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Wednesday 30 July 2014



Whilst still reeling from the news that Gladman Developments have submitted a second ‘slightly tweaked’ planning application for Witters Field, Wistaston residents, Local Councillors and members of Hands off Wistaston (HOW) have now just received the news that the Planning Inspector will be hearing the appeal on the original application for up to six days from next Tuesday.  Some residents are naturally very angry as they have only just received their letters of notification, from the Council, in the post yesterday.  The letters are dated the 23rd and they feel that they have not been given much notice of the appeal.  Local Councillors and HOW are asking for residents to support them by going along to the appeal if they possibly can.

HOW Spokesperson Peter Wainwright says;

“We have done so much work over the last year or so keeping this planning application in the public eye.  The fight has not just been about Witters Field we are absolutely adamant that our local Green Gaps should be retained and that is the message that we have consistently given out.  Wistaston residents have been absolutely fantastic with their support every time they have been asked to comment or join in with public consultation.  Witters field matters so much to them so we urge them to see this fight through to the end and drop in at the appeal.”

Wistaston Ward Councillor Margaret Simon says;

“Cheshire East Council, local Ward Councillors, the Parish Council and HOW will be working very hard at the appeal, on behalf of their residents, to try to put a stop to this unwanted, unplanned development.  It would be great if residents could come along and show their support.”

The appeal is due to start at 10.00am on Tuesday 5th August 2014, at the Carlsberg lounge, Crewe Alexandra Football Club, Gresty Road, Crewe.  From Wednesday 6th August2014 it will be held at the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Crewe.  The decision will most likely be announced later this year.

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