At the meeting the Lions came with some cash to build a sensory garden like the one a Stapley Water gardens so that is another new feature which should be a major attractions and as the Lions are funding it there is no messing about getting the money.
The meeting discussed that the stakeholder work would be done once the park was finished and then a friends of the Queens Park would take over to make decisions about the park and see that its maintained and looked after. This will be open to anyone and will shortly be setup as a charity so they can get funding for any future projects.
The work on the wall were the Bats have held up work is now due to start this week and should be finished in a month. This also means the railings can then be finished as there is only this small section to do. We will have pictures as soon as there is signs of life. Work on the bandstand is also imminent.
The summer bedding is now starting to flower and will soon be in its full glory as can be seen above taken after the meeting.
The park has events still going on this summer which are
12th July Blozone Band - FAB Blues Band
19th All Sorts Dog Display Team
26th George Formby Ukulele Soc
1st & 2nd Aug TipKinder - Bob Fields GRANDS incl. "The Shanaze Reade BMX Track"
2nd August The Valentines Duo
9th Tarporley Concert Band
16th Lucy Jane ~ Punch & Judy
23rd Matrix Dancers with Pheonix Disco
Thurs 27th Youth Fire Serv Display
Sat 29th CARNIVAL King George V Playing Fields
Thurs 5th Nov LIONS Bonfire & Fireworks Display
For more details see the main site for the Queens park
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