
Thursday 13 December 2018

Four million NHS patients are waiting for hospital care

Four million NHS patients are waiting for hospital care. As well five million patients a month wait 3+ weeks for a GP appointment A further 1 million people wait 4 weeks between booking an appointment and seeing their doctor. But not to worry, we can still afford to give £14,000,000,000 a year in foreign aid to some of the most corrupt countries in the world.

'For Britain' would scrap foreign aid and use the money saved to spend on the priorities of all Brits, like the NHS,schools and elderly care.

'For Britain' would also stop ALL immigration.

Immigration has added roughly one million,the equivalent to the entire population of Brirmingham, to our population every three years. This has resulted in our public services, like the NHS and schools, being unable to cope and young British people being unable to get on the housing ladder.We need to close the open door to immigrants if our public services are not going to be overwhelmed.

Yours faithfully,

Cllr. Brian Silvetser

For Britain Party

Chairman 'For Cheshire'

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