
Tuesday 5 April 2011

Brian SILVESTER and the dangerous footpath

queenspark 002

We reported on this dangerous footpath on the 11 March and to date nothing has happened except its getting more dangerous day by day as the roses grow. It the very much used alley between West St and Victoria Av by Bentley and used daily by lots of people going to work. It the whole of the path covering many house with deadly roses across the path which can do some serious damage as well as give you Tetanus. The problem is worse at night as you cant see them as there are few lights and they are masked by overgrown trees.

Wulvern Housing appears to be the landlord for all these properties but they cant give a toss about public safety as they have been told but taken no action.

Now Brian Sylvester is on the case   lets hope he can get this sorted before someone is hurt.

face photo

Back alley blockage cleared

The adopted back alley behind Chell St., Crewe was blocked with bricks from a collapsed wall. Cllr Brian Silvester asked the Cheshire East Council to contact the owner of the wall to get the bricks removed  so that the back alley could be used properly again. (See e-mails below) Cllr. Silvester said, "The owner did not do this so the Council moved them to clear the back alley. The owner of the wall will be charged with  the cost of the work. I am pleased that this has finally been sorted out and I am grateful to the Council for taking proactive action on this. Residents in the area are very pleased that they can now use their back alley properly again."

Councillor Celebrates 35 Years Dedicated Service

Councillor Brian Silvester held a social evening on the 25th March at Willaston Social Club to celebrate 35 years of dedicated service as a Councillor. During the evening there was a raffle and an 'Auction of Promises' which raised over £1,500 for local good causes, including Willaston Scouts and Willaston in Bloom, in memory of Mike Heywood, the former Chairman of the Willaston Parish Council. Guest speakers included Dennis Dunn, Dean of MMU Cheshire and  former Crewe and Nantwich Borough Councillor John Dwyer.

Cllr Silvester said," This is a remarkable milestone in my life. There have been numerous highlights and successes and I will always treasure those.

I greatly enjoy serving as a Councillor. There are two main aspects of the role. Firstly I find it very satisfying to help constituents with their problems and concerns. Secondly it gives me an opportunity to improve and shape our local community.

I would like to thank all those residents who have voted for me to be their Councillor over the last 35 years. It is an honour to serve them. I would also like to thank the local Conservative Party members who have selected me to be their candidate and helped me get re-elected to the Council time after time.

I now look forward to the next 35 years !"

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