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Sunday 23 April 2017

Local Plan moves forward with latest consultation on blueprint details


Cheshire East Council is launching a consultation on the third and final part of its blueprint for development in the borough up to 2030.

The authority’s Local Plan Strategy sets out the strategic framework for development and has been broadly backed by a planning inspector, subject to some necessary changes.

A secondary Site Allocations and Development Policies’ ‘issues document’ – which provides much of the detail – has also just completed a six-week public consultation.

Now the council is seeking views on the third component of its development blueprint – the Minerals and Waste Development Plan Document (MWDPD).

This allocates sites and areas which will enable the council to meet its identified minerals and waste needs. It also sets out detailed policies to guide planning application decisions in the borough and includes a related ‘call for sites’.

Councillor Ainsley Arnold, Cheshire East cabinet member for housing and planning, said: “Now that the Local Plan Strategy is nearing completion we want to press on and complete the third and final, more detailed stage of the plan and a related call for potential sites, relating to both waste and minerals

“It is relatively early days in this particular element of the process, so I would encourage all who have an interest in the areas of waste and mineral deposits – and who care about the future of our borough – to get involved in the consultation.

“The Local Plan is the council’s most important tool for shaping development in Cheshire East to 2030, so I would encourage people to take the time to share their views.”

The latest Minerals and Waste Development Plan Document will be subject to a six-week consultation starting on Monday (April 24). Following this, an initial draft plan will be prepared and further consultation will follow.

In the meantime, the document launch is accompanied by a ‘call for sites’ so the council can gain an up-to-date picture of what land is potentially available for future development. Landowners and developers with sites and areas suitable for minerals or waste purposes are being asked to put them forward during the consultation process.

The consultation documents will be available, from Monday April 24, from Cheshire East Council customer service centres and all Cheshire East libraries. They can also be viewed and downloaded from the council’s consultation portal. Further information and links to the documents are on our website at

People can take part in the new six-week consultation from Monday, April 24 until 5pm on Monday June 5, 2017 by returning their representation forms as follows:

● Online: Via the consultation portal at

Email: To

● By hand: At the Council Offices, Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach CW11 1HZ

● By post: Cheshire East Council, Spatial Planning, Westfields, C/O Municipal Buildings, Earle Street, Crewe CW1 2BJ.

If you require further copies of representation forms or guidance notes, or if any of the consultation documents go missing, please contact the council’s spatial planning team at or on 01270 685893.

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