The Second is the river/brook at the rear of Tipkinder BMX track were the river is polluted by rubbish thrown in like bikes and trolleys I dont know if the council cover this or its the Water utils but we will look into it
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Clean Crewe More Rubbish
More rubbish reported by readers of Crewe Blog and this blog in out campaign to clean Crewe. The first is In Lawton St were there are bags of rubbish and bed etc. This sort of problem i soften people putting the rubbish out long before the bin men come. We have passed this on to Streetwise.

The Second is the river/brook at the rear of Tipkinder BMX track were the river is polluted by rubbish thrown in like bikes and trolleys I dont know if the council cover this or its the Water utils but we will look into it
The Second is the river/brook at the rear of Tipkinder BMX track were the river is polluted by rubbish thrown in like bikes and trolleys I dont know if the council cover this or its the Water utils but we will look into it
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Clean Crewe Caroline is on the case
Caroline Yoxall Cleansing Supervisor Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council is backing our campaign to clean up Crewe and she is going to get any reported rubbish sorted normally within 24 hours. So you need to send in those reports so we can get Crewe Tidy.
More pictures of rubbish coming in with a picture of the bridge in Mill St which seems to be used a meeting point for drinks parties as the whole area is covered in glass and broken bottles,

The picture below shows a part of the problem. As you can see there is everything in this pile of rubbish at the rear of Minshull New RD. As the council charge to remove settees etc people cant afford it or wont pay it so they just dump it instead. We are onto our councilors trying to get this charge lifted when the new council takes over next week as we think this will solve a lot of the problems.
We want to implemented the old idea put forward by the council but never implemented that is to have volunteer rubbish wardens. All they do is keep an eye on their local area and if they see any rubbish they report it FREE. This would save a lot of money and cost nothing to startup. The problem is rubbish gets dumped often in bags and if its moved quickly it only takes a short time to remove but if its left a few days dogs get into the rubbish and its then everywhere doubling the time to recover it. To get things started the Home Watch could be asked to help as they have people all over Crewe who keep their eye on the local area and could easily report rubbish.
More pictures of rubbish coming in with a picture of the bridge in Mill St which seems to be used a meeting point for drinks parties as the whole area is covered in glass and broken bottles,
The picture below shows a part of the problem. As you can see there is everything in this pile of rubbish at the rear of Minshull New RD. As the council charge to remove settees etc people cant afford it or wont pay it so they just dump it instead. We are onto our councilors trying to get this charge lifted when the new council takes over next week as we think this will solve a lot of the problems.
We want to implemented the old idea put forward by the council but never implemented that is to have volunteer rubbish wardens. All they do is keep an eye on their local area and if they see any rubbish they report it FREE. This would save a lot of money and cost nothing to startup. The problem is rubbish gets dumped often in bags and if its moved quickly it only takes a short time to remove but if its left a few days dogs get into the rubbish and its then everywhere doubling the time to recover it. To get things started the Home Watch could be asked to help as they have people all over Crewe who keep their eye on the local area and could easily report rubbish.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Clean up Crewe 4 Spring
This Blog and also Crewe Blog often get complaints about the rubbish in Crewe and the mess every where so we decided to have a clean Crewe for Spring campaign to get people to report rubbish either to Streetwise Free on 0800 387491 or send pictures in to the blog and we will report it.
We can then report back on when its cleaned up. Normally if you give Streetwise a call they will move rubbish within 24 hours so there is no need for all the mess in Crewe. We wouldn't need to report it if people didnt dump it in the first place.
A quick trip around the West End and I found all the rubbish dumped behind Frank Web next to the power station and someone has gone to town with everything from a tent to TV and smelly nappies.
Goulden St has just had a make over and all the pavements have been tarmacked and it looks posh that is until you see you cant walk down the street as there are 10 bags of rubbish dumped on the foot path and no its not rubbish day.
