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Monday 21 July 2014

Coffee Morning

Reporter Jonathan White, Wistaston

Over one hundred people visited the home of Glenys and John White in Westfield Drive, Wistaston for a Coffee Morning on Thursday 17th July 2014.

The event was a social occasion supported by several local organisations, friends and neighbours.

The sun shone and the petunias in the display containers and tubs raised their heads in colourful, spectacular fashion.

There was a raffle, a bric-a-brac stall, a book table and delicious refreshments, organised by members of the hall's management team and friends.

A total of £408 was raised during the morning, which will be used to modernise the disabled toilet at Wistaston Memorial Hall, Church Lane. 

The hall's management committee wishes to thank all those who supported the event in so many different ways.

Westfield Drive coffee morning - Thurs 17-7-14 (1)

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