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Sunday 15 August 2010

How long does it take the Council?

Deadly Fence


Update the council replied saying its nothing to do with them as its a building site its the H&S at work act so its down the the H&S exec. I rang them and their response was its nothing to do with them as no work is being done on the site and the fence is on a public pavement and right of way its down to the council.

Lets hope that god forbid a child isnt hurt while these people argue who's job it is. This pavement and alley is used by a lot of pensioners and children and the whole fence is deadly with sharp edges on public rights of way

A deadly fence in Oxford St Crewe which you can see above at the building site. Its right across the path and at night there is very little lighting as the lights blink off and on the fence has a pole with sharp edges right at head height


The same building site but the alley between Oxford St and Underwood Lane used by lots of people as a short cut and a public right of way. Now look at the spikes ready to impale you and there is no doubt they are deadly. This alley has no lights so at night so the first thing you will know is when your speared by the spikes. A lot of the fencing has these spikes normally these fences have a smooth rail so there is less danger. The site hasn't been worked on for weeks but the builder have a duty of care to keep the site safe.

This was reported to the council on the 11th August lets see how long it takes for them to do something about it 4 days and counting? They still cant beat their own record a organisation that blocks the foot path every day and has done for well over a year so mother are forced into the road with their babies and despite lots of complaints from the public and the PCO which have supplied photo evidence the council have done nothing we are waiting for a fatal accident to happen and then we can supply evidence to sue the council for failing in their duty of care for over 12 months

We will tell Brian Sylvester to get on the case and see if he can get things moving and answers why they are doing nothing

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