Get out with your cameras and let us have you snaps of rubbish dont forget to say exactly were it is so we can get it removed. Good hunting
More Sping Colour
Leighton Park Paths update
A trip down to Leighton Park shows the paths are all but finished now as the final tarmac goes down and the paths are open. This will now take you from Minshull New RD across the Brooklands and down to Badger Ave and into town all without leaving the path. There is just some tidying of the grass to do but the path is welcome as it was always muddy across the park area
Tchibo the final hours
The final hours of this great little shop took place today as I watched them empty the shop after four years and still people wanted to come in. It one shop you would think would have survived as it had the unique selling point that it changed every week so there was all ways something new. The product were all of good quality and friendly staff and a cup of coffee. All that is left is a an empty shell.
Another Pub goes to the Wall
The Prince of Wales in West St has been boarded up this week as the credit crunch and no smoking in pubs hits home. The George off West St is also another victim. I think the no smoking has had more effect than the credit crunch as people want to be able to smoke and drink. Cheap booze from supermarkets hasnt helped as its just as cheap as pop in some shops now
Friday, 20 March 2009
St Luke’s Cheshire Hospice
St Luke’s Cheshire Hospice was outside Asda promoting its services and answering question from the public.

The have a Midnight Walk arranged for Saturday 20th June 2009. As of Friday 13th March 2009, they have 1,218 walkers registered! 532 places left! There is still plenty of time to sponsor someone so get the money rolling in.
If you would like to contact them about registering for the walk or volunteering to help out on the night, please contact
St Luke's (Cheshire) Hospice
Fundraising Department
Grosvenor House
(01606) 551246 during business hours
The website for the walk is this has full details and pictures of other walks. They even have a Blog at

They also run a Lottery for local people to take part in with a prize of £1500.
The hospice it’s self has a website and some details of what they do are
Who we serve - St Luke's Hospice is a small hospice situated in Winsford which cares for people living in the mid and south Cheshire area. The hospice offers a warm and supportive environment where specialist staff attend all patients.
The hospice caters for a variety of individual needs, and these include:
An In-Care Unit for ten patients: for assessment, symptom control and terminal care.
A Day Hospice offering specialist palliative care for up to fifteen patients a day.
A Complementary Therapy Clinic operates three times a week on a Monday and Wednesday (from 10am to 3pm) and on a Thursday (from 2.30pm to 8.30pm) - offering a variety of short courses and individual therapy treatments to individuals with cancer as well as supportive care to carers.
A Family Support Unit provides a social worker and counselling service for patients and families. Hospice care continues after death to support family and friends in bereavement.
The Out Patient Clinic offers appointments for specialist consultations.
A Lymphoedema Service has been developed for treatment and advice.
St Luke's does not restrict itself to caring only for patients with cancer but also to those with other life threatening illnesses. Referral is normally through the GP, Hospital Doctor or Macmillan Nurse, but we welcome enquiries. Informal visits can be arranged.
Contact St Luke’s
There is a list of department-specific telephone numbers below. For general inquiries, please call 01606 551246 between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm.
To write to us, please address your correspondence to:
St. Luke's Hospice, Grosvenor House, Queensway, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 4AW.
To email us please click on the appropriate link below:
General Administration Enquiries: Carol Smith
Medical Enquiries: Tracey Layton. (To find out how to take advantage of the day care facilities, therapies and services, or for guidelines on admitting someone to St Luke's Hospice, or for help on any of our medical capabilities).
Day Care 01606 555681
Lymphoedema Service
01606 555682
01606 555683
Family Support Unit
01606 555693
01606 555692
Social Workers
01606 555694
01606 555695
Fundraising Enquiries: Fundraising
Jane Thompson 01606 555688
Karen Burns 01606 555686
Wendy Gibson 01606 555488
Diane Eeley 01606 555697
Aimie Worsnop 01606 555685
Joanne Horne 01606 555687
Nicola Jepson 01606 555684
Volunteer Enquiries: Denise Unwin or Sue Edwards
Denise Unwin 01606 555690
Sue Edwards 01606 555689
Cheshire Hospices Eduction 01606 559292
The have a Midnight Walk arranged for Saturday 20th June 2009. As of Friday 13th March 2009, they have 1,218 walkers registered! 532 places left! There is still plenty of time to sponsor someone so get the money rolling in.
