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Thursday 20 October 2016

Councils’ partnership approach will give Crewe Market Hall new lease of life


A collaborative partnership between Cheshire East Council and Crewe Town Council to revamp the town’s market offer is to go ahead.

An initial £50,000 cash injection from Cheshire East  will supplement a £100,000 spend by Crewe Town Council.

Cheshire East’s initial contribution will fund a business plan and delivery programme to develop a new vision for the historic charter market and arrest the decline in patronage and stalls.

The project was formally approved by Cheshire East Council’s cabinet today (Tuesday.)

Both Councils plan to work together to improve the market buildings and look at the potential to develop a vibrant link between the town centre, Grand Junction Retail Park, Memorial Square and Market Street.

Essential maintenance work is already taking place on the market hall at a cost of £180,000 but Cheshire East and Crewe Town Councils intend to press ahead with a far-reaching plan to regenerate the market hall, including the surrounding public spaces and footpaths.

Councillor Paul Bates, cabinet member for communities and health, said: “We want to see a revitalised Crewe market and will work with the town council to deliver a new market experience for the people of Crewe.

“This will be integral to the long-term programme for the town’s regeneration and will reassure our residents that this council is serious about investing in Crewe and halting the decline of its historic market offer.”

Councillor Simon Yates, Leader of Crewe Town Council, said: “The town council is ready to play its part in securing the long term future of the markets in Crewe.

“The markets are an engine and incubator for business in the town and it is vital that Crewe has a markets offer that befits a town this size.

“I’m looking forward to working to bring about change that meets the current and future needs of the local population and provides something of a destination in the town that can attract folk from far and wide.

“Part of that is to ensure that the markets sit in an area that is clean tidy and attractive. Let’s make it happen”.

The vision for the future of the market could include a wider variety of goods and produce, including market fresh produce sourced from local rural suppliers, accompanied by an underlying theme of healthy eating.

A full consultation exercise with staff, traders, residents and market users has already begun.

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