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 PC Help Forum


Wednesday 22 April 2009

Eagle Bridge IT Suite Grand Launch

The PCT and other were there today to officially open the IT suite at Eagle Bridge run by The Wishing Well Project. It give patient access to IT equipment to view details of there medical condition, find support groups etc. The section is maned by volunteers so there is always help available for those who need it and its open 10-12 weekdays but its hopped to be able to open it for long hours soon. They need volunteers for IT and other projects so if you want to help you can contact them on 01270 256919 or just call in

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Which idiot thought this one up? So you goto the doctor who tells say you have a sexually transmitted disease. He then send you down to find out about it on a public pc with some dude to help you. Who wants to sit in public reading about your disease so everyone can see. Its the Doctors job to explain things to you if he doesn't he hasn't got informed consent for your treatment