If you would like to contact them about registering for the walk or volunteering to help out on the night, please contact
St Luke's (Cheshire) Hospice
Fundraising Department
Grosvenor House
(01606) 551246 during business hours
The website for the walk is this has full details and pictures of other walks. They even have a Blog at
They also run a Lottery for local people to take part in with a prize of £1500.
The hospice it’s self has a website and some details of what they do are
Who we serve - St Luke's Hospice is a small hospice situated in Winsford which cares for people living in the mid and south Cheshire area. The hospice offers a warm and supportive environment where specialist staff attend all patients.
The hospice caters for a variety of individual needs, and these include:
An In-Care Unit for ten patients: for assessment, symptom control and terminal care.
A Day Hospice offering specialist palliative care for up to fifteen patients a day.
A Complementary Therapy Clinic operates three times a week on a Monday and Wednesday (from 10am to 3pm) and on a Thursday (from 2.30pm to 8.30pm) - offering a variety of short courses and individual therapy treatments to individuals with cancer as well as supportive care to carers.
A Family Support Unit provides a social worker and counselling service for patients and families. Hospice care continues after death to support family and friends in bereavement.
The Out Patient Clinic offers appointments for specialist consultations.
A Lymphoedema Service has been developed for treatment and advice.
St Luke's does not restrict itself to caring only for patients with cancer but also to those with other life threatening illnesses. Referral is normally through the GP, Hospital Doctor or Macmillan Nurse, but we welcome enquiries. Informal visits can be arranged.
Contact St Luke’s
There is a list of department-specific telephone numbers below. For general inquiries, please call 01606 551246 between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm.
To write to us, please address your correspondence to:
St. Luke's Hospice, Grosvenor House, Queensway, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 4AW.
To email us please click on the appropriate link below:
General Administration Enquiries: Carol Smith
Medical Enquiries: Tracey Layton. (To find out how to take advantage of the day care facilities, therapies and services, or for guidelines on admitting someone to St Luke's Hospice, or for help on any of our medical capabilities).
Day Care 01606 555681
Lymphoedema Service
01606 555682
01606 555683
Family Support Unit
01606 555693
01606 555692
Social Workers
01606 555694
01606 555695
Fundraising Enquiries: Fundraising
Jane Thompson 01606 555688
Karen Burns 01606 555686
Wendy Gibson 01606 555488
Diane Eeley 01606 555697
Aimie Worsnop 01606 555685
Joanne Horne 01606 555687
Nicola Jepson 01606 555684
Volunteer Enquiries: Denise Unwin or Sue Edwards
Denise Unwin 01606 555690
Sue Edwards 01606 555689
Cheshire Hospices Eduction 01606 559292
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Gas Leak Closes Shops in Town
At 10:30 out side Boots suddenly lots of Gas vans appeared after people had complained about feeling sick. Ambulances then turned up to the area. The Gas men sealed off the Phones 4U the Card Shop and the H Samuel and moved in with oxygen mask and started digging the pavement up. You could smell the gas and warning signs were placed in the area advising people not to smoke.
Luckily the leek was spotted before there was an explosion and quickly dealt with
Crewe Park Delays
Wrekin Construction Company Limited has gone into administration and they are the main contractor for the Queens Park. There was no work going on in the park today so there will be more delays. Its believed that there are other firms who can take over the work but it will be delayed even further. Most contractors are paid when work is done so there should be no financial lose. Lets hope work can soon get underway.
