develop Neighbourhood Plans for their communities, giving them local control over the scale and location of proposed developments.

Residents are being urged to get involved and have their say about their own emerging Neighbourhood Plan by logging on to the Council’s website.

Council Leader, Councillor Michael Jones, said: “We have promised the people of Cheshire East that we will protect the characteristics they value in their own town or village and emerging Neighbourhood Plans allow the people to do this.”

Sandbach and Bunbury are the first parishes to publish their emerging Neighbourhood Plans and both will now go out to public consultation.

Nineteen more parishes across the Borough have formally started the process and 50 parishes and town councils have expressed an interest in getting their own emerging plans in place.

The Deputy Leader of Cheshire East Council, Councillor David Brown, Cabinet member for strategic outcomes added: “These emerging neighbourhood plans are being developed by local communities and volunteers from all walks of life. 

“They are looking at roads, housing, employment, the street environment, leisure and retail; all the issues which impact on our daily lives. This is localism at work and at its best and I congratulate Sandbach and Bunbury communities. 

“This is about empowering local communities, positively supporting good development and resisting undesirable, unsustainable proposals.”

Community groups and local organisations are encouraged to contribute to the preparation process, before emerging plans are officially published.

A six-week public consultation exercise will take place, following that the emerging neighbourhood plan will be adopted.

The government has confirmed funding to support the neighbourhood plans into the next financial year while in some cases, High Court rulings have recognised their importance and overturned planning appeals in favour of residents, especially when they are in emerging status.

It’s all part of the Localism Act 2011 which empowers communities to have more of a say about where they live and work.

Residents and local councils can obtain more information about Neighbourhood Plans by visiting the Cheshire East web site at

Council gives £8,000 boost to sports in local community


Cheshire East Council has given £8,200 to boost a sports group’s bid to widen its involvement in the local community.

The Council grant will support Wistaston Sports and Leisure Association’s (WSLA) application for £75,000 from environmental body Wren to help pay for a pavilion extension. This would enable broader community use of the building and facilities.

The WSLA is an independent 'not-for-profit' organisation set up in 1997 to encourage sport and leisure activities in the village.

Presenting the cheque, Councillor Margaret Simon, Cheshire East ward Member for Wistaston, said: “I am delighted that Cheshire East has been able to help with grant funding towards this project.

“The grant has helped to move the project forward and, ultimately, will enable the association to develop better facilities, which will benefit the community as a whole.”

Cllr Derek Millington, Wistaston parish councillor and WSLA chairman, said: “With this generous cheque from Cheshire East, alongside some other funding from the National Lottery via Sport England and Wren, we are able to bring our extension project forward by 12 months.

“The extension to the pavilion is much needed and we hope that, once completed, it will help us to really put WSLA on the map by attracting more and more people to join us and enjoy the benefits of our facilities.”

Membership of the association is open to any local resident and any local sports club can affiliate to the association. Currently, three football clubs, the village cricket club and the local community council are affiliated.

WSLA treasurer and parish Councillor Ray Westwood added: “This is an ambitious project and it really took some organising in terms of a funding plan.

“We are really pleased with the way that Cheshire East has supported us in this. The new extension will more than double the size of our function room and we’ll also have a large patio area, where people can watch the cricket and football.

“We currently have membership of around 500 people. In addition, our function room is rented out about 30 times a month to various community groups – so we’ve had something in the range of 10,000 visits from the community already and we want improve on that and make it even greater.”

Cheshire Charity Delivers Groundbreaking Event to Bring Housebuilders and Communities Together


Cheshire Community Action, a long established rural regeneration charity, last week facilitated the ‘Meet the Developer Event’ at Crewe Alexandra Football Stadium. The one day event, believed to be the first one of its kind nationally, was organised to bring together Local Councils, community representatives and organisations that are developing homes across Cheshire.

The event was a response to requests from Local Councils producing Neighbourhood Plans (and those that aren’t) to help them engage with developers and vice versa. Both Cheshire East and Cheshire West and Chester are two of the most active Neighbourhood Planning areas in England and Cheshire Community Action is taking the lead in supporting this engagement.

Cheshire Community Action’s Policy and Development Manager, John Heselwood said:

“We took a risk by setting up this event, as housing and planning is an area many feel very passionate about. In recent years, developers and communities have had poor relations compounded by the upheaval of the planning system. However, we were very encouraged by the overwhelmingly positive and constructive discussion that took place between community members, local councillors and developers.

“We broke a mould by trying out this approach and it worked! But we have to learn from this event and look at how we can build on the experience. Housing and planning is one of the most divisive issues this country faces. There is a national housing crisis, with property prices (particularly in rural areas) now out of the reach of almost an entire generation of young people and families. There is also a growing need for more suitable homes for the rapidly ageing population, particularly in Cheshire. Organisations like Cheshire Community Action are well positioned to facilitate a conversation between communities and developers to enable the delivery of the right homes, in the right places. We hope that more organisations across the country will learn from our experience.”

