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Wednesday 23 March 2022

Residents asked to have their say on new Dementia Strategy

Cheshire East Council has (today) opened a public consultation to help shape a new Cheshire East Dementia Strategy.

This strategy was developed by the council in partnership with the people who use services, their family and carers, local providers, and NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (Cheshire CCG).

Utilising the NHS England Well Pathway for Dementia, the strategy consultation aims to ensure the voices of people with dementia, and their carers, shape how resources are used most effectively to enable good quality of life for people with dementia, and to ensure dementia services are accessible to everyone who needs them.

Councillor Jill Rhodes, Cheshire East Council’s committee chair for adults and health, said: “Dementia is such a debilitating disease that has a profound effect on the people living with the disease and their families.

“People have told us that they want more personalised and integrated care and support for those affected by dementia.

“We want to hear from as many of our residents as possible, including those with dementia and their carers or relatives, about what services work well, but also if there are gaps in the range of support which could be improved, so the wellbeing and quality of life for every person with dementia is the best it can be.”

Other stakeholders involved in developing the strategy included: dementia friendly community members, individuals living with dementia and their carers, Body Positive, care community members, local health and social care providers, and voluntary organisations.

The council wishes to thank everyone involved for taking the time to support this important work.

Residents can take part in the dementia strategy consultation or find out more about it on the council consultations web page:

There is also an easy read version of the consultation available:

The dementia strategy consultation closes on: 15 June 2022.

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