Sponsorship needed now
Jody Mullock
Message from Jody Mullock
I know that some people may have have given a lot to comic relief and think this is too close to that Friday's fundraising; but I am going further than the celebs trekked, it will take me longer and it will be colder - and it is all for a local Crewe charity that is run by volunteers. That has to be worth a couple of pounds doesn't it?
Jody Mullock am doing this to raise the awareness and help fundraise for a local charity based in the Crewe called Castaways. She has personally chosen this charity as I have witnessed the vast amount of work they do in the most deprived areas of our community. Castaways is run by volunteers, therefore if you decide to contribute you know your money is not going to pay huge wage bills – it all goes where it is needed. The charity itself has faced some setbacks, you may recall reading in the paper last year that their shop on West Street was flooded. She hopes that my fundraising will pay for some of the repair work left and with the rest of the money they intend to purchase a defibrillator (and have a member of staff trained to use it), making the area safer for us all. There has been occasions in Crewe where ambulance have not reached people in time when they have had a heart attack, every second counts and having a defibrillator in a local shop with town centre radio could really be a life saver. The system already works in many towns around the country and reports certainly suggest an improvement in survival rates.
Sponsor now at
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Street Entertainment
The Council road show was in town giving out details of the new council changes that come into effect on the 1st April when we come under Cheshire East Council. Representatives were there to answer any question that people had.

The main attraction was the live music provided by Totally Take That, Girls Alouder and The Kommitments. Large crowds stopped and sang along to the music outside the Abbey Bank. It was just a pity that they miss timed this when the square was closed which would have been a better location. But people enjoyed it and its free so what more can you ask for.

Crowds enjoying the music fortunately the weather was nice
The main attraction was the live music provided by Totally Take That, Girls Alouder and The Kommitments. Large crowds stopped and sang along to the music outside the Abbey Bank. It was just a pity that they miss timed this when the square was closed which would have been a better location. But people enjoyed it and its free so what more can you ask for.
Crowds enjoying the music fortunately the weather was nice
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Spring is on its way
A walk past Morrisions and the site of Fosythia shows spring is here at last there a few Daffs about and the trees slowly starting to bud. Hopefully we can look forward to better weather and a bit of spring color

Over at the Skate Park the first signs of spring are the flowers on the white bush which open in just one day bringing some spring color
Over at the Skate Park the first signs of spring are the flowers on the white bush which open in just one day bringing some spring color
No Drinking Policy not working
Crewe has had a no drinking policy in many areas for a few months now but its simply not working. Back to the Derby Docks and you can see the seat covered in bottles and cans that under age drinkers have discarded during their booze up. The problem goes back years as the area is frequented by youngsters drinking around the seats and frightening local people who are afraid to cross the area when large groups of youths are about.
Its like the No Smoking signs outside Asda there are all ways people leaning on the signs smoking and nothing is done about it so what use is making these rules if they are not backed up by the Police?
Poster Rage
The Sentinel carried a story yesterday about the large poster as you enter Crewe via Earle St. As you can see it advertises Shrewsbury as a shopping center so people arrive at Crewe see the sign and drive off the Shrewsbury well so the argument goes. As other towns have been advertised on the station and other poster for a long time what is the problem?
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Booming West St
West St in Crewe is rapidly becoming a booming area in Crewe. The council are spending a lot of money with new pavements, CCTV upgrade new car parks and generally improving the area back to its former glory.
Business is booming in the area with 4 new shops in the last week or so

First we have a new Polish shop opposite the garage offering tradition Polish food a translation service and they are selling a range of health supplements ideal for keep fit and body builders all at the best price in the area.

I was then present at the grand opening of Ginger Monkeys new Tattoo studio which has opened in West St corner of Bright St.
As you can see the studio is more like some posh London clinic than a Tattoo Studio with clean sterile conditions needed to do piercings in a safe manner. They are both licensed artists and Local Health Authority registered & work to maintain the highest standards.
