
Saturday 13 May 2017

Queens Park Waterfall Failure all ready



The new stream and waterfall has failed all ready after only a few weeks. The whole design is flawed and doomed to failure. The water is pumped from the little pond by the lake it then runs down the stream back to the pond and it will loose some water by evaporation. But some goes to the base for the bog garden which is a pond all most. So which bright spark thought that one up? Over time if there is no rain the water leaking to the bog means its slowly empting the pond as it not refilled. So then the water will get low and the pump wont be able to pump water only air and may then blow the pump up as it wont be cooled by the water. This is what you get when people dont know what  they are doing. The answer is cheap drill some holes in the pond wall so the lake will keep it full as it will then be at the same level as the lake. Holes higher up the wall are needed so if there is a lot of rain water can seep into the lake above the water line. The water fall its self has no pressure and half the area is just going mouldy as its barley a trickle down stream but this may be adjustable.


You can see the pipe is above the water line it works every 30 mins as water flows back round then as it pumps again it runs out of water the park have taken no action on this so why are they paying idiots to do these jobs the same firm did the path last year and buried the sluice gate under the new path so the lake flooded as it couldn't be emptied its beyond belief why they get the jobs when they make cock ups and why aren't they forced to put things right

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