
Wednesday 23 May 2012

Cheshire Police ready to welcome Olympic Torch to Cheshire


The Olympic Torch Relay is a celebration of sport, culture and local heroes and staff and officers from Cheshire Constabulary will be playing their part to ensure the safety and security of the Relay and everyone who turns out to support the Torch as it passes through the Force area

For three days the national spotlight will be on Cheshire, Halton and Warrington as the Torch Relay travels form North Wales into Chester on Tuesday May 29th, leaving Chester early the following morning travelling back into North Wales and finally comes back into Cheshire on Thursday the 31st.

During the final leg in Cheshire the Torch Relay will travel through Crewe onto Congleton and Jodrell Bank. It will then carry on to Tatton Park in Knutsford and then head over the Runcorn-Widnes bridge. Finally the last destination in the area will be at Orford Park in Warrington before crossing the border into Manchester.

Cheshire Police are committed to delivering a safe and secure Olympic Torch Relay, working with all our partners to ensure a fantastic event ahead of the main Games.

Many local people will be involved in the Relay in recognition of their contribution to society and their achievements. For our local communities and every Torchbearer the Relay represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; it is Cheshire Police′s job to ensure they enjoy their moment feeling safe and secure.

The first part of the convoy will be led by a Cheshire police escort, which will be followed shortly after by the main part of the Olympic Relay convoy which will involve the actual Torchbearer running with the Torch.

Assistant Chief Constable Janette McCormick leading on the Olympics planning in Cheshire said:

"Policing the Olympic Torch Relay will present us with many challenges but Cheshire Officers have a great deal of experience in delivering public events and of working with our partners to ensure events such as Chester races that brings thousands of people to Chester on a regular basis are policed robustly whilst allowing people to enjoy and celebrate their day at the races.

"We are working with other police Forces in the North West region in addition to those that border Cheshire to minimise disruption and ensure the Torch can move seamlessly across Force areas and borders.

"I would like to reassure Cheshire residents that we are doing everything within our powers to reduce the impact of the event on day to day business by working with our partners to minimise the disruption road closures may cause to local people and businesses.

"In addition to policing the Torch Relay and ensuring the safety of spectators, officers and staff will be dealing with day to day demand for services and responding to emergency 999 calls."

During the three days that the Olympic Torch Relay is in the Force area Cheshire Police are asking local people to assist them by being patient where road closures are in place, to understand the demand on all the agencies during the three days and to allocate additional travelling time for journeys during this period.

Cheshire Police are expecting large numbers of people to gather throughout Cheshire to watch the Olympic Torch travel through the area and would advise those wishing to travel to see the Torch to check on local authority websites for car parking information as there may be changes to opening and closing times.

Cars parked causing an obstruction along the designated Torch Relay route will be removed for safety purposes and owners would need to follow the normal procedure to get them recovered.

Cheshire Police are asking anyone who is attending the event to follow some basic crime prevention advice to ensure they can enjoy a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of the Olympic Games.

Be aware and keep your possessions safe

Do not leave any bags or other valuables unattended in public places as they may be removed as part of the security operation.

Be discreet with your belongings; displaying expensive mobile phones or cameras, could attract unwanted attention.

Don′t tempt mobile phone thieves, be aware when making a call

Don′t walk and text at the same time, you will be less aware of what is happening around you.

Keep calls in public places as brief as possible, the longer you talk, the more likely you are to be spotted by a potential thief.

When parking your car make sure you close the windows and sunroof; lock the doors and activate any security devices.

Never leave cash, credit cards, chequebook, mobile phones, vehicle documents or other valuables in the car.

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