
Tuesday 12 January 2010

Vile Water

Have you drank the water lately or thought your tea or coffee tasted funny well Brian Silvester is on the case and has sent the memo below to get United Utilities to do something as they seem to be adding chlorine to combat the salt

I have received complaints about the vile taste of tap water in the Crewe and Nantwich area. United Utilities are adding more chlorine to the water because supplies have been polluted due to the run off from the salt and grit used to keep our roads open. Residents can't even drink the water after it has been boiled and are being put to the extra cost and inconvenience of buying bottled water. Can you urgently contact United Utilities to ensure that the chlorine added is the absolute miminum so local residents can again drink their tap water?

With best wishes,

Brian Silvester

Another side effect of the salt is the footpaths in Crewe that were slated are now lifting and are all over the place so there are more problems in that area as well

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone know what and if there are any side effects to drinking this heavily chlorinated water?
