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Thursday 6 July 2017

Cheshire East publishes details of councillors’ allowances

Cheshire East Council has published details of allowances paid to all elected members during the last financial year.

The publication on its website shows the amounts paid for basic allowance, special responsibility allowances, dependants’ carers’ allowance, travel and subsistence allowances and co-optees’ allowance for the period April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017.

Councillor Peter Groves, cabinet member for democratic and public engagement, said: “Cheshire East Council is the third largest unitary authority in the North West of England with 82 councillors and a budget of £750m.

“The council represents 374,000 residents and the elected member’s allowances are comparable to many other authorities of a similar size and demographic.

“All allowances and expenses are scrutinised and claims are submitted in accordance with legal requirements and criteria.”

The schedule of allowances can be viewed by the public on the council’s website at:

Copies of the information can also be inspected by members of the public, on request, during office hours at the council’s Westfields HQ offices on Middlewich Road, Sandbach CW11 1HZ.

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