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Saturday 26 October 2013

St Luke’s Fire Walk Challenge is a Red Hot Success as Supporters Raise an Amazing £10,000

Organisers stoke up a fire for the St Luke's FireWalk

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Organisers of St Luke’s (Cheshire) Hospice’s nerve-shredding Fire Walk Challenge have declared the event a red hot success after brave supporters raised more than £10,000 for the hospice.

A total of 48 daring fundraisers from across Mid and South Cheshire challenged their courage, determination and willpower by completing a two hour motivational training session before walking 15ft, barefoot, over red-hot wood embers, reaching a scorching 800°F.

The challenge which took place at LA Fitness in Northwich was organised by Time4Change Fire Walk Transformations, who have over 20 years’ experience, and they are already looking for participants for the next daunting challenge, to be held in March 2014.

Clare Dale, St Luke’s Events Fundraiser, explains: “The 48 brave walkers took on the fire and loved every minute of it!  They were all ‘buzzing’ after it.

“It was an incredible challenge to test their belief, courage, determination and willpower all in aid of a fantastic cause and they were all absolutely amazing.

“We were delighted to have such an amazing crowd of our entrants’ family and friends on the night which produced an incredible atmosphere.

“On behalf of the hospice, we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part, all who came to support their friends and loved ones, and, of course, everyone who donated.”

St Luke’s (Cheshire) Hospice will be holding another challenging walk in March 2014 where participants will have the difficult choice of walking over either fire or glass!

Signing up to the event costs £25 and all those taking part must raise additional sponsorship of at least £125.

If you raise more than £175 in sponsorship St Luke’s will give you back your registration fee.

To register for future Fire Walks or if you have any ‘burning questions’ visit or contact Clare on 01606 555685 or email:

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