
Tuesday 3 September 2013

Elderly residents should be encouraged to take in lodgers


Willaston and Rope Ward UKIP Councillor Brian Silvester has suggested that elderly residents who have spare rooms could be offered lodgers to help them to stay in their own home for longer.

He said," Windsor and Maidenhead Council have introduced the scheme and it has potentially many benefits. It would allow some of our elderly residents to stay in their home for longer, provide much needed accommodation for responsible adults, who could help  with shopping, cooking and cleaning etc. of their elderly landlords. Also it could potentially reduce the cost to our Council taxpayers of subsidising  our elderly residents in care homes, at anything up to £30,000 per year. It would also provide additional income to the elderly residents concerned.

This is an idea which is a win, win ,win,win situation because it helps our elderly residents to stay in their home longer, it finds much needed accommodation for responsible adults and it  would save the Council taxpayers considerable sums of money as well as boosting the income of the house owners. In Windsor and Maidenhead the responsible adults who would take up the accommodation are vetted and Age UK has welcomed the proposal. I have asked if the scheme could it be considered in Cheshire East."

Brian Silvester
Cllr Brian Silvester

Willaston and Rope Ward UKIP Councillor

Cheshire East Council

Tel/fax 01270 567757

Twitter @CllrBSilvester

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