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Wednesday 10 November 2021

Have Your Say on Policing and Crime In Cheshire

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Have Your Say on Policing and Crime In Cheshire

Today, Monday 8 November, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, has launched his Autumn Survey. He wants to hear from people across the county about policing and crime in their communities, and over the course of the week surveys will be landing on every doormat in the county.
Following the launch of his Police and Crime Plan last week, the Commissioner is seeking people’s views on more in-depth subjects like their experience with the police, crime in their community, what they think about the police budget, and how they feel about their police service.
John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, said: “Seeking the public’s views on policing and crime is important to me. I can’t do my role effectively without knowing what people are thinking. By sharing your views with me via my survey, I can feed your thoughts and needs into the work the Constabulary does.
“It’s vital that people know about the role that their Commissioner carries out on their behalf, and that I know what they expect me to deliver. This will help me to scrutinise the Chief Constable and deliver on the public’s priorities set out in my Police and Crime Plan.”
Another of the Commissioner’s key responsibilities is to set the police precept, the part of council tax that goes to policing. In the survey he outlines the possibilities for next year’s decision on the police precept and asks residents for their thoughts on what should happen.
John Dwyer added: “A small rise in the police precept will be necessary in order for the police to keep up with inflation. But I want to know what amount, if any, residents would be prepared to pay above this if it meant the Constabulary had more resources to devote to communities.
“Every response I get will feed into my police precept proposal that I will take back to the public early next year. I want every resident to have their say on what matters to their community and how they want their police service to deliver on their priorities.”
To take the Commissioner’s survey online, go to
To request a hard copy of the survey, please email pcc@cheshire.police.ukEmail tracking gif

Message Sent By
Peter Caldwell (Cheshire Police, Digital Media Manager, Corporate Communications)

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