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Monday 21 July 2014

Call to help identify minerals sites for next stage of Local Plan


Cheshire East Council wants YOU to help pinpoint potential sites for mineral extraction across the Borough.

As part of the next stage of the Council’s Local Plan, the authority now needs to identify sites and areas for future mineral extraction in the Borough in order to meet national planning policy requirements.

The Council’s spatial planning team is conducting a minerals ‘call for sites’ as part of this process – seeking details of potential mineral sites from interested parties, as well as the views of stakeholders and the wider community on how we should assess these sites.

The Council is calling on operators and landowners to identify sites they consider have potential for the extraction of minerals including salt, sand and gravel.

This is a key building block of the next phase of the Local Plan – to decide site allocations and development policies.

Councillor David Brown, Deputy Leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “The siting of new mineral extraction sites is hugely important for the creation of jobs and growing the economic prosperity of Cheshire East. But it is also often a controversial, issue – and it is critically important that we get it right, taking into account such factors as impact on the environment.

“This Council is deeply committed to putting ‘residents first’ and to getting things ‘right first time’ for our residents and communities. That’s why it’s vital that people from all walks of life get involved to help us locate the most appropriate minerals sites.

“It takes just a few minutes to fill in the short online survey form. It is, after all, about helping to shape a better, more prosperous and more sustainable Cheshire East for the whole community.”

The ‘call for sites’ period runs from Monday (July 21) until September 1, 2014, during which time suggested sites can be submitted to the Council.

Once a full list of possible locations has been gathered, the Council will undertake a comprehensive assessment of each site and identify whether or not they are suitable.

For further information on the process please visit our online consultation portal at:

Site information can be submitted to the Spatial Planning Team by e-mail via:

Alternatively, contact the team by post at:

Spatial Planning Team

Cheshire East Council

1st Floor Westfields

C/O Municipal Buildings

Earle Street



The team can also be contacted by phone on: 01270 685893

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