The have a Midnight Walk arranged for Saturday 20th June 2009. As of Friday 13th March 2009, they have 1,218 walkers registered! 532 places left! There is still plenty of time to sponsor someone so get the money rolling in.
If you would like to contact them about registering for the walk or volunteering to help out on the night, please contact
St Luke's (Cheshire) Hospice
Fundraising Department
Grosvenor House
(01606) 551246 during business hours
The website for the walk is this has full details and pictures of other walks. They even have a Blog at
They also run a Lottery for local people to take part in with a prize of £1500.
The hospice it’s self has a website and some details of what they do are
Who we serve - St Luke's Hospice is a small hospice situated in Winsford which cares for people living in the mid and south Cheshire area. The hospice offers a warm and supportive environment where specialist staff attend all patients.
The hospice caters for a variety of individual needs, and these include:
An In-Care Unit for ten patients: for assessment, symptom control and terminal care.
A Day Hospice offering specialist palliative care for up to fifteen patients a day.
A Complementary Therapy Clinic operates three times a week on a Monday and Wednesday (from 10am to 3pm) and on a Thursday (from 2.30pm to 8.30pm) - offering a variety of short courses and individual therapy treatments to individuals with cancer as well as supportive care to carers.
A Family Support Unit provides a social worker and counselling service for patients and families. Hospice care continues after death to support family and friends in bereavement.
The Out Patient Clinic offers appointments for specialist consultations.
A Lymphoedema Service has been developed for treatment and advice.
St Luke's does not restrict itself to caring only for patients with cancer but also to those with other life threatening illnesses. Referral is normally through the GP, Hospital Doctor or Macmillan Nurse, but we welcome enquiries. Informal visits can be arranged.
Contact St Luke’s
There is a list of department-specific telephone numbers below. For general inquiries, please call 01606 551246 between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm.
To write to us, please address your correspondence to:
St. Luke's Hospice, Grosvenor House, Queensway, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 4AW.
To email us please click on the appropriate link below:
General Administration Enquiries: Carol Smith
Medical Enquiries: Tracey Layton. (To find out how to take advantage of the day care facilities, therapies and services, or for guidelines on admitting someone to St Luke's Hospice, or for help on any of our medical capabilities).
Day Care 01606 555681
Lymphoedema Service
01606 555682
01606 555683
Family Support Unit
01606 555693
01606 555692
Social Workers
01606 555694
01606 555695
Fundraising Enquiries: Fundraising
Jane Thompson 01606 555688
Karen Burns 01606 555686
Wendy Gibson 01606 555488
Diane Eeley 01606 555697
Aimie Worsnop 01606 555685
Joanne Horne 01606 555687
Nicola Jepson 01606 555684
Volunteer Enquiries: Denise Unwin or Sue Edwards
Denise Unwin 01606 555690
Sue Edwards 01606 555689
Cheshire Hospices Eduction 01606 559292
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