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Thursday 5 June 2014

Council slammed by Ombudsman over green waste bin fiasco


Willaston and Rope Ward UKIP Councillor Brian Silvester has welcomed the Ombudsman's decision over the no green waste bin collections for 4 months fiasco.

He said," Many residents contacted me to complain about the huge reduction in service. The period of no collection doubled from 2 months to 4 months. It was December to January but last year it was be November to March.There is no charge for the first green bin but there is an annual cost is £45 for the second green bin. A Willaston resident had paid an annual subscription for an additional bin earlier in 2013 and he complained that the Council had no right to change or reduce the terms of service without consultation or recompense.

I complained to the Ombudsman but bizarrely I was told that I could not complain because I was a Councillor. I asked for someone  to pick up the baton and I am, pleased that a Willaston resident did just that.

The Ombudsman has now ruled that the Council should have consulted residents before the change and that people who had paid in advance for the service should receive a £15 recompense.

This is yet another example where the Council have acted in a high handed manner. Even now there has been no apology.I hope the Council has learned its expensive  lesson and in future they will consult before major change like this but I will not hold my breath."

Cllr Brian Silvester BA (Hons) (Photo attached)

Willaston and Rope Ward UKIP Councillor

Cheshire East Council

11 Rimsdale Close



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