
Sunday 29 October 2017

New drop-in gentle movement sessions for older adults in Crewe

Cheshire Dance is inviting residents from Crewe and the surrounding area who are living with dementia, those with early onset dementia and those keen on prevention to come and join us with their loved ones or carers to move in a fun and relaxing environment.

The perfect choice for Social Prescribers, dance and movement is a popular physical and social activity; it’s like an elixir, packed full of the things we love about life.  Alongside the more obvious physical and social aspects, Cheshire Dance wants us to know that it’s good for our brains too, they want to encourage the residents of Crewe to dance, which greatly enhances the quality of life; something that dementia can steal from people living with the condition, as well as from their loved ones and their friends too.

According to research, studies indicate that regular dancing once or twice a week lowers the risk of cognitive decline.  A robust 21-year study amongst older people, undertaken by Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECM) in New York City showed that ‘Of any activity that you do, regular dancing was found to offer the most protection against dementia, offering a 76% risk reduction.’

Further studies too are showing that people living with dementia and their families are seeing benefits to their quality of lives, whether playful moving at home or taking part in an organised class.  In a recent Arts4Dementia project in London the benefits of dancing lasted for a week or more, for some right up until the next session the following week.  Whilst not a guarantee, dancing is clearly a good choice of hobby as we get older. 

In THIS Moment - Dance and Dementia Project (which has been created in partnership with Cheshire East Council (Cultural Services), Leighton Hospital and Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and supported by additional investment from Cheshire East Council Participatory Budgets scheme (Public Health) for Crewe based community sessions) has three main strands:-

  • The first strand launched last November introducing weekly dance sessions on the rehabilitation ward, 21b at Leighton Hospital, facilitated by Lead Dance Artist, Jody Morgan.  Here the patients are generally 70+ and are transitioning out of hospital after illness or surgery. 

  • The second strand has seen the project roll out into the community, with three regular sessions running in and around Crewe with the following aims:- 

  • To contribute to the prevention of the early onset of Dementia 

  • To offer people a way to live well within dementia friendly communities 

  • Finally, Cheshire Dance is designing a movement resource for families to use at home.  With the music on, the resource encourages the whole family to play, move and to enjoy the moment together. 

Teacher of community session Shirley Brocklehurst of Cheshire Dance says "Sheila and Derek have been married for 60 years.  Derek is his wife’s main carer and socialising and keeping active has become difficult and understandably they both feel lonelier.  So how lovely is it to see them waltzing on the dance floor like they used to, enjoying precious time together.  The tea dance is all about reducing social isolation as residents are feeling the joy and excitement from being able to access a community activity welcoming of dementia - there is magic in the medicine of music and dance as it stimulates memory and helps to keep people active.”

“I really enjoyed the gentle exercises, moving muscles, just doing a little bit, getting your shoulders moving. You’re sitting or in bed a lot usually. I think the breathing exercises too are very good at helping you relax.” Participant

“Patients were more engaged than normal, it was interesting to find out different information about each other and see them come out of their shells more. It was a really enjoyable session.” Rebecca, Staff Nurse

Details of all the sessions including the cost and how to book on in is detailed below:-

Chance to Dance:-

Tuesday’s from 3.30-4.30 pm – Belong Village, 20 Brookhouse Dr, Crewe CW2 6NA - £3.50 per session

Thursdays from 10.30 to 11.30 am - The Wishing Well, The Georges, Crewe - £3.50 per session

Pickmere Tea Dance:- 

15th November and 13th December from 1.30 – 3.00 pm - Pickmere Extra Care, Rose Terrace, Crewe CW1 3ET – Session is free refreshments will be provided

For information on all the above sessions call 07760428554 or email

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