
Thursday 30 August 2012

Paralympic Flame "Inspirational" Says Chairman

Flame Under Way

Cheshire Police Authority Chairman Margaret Ollerenshaw said it was "a real privilege" to see the Paralympic flame carried from Cheshire Police Headquarters to a sports event in Winsford.

The flame, in a Davy lamp, arrived at headquarters in a Bentley car and was handed to local wheelchair athlete Jenny Wilson, the first of three flame-bearers to carry it to the NeuroMuscular Centre, a mile away. Police headquarters staff lined the side of the roads to cheer the lamp on its way.

At the centre, local clubs provided demonstrations of disability-inclusive sports, such as wheelchair basketball, cricket, tennis and football, archery, golf, and boccia.

Margaret Ollerenshaw said, "Seeing the courage and dedication which people with disabilities put into their sport and the pleasure they obviously get from it is inspiring. Even when the sport may not be at Olympian or Paralympian level, the approach is just the same.

"The Olympic spirit has touched us all and it has been a tremendous experience to be associated with it in any way.

"A few weeks ago thousands of people turned out to watch the Olympic Torch pass through Cheshire. I had the opportunity to visit the control centre where senior police officers and officers from local councils and other organisations worked together to make sure its journey was trouble-free.

"People enjoying the sight of the flame being carried through the streets probably had little idea of the amount of work going on behind the scenes. That is always true when events are well-organised.

"It was a marvellous example of the way the Constabulary and other agencies can combine their efforts to achieve success."

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