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Thursday 30 January 2014

Action call to stop flooding problems in Gresty Lane, Rope


Willaston and Rope Ward UKIP Councillor Brian Silvester is calling on Cheshire East Councill (CEC) to take action to stop the ongoing flooding problem in Gresty Lane, Rope.

He said,"Last weekend the lane had to be closed again due to flooding.I have written to CEC to call  for a long term solution to the problem 'The land raising by the dumping of soil by Rope Garden Nurseries,  adjacent to the road and the brook, is not allowing the water to get away and is a major factor in the flooding that occurs on a regular basis in Gresty Lane, whenever there is any weight of rain. Also the parking of the Nursery's vehicles on the grass verges means that they have been destroyed. Parking should not be allowed on these verges and they need to be re-instated.

Please let me know what you plan to do to ensure that this ongoing problem does not keep repeating itself and that the verges are restored and protected from any future damage.'

CEC are now investigating to see if any planning enforcement can be taken over the  raising of the land.

Cheshire East Council and the Cheshire Police are failing to monitor the effectiveness of CCTV

Willaston and Rope Ward UKIP Councillor Brian Silvester is calling for more effective monitoring of CCTV to ensure that value for money is being achieved for local Council taxpayers.

He said," Cheshire East Council (CEC) has over 250 CCTV cameras across the Borough and the annual budget is £585,000 or over £2000 per camera per year. One of the main purposes of CCTV is to provide images of people who might  be able to help the Police with inquiries. I was amazed to find out that neither CEC or the Police record the number of crimes that have been cleared up by the use of CCTV images.(See below)

I am calling for  this information to be collected so the effectiveness of the CCTV can be monitored. It is not right that CEC is spending over half a million pounds a year of Council taxpayers money on CCTV and basic information like this is not being collected. I am also calling for the images obtained of people who could help with inquiries to be made more widely available to the public so they can help with the identification process. They should  displayed in public buildings and in the local media. At the moment you rarely see requests to help with identification.

CCTV is very expensive and CEC must ensure that value for money is being obtained and the most effective use is being made of the images obtained."

Cllr Brian Silvester BA (Hons) (Photo attached)

UK Independence Party Councillor

Cheshire East Council

11 Rimsdale Close



Tel/fax 01270 567757

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