Once again the yobs are ruling the Derby Docks in the past few weeks street lights have been broke by yobs who find it fun to shake the lights until they pop. The next step is to bend the lights over and wreck them. This leaves smashed light across the main route for school kids going to school. The problem being with the lights broke there is often exposed live wires just right for some child to be killed.
This week they wreck a light on Tuesday which was reported to the council who came out and fixed it less than 24 hours later and it was down again that’s 4 lights smashed in as many weeks.
A new gang has formed on the kids play area and their greatest joy is to shout abuse at old age pensioners crossing the Docks. These can range from just shouting to threatening action like riding bikes very close at high speed to pensioners or throwing bricks. One pensioner of 73 years old told me how he cant go across the Docks any more which is a problem as is house backs onto the Docks.
Still the area is littered with beer cans and despite it being a no drinking zone people just walk about ignoring the rules. I watch the Police standing outside a house they had just raided and 3 lads came and stood next to them leaning on a lamp post which had the no drinking notice on it drinking beer from cans and the Police ignored it.
There is also an idiot on an electric bike who speed down the path on the Derby Docks right past the child play area he has been told several times how dangerous his action are but chooses to ignore the advice he has nearly hit to old people already and its just a matter of time before he hurt someone
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