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Thursday 12 May 2022

Burglary Alert

Neighbourhood Watch Logo

The Police

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Burglary Alert

Dear Resident

BURGLARY ALERT  Between 20/04 and 04/05 two burglaries have occurred at properties on Frank Bott Avenue in Crewe. Between 20/04-27/04 a shed was broken into and items taken from inside. The second property was entered via an insecure window between 03/05 - 04/05 and items were stolen from inside.

I would like to take this opportunity to point out that Crewe Local Policing Unit, which covers both the town centre and the large rural area surrounding it, experiences low number of domestic house burglaries.

In an effort to ensure it is an isolated incident we would ask you to review your home security and take sensible precautions like checking all premises and outbuildings are secure, house alarms set and vehicle keys stored away etc.

For more information on how to keep your property safe please follow the link below

Crime prevention advice | Cheshire Constabulary

If you have any information regarding these incidents please contact us on 101.

Resident's voice | Cheshire Constabulary –Have your say on Policing in your area….Take the Survey


Thank you for your time

Crewe LPU

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