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Tuesday 14 March 2017

Cheshire East Council hails announcement of £215m boost for special needs education


Cheshire East Council has warmly welcomed the government’s decision to boost special needs education by £215m.

The local authority was delighted with this week’s announcement by Education Minister Edward Timpson, MP for Crewe and Nantwich, that £215m of capital funding is being made available nationally to improve services for children and young people with special education needs and Disabilities (Send).

Creating sufficient good-quality school places for all pupils, including those with Send, is currently a high priority for the council.

Cheshire East is set to get £593,690 over three years (£198,000 each year) as its share of the £215m funding pot.

Councillor Rachel Bailey, leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “We welcome this funding to help drive forward our existing plans to provide more local specialist placements and to support, where appropriate, children to remain in mainstream schools with their peers.

“This capital funding will be used to support the implementation of the council’s plans to increase local suitable placements for children with special educational needs and disabilities. We will continue to work closely with early-years settings, maintained schools, academies, free schools and others to agree how special education needs can best be met and how maintained schools can be as inclusive as possible.”

Councillor Liz Durham, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for children and families, said: “The council is committed to providing a good range of services to meet local needs and we are continually reviewing and working to improve the local offer of provision. We are fully engaged with parents and carers of children with ‘Send’ and they routinely work with us on all aspects of Send developments.

“Working closely with and consulting parent and carers and all providers of services, we are confident we can provide the highest quality of provision going forward and that our children and young people can achieve their highest potential.”

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