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Saturday 21 April 2012

Astronomical Society (SCASTRO) talks

A series of monthly talks have been arranged  by the South Cheshire Astronomical Society (SCASTRO) for  members of the public which will take place at South Cheshire College.

The first of these  on Thursday 26th April at 7pm is by Jamie Gilmour, Proffessor of Planetary Science , University of Manchester, the entry charge will be £2.50 to cover running costs.

There has been such an interest in astronomy, especially after the exciting series in January by Prof Brian Cox that SCASTRO believe  talks aimed at anyone who would like to learn more about the universe will be welcomed in the area. In addition the society offers observation nights  suitable for all with a variery of telescopes and binoculars for beginners to view the night sky. Further details on our web site www.Scastro.Org   or ring 253058.

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