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Friday 20 January 2012

Crime statistics show Cheshire continues to be a safer place to live


Cheshire continues to be a safer place to live as crime once again falls across the county.
Burglary in particular has seen a significant drop which is good news for homeowners and businesses. There were 794 fewer victims (17 percent drop) according to statistics published today, Thursday 19 January 2011, which reflect the 12 months up to September 2011.
There has been 5283 fewer victims of crime overall compared to the previous year (eight percent drop).
Violence against the person is down 14 percent with 1828 fewer victims and despite a four percent rise across England and Wales, Cheshire has seen a 14 percent drop in robbery offences. There were also fewer victims of car crime (down 14 percent), criminal damage (down 11 percent) and sexual offences (down nine percent).
Commenting on the statistics, Assistant Chief Constable Ruth Purdie says, "I hope the communities of Cheshire are pleased to see that crime continues to fall across the county but it is important that they know that we will never become complacent and it is vital that people actually feel safe and confident in the police.
"Working with our partner agencies we will continue to ensure that victims are given the help and support they need and we strive towards our ultimate aim of reducing re-offending. Although it remains an encouraging picture for Cheshire, there is always work to be done and we welcome feedback from the public in order to understand what is important to them and how we can improve.
"There are still more challenging times ahead for the police service and we are committed to delivering the best possible service for the communities of Cheshire while identifying areas where we can work more efficiently and effectively."
The number of people who feel the police are dealing with local concerns has remained consistent at 56 percent and 58 percent of people also feel the police and local councils are dealing with issues, which is an increase of 2 percent.
Drug offences are the only area where the constabulary has seen an increase (four percent) but this is a reflection of the proactive activity across the Force targeting those involved in drug use and supply. The public are also more confident and in providing information to the police so we can take action against the criminals ruining their communities.

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