They use a vacuum autoclave & keep all sterilization records.

New needles, inks & canulars are used for all clients & all initial Piercing jewelery is in compliance with the latest EU directives.
Check out their website
While I was there as you can see in the photo a mystery client was there having some work done but they must remain a mystery so they hid their face it was probably a famous model or singer

The Match Angling Center opened its doors under new ownership this week as well. While the shop has been open for a while this is the first week that its opened under the new owner. Still the top fishing shop in the area for all your fishing needs from simple maggots to a full fishing kit. They seem to be having a sale as well so get down there before all the bargains are gone.
Even further down the road the butchers opposite the Late shop has branched out doing sandwiches and hog roasts.
Good luck to all these new ventures and it seems West St is bucking the national trend and turning into a booming street lets hope more shops follow in the near future so the street can get back to its former glory were you could get anything you needed in West St.
Business is booming in the area with 4 new shops in the last week or so
First we have a new Polish shop opposite the garage offering tradition Polish food a translation service and they are selling a range of health supplements ideal for keep fit and body builders all at the best price in the area.
I was then present at the grand opening of Ginger Monkeys new Tattoo studio which has opened in West St corner of Bright St.
As you can see the studio is more like some posh London clinic than a Tattoo Studio with clean sterile conditions needed to do piercings in a safe manner. They are both licensed artists and Local Health Authority registered & work to maintain the highest standards.
They use a vacuum autoclave & keep all sterilization records.
New needles, inks & canulars are used for all clients & all initial Piercing jewelery is in compliance with the latest EU directives.
Check out their website
While I was there as you can see in the photo a mystery client was there having some work done but they must remain a mystery so they hid their face it was probably a famous model or singer
The Match Angling Center opened its doors under new ownership this week as well. While the shop has been open for a while this is the first week that its opened under the new owner. Still the top fishing shop in the area for all your fishing needs from simple maggots to a full fishing kit. They seem to be having a sale as well so get down there before all the bargains are gone.
Even further down the road the butchers opposite the Late shop has branched out doing sandwiches and hog roasts.
Good luck to all these new ventures and it seems West St is bucking the national trend and turning into a booming street lets hope more shops follow in the near future so the street can get back to its former glory were you could get anything you needed in West St.
Crewe Square Upgrade
Work has started on the Crewe Square its all fenced off and the flags are being taken up and the trees removed. This is part of the upgrade of the pavement and other new modifications to the square. There seems to be 2 schools of thought on this some say why have the War memorial moved for a few new paving slabs and others that thing the memorial is better in its new position and having a second square is a good thing. We will wait to see what it looks like when its done
Monday, 2 March 2009
Bently Parts Dept
Bentleys new parts dept is going up at a great rate of knots. All the trees have been removed and the car park is well on its way.I am assured that new trees will be planted to replace the ones felled. The trees felled must have been at least 100 years old. In the same area the allotments in Hulme St have had some new railing more bulk buying of railings by the council
Crewe & Nantwich News – February 2009
Farm Thefts; Seven Charged Seven men have been charged following an extensive Police investigation into thefts of valuable agricultural equipment from farms in Cheshire. A man aged 19 is accused of conspiracy to steal vehicles, plant and machinery worth £2.5million; five men face charges of conspiracy to steal vehicles and machinery worth more than £300,000 and another man is charged with stealing a tractor mower, trailer and quad bike and attempting to steal a jetski. The men were arrested after a team of Police Officers worked closely with farmers to investigate a series of thefts which were having an impact on the livelihood of the farming community.
Cannabis Farm Warning Police warned landlords in Crewe and Nantwich to make sure their properties are not turned into cannabis factories. Sergeant Adam Butt said, “The organized criminal gangs behind these establishments only care about profit. They will wreck your buildings. They knock holes in the walls for ventilators, channel floors for irrigation systems, hang massive heaters from the ceilings and set up haphazard electrical wiring systems. They by-pass the electricity meter and there is a huge fire risk. Landlords need to know who is renting their building and what they are using it for.” The warning came after officers seized £150,000 worth of cannabis plants from a former restaurant in Crewe and discovered an abandoned cannabis factory at a house in the town.
