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Sunday 8 June 2014

Even the Cheshire East officers don't believe Cllr. Jones claim on the 5 year housing supply.


Willaston and Rope Ward UKIP Councillor Brian Silvester says," An Inspector's appeal decision on the 3/6/14  (See link below) shows that even the Cheshire East Council's officers don't believe Cllr. Jones claim that the Council  has a 5 year housing supply. In her report the Inspector states,

"The Council’s

evidence indicates that recent appeal decisions have concluded that the

authority does not have a five year housing land supply. As a result, in line

with paragraph 49 of the National Planning Policy Framework, housing

applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of

sustainable development. I accord this considerable weight."

For over a year now Cllr Jones has been saying there is a 5year supply of housing and at one stage he even said the Council had a 7 year supply. This has proved to be utter nonsense and even his own officers do not believe him. He has acted like a spoilt child who cannot listen to the truth and everybody else is wrong except him.The Council have now lost appeal after appeal after appeal.To take an appeal decision to Judicial Review, as he is doing, is  a further gross waste of taxpayers money because there is no chance of winning.

Cllr Jones must now accept the facts and take urgent action to ensure a 5 year supply is in place. If he does not do that the Council will continue to lose appeals and there is a danger that the Government will send the Local Plan back because it does not meet the basic requirement of showing that a defensible 5 year supply is in place.

Cllr Jones has totally let down the good people of Cheshire East because he promised to protect them from unwanted development on our green gaps and green belt. He has betrayed local people and the Conservative leadership of the Council will reap the whirlwind, which is entirely of their own making, at next years Borough Council elections"

Best wishes

Brian Silvester
Cllr Brian Silvester BA (Hons)   (Photo attached)

Willaston and Rope Ward UKIP Councillor

Cheshire East Council

11 Rimsdale Close



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