
Monday 24 September 2012

‘Your Home, Your Employment, Your Transport – Your Local Plan’


Future jobs, housing and transport in Crewe will be under the spotlight as part of the Local Plan Consultation, which runs until October 1.

This all-important document will decide future infrastructure and will probably be one of the biggest investments you’ll make this year for you, your children – and even your grandchildren.

The Local Plan will set out where future housing, jobs, roads, schools, leisure facilities, parks, green spaces, roads and much more will be developed – and residents are being urged to take part.

Crewe people have already taken part in a Place Shaping Consultation which has now helped to shape the draft Crewe Town Strategy Consultation, which residents will be commenting on until the beginning of next week. This will then feed into the final Cheshire East Local Plan, which lasts until 2030.

The draft strategy for Crewe proposes:

Jobs – by 2030, as a ‘gateway to the north’, Crewe will be a nationally-significant economic centre; one of the leading advanced engineering and manufacturing centres in England;

Housing – delivering 6,000-7,000 new homes by 2030. There is also the possibility of redeveloping the Mill Street area, linking the railway station and the town centre for predominantly residential properties;

Transport – to deliver improvements to the existing road network, including new cycle and pedestrian routes to enable more sustainable transport movements within and around the town; and

Environment – to have maintain green spaces surrounding the town and strong green gaps between the towns of Crewe, Nantwich and the villages of Haslington, Weston, Shavington, Wistaston and Willaston.

Councillor Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “Many people in the Borough have seen controversial site allocation outlines.

“Instead of opposing things, I want to hear people say what they support, what they want to see happen in their communities.

“I want their views so that we can get it right and, in order for that to happen, I genuinely need a robust consultation. The more people who participate, the better our Local Plan will be.”

To have your say on the Local Plan log on to: or to find out more please visit facebook or twitter via our website.

Consultation documents are available at libraries in the six consultation towns which are: Crewe, Nantwich, Macclesfield, Knutsford, Poynton and Handforth.

The consultation runs until October 1, 2012.


Future jobs, housing and transport in Nantwich will be under the spotlight as part of the Local Plan Consultation, which runs until October 1.

This all-important document will decide future infrastructure and will probably be one of the biggest investments you’ll make this year for you, your children – and even your grandchildren.

The Local Plan will set out where future housing, jobs, roads, schools, leisure facilities, parks, green spaces, roads and much more will be developed – and residents are being urged to take part.

Nantwich people have already taken part in a Place Shaping Consultation which has now helped to shape the draft Nantwich Town Strategy Consultation, which residents will be commenting on over the next week. This will then feed into the final Cheshire East Local Plan, which lasts until 2030.

The draft strategy for Nantwich proposes:

Jobs – provide increased employment opportunities. Encourage sustainable links to new and existing centres of employment in the surrounding area, particularly at Calveley, Wardle, Newhall, Reaseheath and Stapeley. Promote the town’s links to Crewe, which is a key employment centre and is likely to experience continued growth over the next 20 years;

Housing – deliver around 1,100 new homes by 2030, in addition to those sites which currently have planning permission and have been completed since 2010. Encourage residential use of upper floors in the town centre;

Transport – enhance the town’s public transport system. Introduce a car parking strategy. Investigate the feasibility of the completion of a bypass from the A500 to the A530 Whitchurch Road; and

Environment – support the sustainable redevelopment of the former gas works site on St Anne’s Lane, in line with its current allocation that promotes the site for such uses as housing; a hotel; leisure; car parking; religious uses; community uses; and offices.

Councillor Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “Many people in the Borough have seen controversial site allocation outlines.

“Instead of opposing things, I want to hear people say what they support, what they want to see happen in their communities.

“I want their views so that we can get it right and, in order for that to happen, I genuinely need a robust consultation. The more people who participate, the better our Local Plan will be.”

To have your say on the Local Plan log on to: or to find out more please visit facebook or twitter via our website.

Consultation documents are available at libraries in the six consultation towns which are: Crewe, Nantwich, Macclesfield, Knutsford, Poynton and Handforth.

The consultation runs until October 1, 2012.

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