“Bogus Caller” Charges Two men were arrested and charged with carrying out a “bogus caller” burglary at a house in Nantwich. The men were also accused of a similar burglary in Congleton and two others in North Staffordshire. One of them also faces a charge of burglary at Newark in Nottinghamshire. They were both remanded in custody until next month.
Open Door Approach Police Officers in Eastern Area have been the first in Cheshire to use new powers to enter the homes of Registered Sex Offenders. On three occasions they used forced entry methods to carry out searches after the offenders refused to allow officers in. In all three cases they were looking for evidence of re-offending. Detective Inspector Chris Hemingway, in charge of the Eastern Area Public Protection Unit said, “Sex offenders are already closely managed by us and partner agencies, but this “tougher” approach to searching homes is an added safeguard. Any evidence to indicate re-offending prompts a robust police investigation. Offenders quickly find themselves back in the Criminal Justice System.”
Driver Jailed after M6 Tragedy A senior Cheshire Police Officer said the tragic deaths of a couple and their four children on the M6, near Crewe, was about one driver’s gross inattention. It was not about foreign lorry drivers on British roads. Superintendent Guy Hindle was speaking after a jury at Chester Crown Court found a Portuguese lorry driver guilty of six charges of causing death by careless driving. Superintendent Hindle described the incident when the lorry ploughed into the back of the family’s car as “a dreadful crash that wiped out a generation of one family “. He added that their relatives would carry the burden of the event with them forever. The lorry driver was sentenced to three years in prison.
“Rollover” Lesson on Seatbelts Police said a spate of “rollover” crashes in East Cheshire underlined the need to wear seat belts. In six cases where cars ended up on their roofs, the drivers walked away with only cuts and bruises after being left upside down, suspended in their seat belts. Tony Hall a Police Traffic Management Officer said, “In all these cases the drivers remained conscious and were able to lower themselves out of the car or wait for rescue. Without seat belts they would all have suffered serious injury, or even death.” Last year more than five hundred car drivers in East Cheshire were fined for not wearing seat belts. Tony Hall said, “There is just no logical reason why people refuse to belt up when they are making a journey.”
Checkout Your Local Police A new bargain offer at a busy town-centre supermarket in Crewe will be face-to-face talks with officers from the local Neighbourhood Policing Unit. Constable Claire Rees and Police Community Support Officer Vikki McKenna are setting up a regular “surgery” beside the checkouts at ASDA. On one Sunday a month they will be available to anyone who wants to talk to them. Vikki said, “It seemed logical to find a place where there will be a lot of people about. If anyone needs a private chat the store is making a room available for us.” The ASDA surgeries begin on Sunday March 8th between 12 noon and 2pm.
Police Community Support Officers Neil Flanagan and Paula Davies have begun surgeries in the village hall at Shavington on the third Wednesday of each month, between 1.30pm and 3pm.
People in St. Mary’s, Wells Green and Rope are being urged to make their views known on local issues at a Neighbourhood Action Meeting. Among the issues under discussion will be the next policing priority for the area. The meeting is on Tuesday March 3rd at 7pm in Berkeley Primary School, Laidon Avenue, Crewe.
Cannabis Farm Warning Police warned landlords in Crewe and Nantwich to make sure their properties are not turned into cannabis factories. Sergeant Adam Butt said, “The organized criminal gangs behind these establishments only care about profit. They will wreck your buildings. They knock holes in the walls for ventilators, channel floors for irrigation systems, hang massive heaters from the ceilings and set up haphazard electrical wiring systems. They by-pass the electricity meter and there is a huge fire risk. Landlords need to know who is renting their building and what they are using it for.” The warning came after officers seized £150,000 worth of cannabis plants from a former restaurant in Crewe and discovered an abandoned cannabis factory at a house in the town.