Over 65 delegates representing 40 communities attended, each having the opportunity to engage with the 9 private developers and housing associations that attended and sponsored the event. There were also workshops run on relevant topics including: Local Housing Need, Neighbourhood Planning, Community Led Housing and Government funding for housing. There was great interest in the event being followed up to enable further opportunities for communities and developers to engage in constructive debate about the local implications of the UK’s housing crisis.

For further information on the event please visit: or email:

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Hungary makes pitch for business in Cheshire East


The Hungarian ambassador and the country’s energy minister will be joined by former Chancellor Ken Clarke when they come to Cheshire East to make a pitch for more trade with Britain.

North West businesses are being invited to sign up for the Doing Business in Hungary event at Alderley Park on March 25, 2015.

It has been organised by the Enterprise Europe Network North West in cooperation with the Embassy of Hungary, the Hungarian Honorary Consul in Manchester, Cheshire East Council, Manchester Airport and Maltacourt, a Runcorn-based logistics company already trading successfully in Hungary.

The aim is to raise awareness about business opportunities in Hungary and central Europe, with the help of testimonials from British companies which have already been successful there.

The focus will be on energy, logistics, advanced engineering and healthcare and the organisers hope to foster more trade through matchmaking and with the help of the Hungarian embassy or British and Hungarian intermediaries.

The speakers and main guests will include: His Excellency Péter Szabadhegy, Hungary’s Ambassador to the UK; Dr Andrew Aradszki, Minister of State for Energy Affairs; Councillor Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council; Mr Bob Neill MP, vice-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Hungary Group; Mr Brendan Beech, Business Development Director at Maltacourt; and the Rt. Hon Ken Clarke MP, former Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Councillor Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “Businesses in the Borough are always looking for new markets and suppliers and so we are very pleased to support this event, which will enable them to find out more about the opportunities in Hungary and central Europe.”

This event, the first of its kind in Cheshire, is open to all companies with an interest in international trade with Hungary. It starts at 10.00am and runs until 12.30pm after which there will be exhibition stalls and a networking lunch. To register, businesses should email: or contact Cheshire East Council’s business relations team on or 0300 123 5001. There is no charge to attend.

Council gives £31,000 boost to historic town museum


Cheshire East Council has given a £31,000 boost to Congleton Museum.

The grant will help the much-loved institution relocate to larger and better premises in the town.

The money will part fund the project to redevelop Bradshaw House, in Lawton Street, into an exciting new museum for Congleton – including a feasibility study and architectural survey in preparation for a Heritage Lottery funding application.

With its ever expanding collection, the move will provide more space for the collection’s displays, improved facilities for activities and give the museum greater prominence.

Councillor David Brown, Deputy Leader of Cheshire East Council, presented the grant cheque during a visit to the museum, which is based in the former police station next to Congleton Town Hall.

Cllr Brown said “It was a pleasure to be in my home town, presenting a cheque on behalf of Cheshire East Council to support the museum.

“This is a very exciting time for Congleton Museum – applying for a range of grants and funding to enable the move to Bradshaw House, with its own rich history.

“This museum is a tremendous community asset, attracting people from all over the Borough and beyond.

“In my eyes, one of the most important things that the museum does is in its work with schoolchildren. I understand that typically about 2,000 children, mainly from East Cheshire, West Cheshire, Staffordshire and Trafford, come to the museum each year on organised visits.

“I know that their World War II and ‘evacuee experiences’ have been particularly successful and one of the strengths of the organisation here is that they are constantly evolving and developing – so we’ll look forward to what comes next.

“I would thoroughly recommend a visit to Congleton Museum, for these things and more.”

The museum is managed by Congleton Museum Trust, a registered charity which was formed in 1985 by a group of local history enthusiasts to pull together as much as possible of the history of Congleton and to explore ways of exhibiting it to the community.

The museum opened in 2002, following the redevelopment of Congleton Town hall, and has gone from strength to strength.

The wide-ranging artefacts on display include an Anglo-Saxon log boat, a burial urn from 1500 BC and two major coin hoards from the 17th Century, alongside many items of historical interest from more recent times.

Ian Doughty, chairman of the board of trustees and collections manager, said “Congleton Museum was originally established to interpret and preserve the heritage of Congleton.

“But over the last two or three years, we have become involved in preserving heritage from a much wider area – having helped Middlewich to secure a 17th Century gold mourning ring, acquired a gold Roman dress ring from Sandbach and Viking metalwork from Church Lawton, as well as pre-historic artefacts from a wider area.

“So, we now have a broader remit than just the town and this cheque from Cheshire East will help our move towards Bradshaw House, where we will be able to offer greater facilities and more space in order to interpret the heritage of the area and to develop a heritage hub for this part of East Cheshire.

“Bradshaw house is an early 19th century Georgian mansion, built by a local landowner William Lowndes, of Hassall Hall. It is built on the site of the Congleton house of John Bradshaw the regicide – well-known for being president of the court that tried King Charles I.”

Congleton Museum is on Market Square, Congleton. For more information ring the museum on 01260 276360 or visit the website