
Tuesday 27 March 2012

YOUR chance to help Cheshire East decide where to build our future homes


Cheshire East Council wants YOU to help identify potential sites for the building of new homes across the Borough.

The Council is preparing a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), which will pinpoint potential sites to locate new housing development within the Borough.

This is a key building block for Cheshire East’s Local Plan – which will ultimately decide where new housing and development should be prioritised across the Borough.

The Government requires all authorities to produce the SHLAA in order to ensure that land availability is not a constraint on the building of more homes.

The assessment must identify sites which could be potentially suitable for housing in order to plan for the future and ensure the Council is making the best use of land.

There is now an opportunity, at this early stage of the process, for stakeholders and the wider community to identify sites that may make a contribution to the future supply of housing.

The Council is calling on local residents, parish and town councils, developers and landowners to identify all land and buildings that they consider have potential for residential development.

For all such sites, a 'Call for Sites' form should be completed with the details of the proposed site. This form can be downloaded from the Council’s website at  or requested from the Council’s offices. All sites need to be submitted before 5pm on April 27, 2012.

Councillor David Brown, Cabinet member with responsibility for performance and capacity, said: “The siting of new housing development is a hugely important, and often controversial, issue – and it’s critically important that we get it right.

“That’s why it’s vital that people from all walks of life get involved to help us locate the most appropriate land. It takes just a few minutes to fill in a ‘Call for Sites form. It is, after all, about helping to shape a better and more sustainable Cheshire East for the whole community.”

Once a full list of locations has been gathered, the Council will undertake a comprehensive assessment of each site and identify whether or not they are suitable for housing.  This will become part of the update to the SHLAA for 21012 and will form part of the evidence base for the new Cheshire East Local Plan. It will also, crucially, help to determine where homes should be built in the Borough in the future.

The SHLAA will not allocate land or act as a material planning consideration in the determination of a planning application. It will only set out where housing development might be appropriate in the longer term.

Decisions on where future homes should be built will ultimately be made through the production of Cheshire East’s Local Plan. People will be able to have their say on these documents as they are produced over the next few years.

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