“Bogus Caller” Charges Two men were arrested and charged with carrying out a “bogus caller” burglary at a house in Nantwich. The men were also accused of a similar burglary in Congleton and two others in North Staffordshire. One of them also faces a charge of burglary at Newark in Nottinghamshire. They were both remanded in custody until next month.
Open Door Approach Police Officers in Eastern Area have been the first in Cheshire to use new powers to enter the homes of Registered Sex Offenders. On three occasions they used forced entry methods to carry out searches after the offenders refused to allow officers in. In all three cases they were looking for evidence of re-offending. Detective Inspector Chris Hemingway, in charge of the Eastern Area Public Protection Unit said, “Sex offenders are already closely managed by us and partner agencies, but this “tougher” approach to searching homes is an added safeguard. Any evidence to indicate re-offending prompts a robust police investigation. Offenders quickly find themselves back in the Criminal Justice System.”
Driver Jailed after M6 Tragedy A senior Cheshire Police Officer said the tragic deaths of a couple and their four children on the M6, near Crewe, was about one driver’s gross inattention. It was not about foreign lorry drivers on British roads. Superintendent Guy Hindle was speaking after a jury at Chester Crown Court found a Portuguese lorry driver guilty of six charges of causing death by careless driving. Superintendent Hindle described the incident when the lorry ploughed into the back of the family’s car as “a dreadful crash that wiped out a generation of one family “. He added that their relatives would carry the burden of the event with them forever. The lorry driver was sentenced to three years in prison.
“Rollover” Lesson on Seatbelts Police said a spate of “rollover” crashes in East Cheshire underlined the need to wear seat belts. In six cases where cars ended up on their roofs, the drivers walked away with only cuts and bruises after being left upside down, suspended in their seat belts. Tony Hall a Police Traffic Management Officer said, “In all these cases the drivers remained conscious and were able to lower themselves out of the car or wait for rescue. Without seat belts they would all have suffered serious injury, or even death.” Last year more than five hundred car drivers in East Cheshire were fined for not wearing seat belts. Tony Hall said, “There is just no logical reason why people refuse to belt up when they are making a journey.”
Checkout Your Local Police A new bargain offer at a busy town-centre supermarket in Crewe will be face-to-face talks with officers from the local Neighbourhood Policing Unit. Constable Claire Rees and Police Community Support Officer Vikki McKenna are setting up a regular “surgery” beside the checkouts at ASDA. On one Sunday a month they will be available to anyone who wants to talk to them. Vikki said, “It seemed logical to find a place where there will be a lot of people about. If anyone needs a private chat the store is making a room available for us.” The ASDA surgeries begin on Sunday March 8th between 12 noon and 2pm.
Police Community Support Officers Neil Flanagan and Paula Davies have begun surgeries in the village hall at Shavington on the third Wednesday of each month, between 1.30pm and 3pm.
People in St. Mary’s, Wells Green and Rope are being urged to make their views known on local issues at a Neighbourhood Action Meeting. Among the issues under discussion will be the next policing priority for the area. The meeting is on Tuesday March 3rd at 7pm in Berkeley Primary School, Laidon Avenue, Crewe.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Leighton Park
Progress is being made on Leighton park field were some of the area has been fenced off and trees planted. As you can see in the photo it hasn't stopped the rubbish being thrown all over the field. The wardens are supposed to be checking the area to stop dumping. The council are hoping to drop the £35 charge for collecting rubbish from homes when the new council comes into effect in April. This I believe is one of the main causes of people being forced to dump rubbish as they cant afford the charge
Further around Leighton Park field a new fence has gone in in Minshull New Road making all that area fenced off and safer for children. It looks as if the council have been bulk buying fences with new one here, the Cemetery and the Park
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