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Tuesday 19 May 2009

Goodbye Lion and Swan

The demolition team have moved in to the Lion and Swan pub on the corner of Underwood Lane West St. The pub has been empty for some time and was burnt down last year. Its not clear what is going in its place buts flats are the best bet.

The West St improvements have been put back until 1st June. Lots of locals are complaining about the improvements as they say it will attract yobs. As part of the revamp they are putting in seats, new car parks and new pavements. You have to agree with the traders that the seats will attract gangs drinking even though its a no go area for booze.

The problem is yobs are ruling the town decant people cant have a seat to rest on in case of yobs, Derby Docks trees had to be cut back because of drunken parties. Were does it all end? It ends when the Police take action against these people.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Shocking to see pubs in this way. The goverment should hang there heads in shame.