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Thursday 12 August 2010

Community Grants


Cheshire East Council has awarded more than £17,000 to community and voluntary organisations.

The latest round of Community Grants has seen 38 organisations receive awards ranging from £250 to the maximum of £1,500.

Grants are available to support community, environmental, sports, arts, heritage and play projects and only one can be granted to each organisation per financial year.

Applications are judged on a number of criteria and should be able to display that their project: enhances the quality of life for Cheshire East residents; increases involvement in the community; demonstrates the potential to be sustained in the future; and that it can attract more participants.

Some of the successful groups are:

Poynton Christian Fellowship - £500

The project is to purchase Nintendo Wii’s and associated equipment to engage youths in the area. It will also be used by senior citizens as there are few leisure activities for this age range. The total project cost is £1,200 and the remaining costs being secured from other funders.

Cheshire A Cappella - £500

The project is to run singing workshops to encourage more women to join the group, for

training the existing members and to purchase portable stage risers to enable

them to have the right equipment when performing concerts in various venues.

The total cost of the project is £3,462 and they have secured some of their own


Plumley Village Hall Committee - £500

The Committee requires a hearing loop system for the village hall to aid people with

hearing problems. The hall is regularly used and this would add to the accessibility

for all. The total project cost is £1,300.

Marriott House Veterans Association, Sandbach - £890

The project is to upgrade the existing boiler, which is old and expensive to run, with

a condensing boiler which is much more efficient. They do have some of their own

funds and based on the cheapest quote of £1,780 they were awarded match funding of £890.

Age Concern Cheshire - £1,500

Men In Sheds is a community project for older men who find themselves on their

own. It will provide opportunities to share and learn new skills, make friends and

improve self esteem. Age Concern have secured a large amount of funding

from The Big Lottery to carry out the project throughout Cheshire East and West

but require smaller amounts for topping up funding for individual “sheds”. The total

project cost is £29,470.

Councillor David Brown, Cabinet member with responsibility for performance and capacity said: “The Community Grant is a vital lifeline to many voluntary and community groups in Cheshire East and I am delighted that so many organisations have benefited from this latest funding round.”

“We have worked hard to make sure that the chosen projects cater for young and old as well as a range of interests, from music to sport.

“Applying for a Community Grant is very easy to do and I hope that other groups will be persuaded to put in an application ahead of the next deadline of October 1.”

For more information on Community Grants go to

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