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Wednesday 27 January 2016

Report warns against risks of drinking alcohol


Cheshire East are encouraging residents to think more seriously about their levels of alcohol consumption and the impact that this has on their wellbeing.

A new report published this month by the UK Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies says ‘drinking any amount of alcohol regularly can cause harm to health’.

The expert group that produced the guidelines, following an alcohol guidelines review looked at new evidence about the potential harms of alcohol that has emerged since the previous guidelines were published in 1995. The guidelines are out for consultation until 1 April.

Alcohol consumption is one of the main health issues in Cheshire East. The Borough has one of the highest proportions of alcohol-related hospital stays in under 18s in the North West region, as well as a higher proportion of regular drinkers compared to England as a whole.

Councillor Janet Clowes, Cheshire East Council Cabinet member in charge of health and care in the community said: “It is important that our local residents understand the risks and the harm of drinking alcohol, not only to their own health and wellbeing but also the social impacts within our local community.”

The report recommends the following:

• There should be a single weekly guideline for men and women of 14 units (14 units is equivalent to a bottle and a half of wine or five pints of five per cent strength ABV export-type lager);

• People who drink as much as 14 units per week, should spread this evenly over three days or more;

• There is no safe drink level – meaning any drinking may cause harm to health;

• Pregnant women are to avoid drinking throughout their pregnancy to avoid harm to the baby:

Dr Heather Grimbaldeston, Cheshire East’s Director of Public Health; welcomed the recommendations form the report and said: “Alcohol is a significant risk factor for a number of physical health conditions such as cancers and liver cirrhosis, as well as mental health conditions.

These new recommendations will shape the development of local, targeted alcohol prevention services that will help reduce harm caused by alcohol across the Borough.”

To read the full report visit:

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