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Monday 28 April 2014

Council Leader accused of acting amorally


Willaston and Rope Ward UKIP Councillor Brian Silvester has accused the Leader of Cheshire East Council (CEC) Cllr. Jones, of acting amorally when his Easter message was issued by the Council's media staff.

He said," The press release is clearly political calling for residents to support Cllr.Jone's political party and not to support other local political parties.

Firstly it is clearly wrong for a Council officer and Council facilities to be used in a political way to issue a press release calling on residents to keep faith with the Conservatives and giving reasons why they should not vote for UKIP or Labour. Secondly  we are now in the purdah period for the European Elections and in that period the law prohibits the Council from publishing or assisting others to publish “any material which, in whole or in part, appears to be designed to affect public support for a political party”. It is clear that from the content of the press release that the Council Leader and the Council have broken that law. I have written  an official complaint to the Council's Monitoring Officer  and asked her to investigate and then take action."

Cllr Brian Silvester BA (Hons)

Willaston and Rope Ward UKIP Councillor

11 Rimsdale Close

Cheshire East Council



Tel/fax 01270 567757

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