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Tuesday 8 February 2011

Road Safety Improvement At Busy Road Junction Welcomed.


Borough Councillors for Shavington have welcomed the the extension of double yellow lines at the junction of Chestnut Avenue and Crewe Road. (See attached below)

Julian Goodier Page, Prospective Conservative Candidate for Shavington, said," This is a busy junction and cars parked either side of it  reduce the visibility to see oncoming traffic. The extended double yellow lines will make it safer for vehicles pulling out of Chestnut Avenue onto the busy Crewe Road." 

Cllr Brian Silvester said," This  was pressed for by the Parish Council and the Borough Councillors for Shavington, Cllrs Simon, Westwood and myself, adopted it as a priority. This improvement is long overdue and will be appreciated by local residents." Cllr Simon said," We worked with the Parish Council and Cheshire East Highways Officers to achieve these extra safety measures at the Chestnut Avenue junction and I welcome them."

Local Residents Win Fight Against Proposed Telephone Mast In Shavington

Shavington Borough Councillors Margaret Simon and Brian Silvester  and Prospective Conservative Candidate for Shavington, Julian Goodier Page supported local residents in their campaign against a proposed telephone mast in Shavington and are pleased that it has been withdrawn by the applicants Vodaphone. (See attached details)

Prospective Conservative Candidate for Shavington, Julian Goodier Page said," It was to be almost 50ft high on the edge of the main Crewe Road into Shavington and would have stuck out like a sore thumb at the entrance to the Cheshire Cheese Public House. A mast like this needs to be somewhere where it is less visible and less dominant to the street scene. The proposed siting was totally unacceptable.

Cllr. Silvester said," We had informed the Planning Officers that we would 'call in' the application so it would have been decided by the Cheshire East Southern Planning Committee. Thankfully this will no longer be necessary. I now call upon Vodaphone to find a more suitable site where it would not be so visibly intrusive."

Cllr Brian Silvester Tel 01270 567757

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