The wall around Burma island has been built for most of this week
The second landmark bridge is to be installed at the historic Victorian, Queens Park, in Crewe next week.
The bridge is 14.5 metres long and is supported by tubular steel with timber beams, decking walkway and handrails.
Last month the very first bridge, Tipkinder, was installed to a fanfare of media and public attention and Coronation Bridge is promised to be even more impressive.
The media are invited to witness this historic installation on Wednesday, February 17 from 12 noon. The installation is expected to last throughout the afternoon. Please come to the Tipkinder entrance off Queens Park Drive.
Members of the public are also being encouraged to come along and witness history before their eyes. For those who want to get a close-up view please call the park manager, Elaine Dodd, on 01270 537896 so she can arrange a public viewing area.
To allow these extensive works to be carried out, around two thirds of the park have been closed off to the public, but it’s hoped that three quarters of the park will have been re-opened by the end of the year.
Other works in the pipeline include a planning application for replacement buildings, the largest of which is the new pavilion to replace the Jubilee Cafeteria built in the 1970s.
Modern in design, it will be made out of sandstone and glass to give customers impressive views over the park’s grand grounds.
Planning permission for a new bowling pavilion is currently under-way and designers are in talks with the Queens Park Bowling Club to get the best facility possible. Both buildings will have newly refurbished public toilets.
Derek Morgan, Chairman of the Friends of Queens Park Group, said, “Things will start to move very quickly during the Spring and Summer months. People will start to see a real difference as the Park is brought back to its former glory”.
The East and West lodges will also be improved and up-dated and there are plans for a “Memorabilia Lounge” at the West lodge.
Councillor Roy Cartlidge, of the Crewe West Ward, who has supported the project throughout, added, “The installation of the main bridges will be a significant part of the Park’s history and are intended to last the next hundred years and beyond. “
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