
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Driven to Distraction


Learning to drive can be a nerve wracking but exciting experience. Whilst you’re learning about clutch control, manoeuvring and which switch does what inside the car. How much notice do you take of road safety and the safety of others?

1 out of 6 people killed or seriously injured on Cheshire’s roads are under the age of 21. Dominic Rogers, the Youth Ambassador for Cheshire, wants to reiterate some road safety messages for young drivers.

Dominic said: "Too many young drivers are involved in accidents on Cheshire’s roads. Sometimes, the basic rules that we’re taught on our driving lessons, for example, leaving a two second gap between us and the vehicle in front and speed limits in different areas are the first to be forgotten.

"Distractions such as talking with your friends, or messing with the radio can lead to lapses in concentration. Remember when you get behind the wheel of a car, you are in charge of a lethal weapon and you need to give the road your full attention."

There is a course aimed specifically at young drivers which has been running for 12 years in Cheshire and has been attended by over 15,000 young people.  The aim of the Think Drive Survive course is to change the attitudes and behaviours of young people as drivers, passengers and other road users.

Dom added: "Courses like Think Drive Survive have several benefits, and can put into context what can happen if you’re careless on the road. Other campaigns that are run throughout the year by Cheshire Constabulary, such as, ‘Don’t treat you passengers like dummies’ also highlight some of the consequences a distracted driver could face."

If you’re interested in enrolling on a Think Drive Survive Course, visit to find out more information. Driving advice for new young drivers is also available on the Upbeat website.

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